Author: Lucy Johnson

Spoilers: Becoming 2, basically everything before that too.

Rating: PG-13

Author’s Note: It ain’t my best work, but it’s darn original, and quite

funny in my opinion. You also may have read a story like this by me in

Anya’s archive, but I wrote that while I was high, so it doesn’t really

mean much.

Disclaimer: Buffy and Co. don’t belong to me, they belong to Joss, for

he is god.

"Trip to Sunnydale"

By Lucy Johnson

"Most people don’t much care for staying in Sunnydale once their wanted

for murder, but this is Buffy we’re talking about! She can’t just

leave!" Xander shouted angrily in front Giles, Willow, Oz, and Cordelia.

"Xander, I think you just gave a perfectly sound reason for her to go,"

Giles responded. "I’ve been talking to Principle Snyder and she had to

be expelled aswell."

"Expelled!?" Willow and Cordelia shouted back.

"What do you mean expelled? She never did anything wrong!" Willow

exclaimed in shock.

"Well, except for skipping some classes and getting blamed for all the

bad stuff she’s done." Cordelia quickly reminded in that special way of

hers, getting looks from all the other people surrounding her in the

library, she felt, of course, that she would have to justify her claims.

"Well, it’s true!" She responded back, // There, that should do it //

she thought to herself, proudly.

"Unfortunately, Cordelia’s right. Buffy did have quite a record in this

school and I’m afraid those charges didn’t help any." Giles also

responded sadly.

"So, what exactly should we do while she’s gone, sit around a widdle?"

Oz stated.

"I just wish we knew were she was," said Willow.


(two months later)

Loud folk music blasted though the Mexican restaurant’s speakers. It

was Friday night, which meant it was tourist night at the "El Comedor,"

a local pizza place near the border to the US from Mexico. The first

day of the weekend was when all of the tourists came down from San Diego

and bought a nice big pizza before heading off to the motels for a

couple nights, most of them liking the English speaking waiters and

waitresses themselves, which was perfect for a certain Buffy Summers.

She had gotten the job there last month after crossing the border on

foot after the bus refused to take her across without a passport. The

pay wasn’t much, but it was enough to pay for the cheap rate she was

able to get at one of the motels outside of town.

"Excuse me, miss?" Yelled a man sitting from one of the far right

booths in her area.

"Coming, just hold on," Buffy had gotten used to this line, she often

had to use it on busy nights, she just hoped for a big tip. Buffy

hurried over to his table to take his and his girlfriend’s orders. That

was probably the easiest part of the job, taking people’s orders, the

hardest being to translate the orders into Spanish so the cook could

understand them. Buffy fully regretted not taking Spanish while at

Sunnydale High, she could have used it about now.

"Miss!" Another voice would yell. Sometimes, she would often think,

this place can get too crowded.

Two hours slowly went by and her shift was then over. She thanked to

god she could finally go home now, home now being that small motel room

along side the highway, but her shoulders had even started hurting and

those Magic Fingers were starting to look more inviting minute after

minute. That night she took home $35 in tips, she never got paid on

Fridays because of the crowds, it was enough though, enough to buy some

Happy Meals and pay the motel bill.

She arrived at her room by 11:00pm, exhausted she looked through her

pockets trying to find the room key. Just then she heard a car park at

the main check in. It was black, probably a mid 60’s model, and the

windows were all blackened. Immediately Buffy groaned, she knew who it


"Why here?!" was all she could blurt out before trudging into her room

and slamming the door. It was going to be along night, she knew that

there was a car at every room except the one right beside hers when she

woke up that morning, there was going to be some serious problems soon.

Two minutes later Buffy finally heard it, a car parked right next to

her own, which she had gotten a fair deal on account of that body in the

trunk, and two pairs of feet walked to the next door down. One was

obviously gagged as well, she could hear the muffled screams. She

couldn’t have been sure if that was just Spike’s meal and Drusilla had

just left or if maybe the muffled screams came from Drusilla herself and

Spike was just having a hard time. Either way she couldn’t have cared

less, it seemed that she had no respect for life much anymore, unless

they gave big tips.

It was now 3:35am, there had been screaming, crying, fighting, and

probably an out war going on in the next room ever since the two, Spike

and Drusilla, had arrived. // For the love of god, just make it stop! //

Buffy thought to herself, unable to take the constant noises from the

room over much more. Luckily it had quieted down since the first few

hours of fighting, let’s see, there was less glass being broken, and way

less yelling coming from Drusilla, now it was more like a sobbing thing,

Buffy knew exactly how she felt. But this was too much, someone in that

room was going to have to go.

In her thinking she took a couple minutes to give the pros and cons of

each, after all, who says a blonde can’t be organized? // Drusilla, I

know what she’s going through, she did kill Kendra, she’d probably go

strait back to Sunnydale too, Spike, tried to kill me, three times, did

help me, but only for himself, I could probably take him anyhow. // So

it was decided, she would walk in there and kill them both, good plan.

First the Slayer grabbed all the supplies she had taken with her from

home, which just happened to be one stake and a little plastic cross,

but who thought she would ever have to use them again? Next she headed

out the door and silently walked through the night air, or at least

fifteen feet of it till she arrived at the next room door. Softly she

opened the door and ran inside to find… two sleeping kids and a parent

asleep on the couch?

// Damn it! Wrong room! // Buffy cursed to herself as she crept out

into the sidewalk. // I should have never tried to go hunting this late,

it was the room right, NOT LEFT, of mine. // So, she walked over to

the room to the other side of her own and once again heard the now

familiar sounds of screaming, cursing, and chairs being thrown at the


Seeing that the door was locked she decided it would be best to kick

the door open. Doing one of those very powerful front kicks it quickly

swung open and out came running a hysterical Drusilla, followed by

Spike, who only had time to look at the girl and say a quick "Why you?!"

then went on running after his beautiful femme fatale. She was to quick

though and went speeding off in his car.

"Oh, bloody hell!" Spike cursed before turning around to look at the

Slayer, "What King Louie’s name do you think your doing bitch! She’s

going to go right back to Sunnydale and blow her own head off with all

your friends as well! Now where’s you bloody car?!" Buffy was left

rather speechless at this, so she had only one choice of things to say.

"My car?! What the hell do *you* think you’re doing down here, first

you say you’ll help me, then of course you abandon me at the last second

with insano-chick, after all that you keep me awake have the night, now

you want my freaking car?! Are you tripping?" Buffy was best at this

attitude thing.

"Look, I just want a ride to Sunnydale," Spike said, trying to calm

down, but soon failed, "Because if I don’t get there soon she’ll kill

herself, but not before wasting half the town! Do you get the picture

here Slayer?!" Spike then pretty much started to freak out, his pacing

became almost as psychotic as Drusilla’s. Seeing Spike even start to

worry, Buffy responded.

"Look, don’t go postal on me! I’ll get the key’s, but we’d never make

it across customs, this car’s stolen… and there was a pretty heavy body

in the back seat."

"Well, then we’ll just have to find another car then shall we." With

that Spike grabbed Buffy’s hand and started running toward one of the

other motel rooms. Kicking the door open Spike had his game face on and

dragged Buffy behind him. Quickly the occupants woke up and started


"Give us the keys to your car and we won’t hurt you, NOW!" Buffy

surprising screamed as she pulled out a gun from behind Spike and

amazingly become the villain in the room, impressed, but more or less

shocked, Spike moved behind her.

"Ok, ok, just don’t hurt us." The man said as he grabbed the keys from

the bedside table and through them to Buffy. She caught them and then

headed out the door, only to be stopped this time by Spike.

"You have a gun, yet you don’t kill, they’ll report before we even get

close tot the border presh, let me kill them." Buffy grabbed Spike.

"No killing!" Buffy yelled in his ear.

"If we don’t kill now we’ll never make it cross the border, and then

half the bloody town ul’ be dead!" Spike exclaimed back to her.

"NO! No listen, we’ll take them have way out of town, it’ll be out in

the middle of no where, it would take hours for them to get back."

"Fine," Spike said as her grabbed the keys, "We’ll do it your way then,

but we go now!" He said as he turned back into his human face and headed

for the car. Buffy stayed behind for a second and then started yelling

at the hostages.

"Get up! NOW!" She screamed, the couple hesitated and then do as told,

they all walked outside and the couple was forced into the back seats.

Buffy climbed into the passenger’s seat and the car sped off. In no time

the car reached the town limits and Buffy forced the hostages out of the

car. Now it was just her and Spike, in a stolen car, heading for

Sunnydale. *note: This is so fun to write, and who thought I’d ever use

that sentence.*

It was only 4:30 am when they reached customs, both were nervous, but

it never would have showed. They drove the car through the express

lanes for two people or less. Then they reached the customs officer.

"Tiene Ud. Los pasaportes?" The man asked. Buffy suddenly remembered,

she didn’t have one and almost started to panic, a quick look at Spike

told him that she didn’t have one, but he thankfully had his and gave it

to the man.

"La senorita es menor, 17." Spike replied, slowly though, it had been a

long time since Spain after all.

"Muchas gracias senor," the man replied giving back Spike’s, or should

we say William’s, passport, then waved for them to drive through. Buffy

couldn’t believe it.

"You did it! How did you do it?!" Buffy exclaimed, amazed they had

gotten through without any trouble. Spike looked at Buffy and smirked.

"I just told him the truth." He replied, starting to laugh, but not for

long as his thoughts went back to Drusilla. "We can’t reach Sunnydale

before sunrise, Dru won’t be able to do anything during the day anyhow,

do you know any good places to stop?" Buffy sat quietly for a moment

thinking about the sitch they were caught in.

"I got it, Willow’s got a garage, I could drive and you get in, ur, the

trunk, and we could go ahead and drive all the way to Sunnydale. That

way, we’d probably have a head start on her." Buffy suggested, unsure

that Spike would like the trunk part.

"Ok," Spike said with a look of dispare on his face, he knew know that

Dru may not live through this, he should have knocked her out before he

started beating on Angel. "In have an hour, we’ll switch, and I’ll go in

the… back," he didn’t much like that either.

The next few minutes were met with a couple stares and a whole lot of

long silences. Then Buffy decided to reduce to the level of her mother,

just to avoid the solitude.

"So, why Mexico? I would have expected Europe or something." Small

talk, it was better then nothing.

"Not enough money at the time, Dru would have been hell on a plane any

ways. Know what I’m sayin’?" Spike replied, now seeing the likeness

between Buffy and her mother.

"Ya, one time I had to sit by this kid on a trip to New York, screamed

from take off to landing." Said Buffy, quickly regretting comparing

Drusilla to a child.

"She can get like that sometimes," Spike admitted, a little annoyed

about how Buffy had put the statement. He had hoped they wouldn’t have

had to meet again, well okay, he hadn’t hoped as much as he should have,

she was kind of fun to be around, fight with, it was almost nice always

have someone to try to kill, a good opponent, that’s what he thought,

just an opponent.

"Who’s this Willow anyhow?" Spike continued.

"Oh, Willow? You’ve met her, at Halloween, she was the ghost." Spike

smiled at the mention of Halloween, it was so fun for him, while Buffy

just gave a frown.

"Just so you know, my second choice was Xena, it was everyone else that

kept on pressuring me to buy the dress." Buffy defended herself,

noticing he was having a fun time remembering that incident.

"There wasn’t a ghost." Spike said in return, not remember seeing

anyone that looked translucent, or that resembled Casper.

"Well, she had originally dressed up as a… a, um, well dressed girl,

but then decided to go as a ghost and put a sheet over her head

instead." Buffy stated, trying to stay away from the s word as much as


"Oh, the girl with the leather skirt and the makeup, now she looks

fun," Spike joked, for a moment not realizing the Slayer was in the same

car as him.

"Uh-hmm." Buffy reminded Spike.

"Kidding!" Spike said, tried to hide his mistake from her.

"You listen to the radio any presh?" Spike asked her.

"Yeah, are we close enough to get 101.5?" Buffy asked.

"You listen to the classics, like your taste." He smiled at her.

// He has the cutest smile when he’s nice, oh, yuck what am I thinking!

Bad thought, bad thought! // Buffy thought, as she suddenly started

hitting her head, not noticing Spike was looking right at her.

"You get a little eccentric some times, don’t you?" Buffy raised her

head, and blushed. // Upsy. // she thought.

"Well, the sun’s coming up, should we pull over?" Buffy asked. They

pulled over at a near by picnic spot and quickly got out of the car.

"So, you’ve done this before, riding in a trunk, nothing new?" Buffy

questioned, surely a guy that couldn’t, under any circumstances, go into

the sunlight, would have been a sitch like this before.

"Actually, only once, I’m usually well prepared for something like

this," Spike said as he popped open the trunk and hoped in. It was a

pretty spacious trunk, he still had to curl up in a ball kind of, and it

really looked funny from Buffy’s point of view, so why Spike growled at

her when she smiled is just a mystery to me, well it’s not cause I’m

writing this, but you get the point. Buffy felt so good closing the

hood, it was like she just shut away have of her stress, but I guess she

was going to miss those nice surprises he always had waiting for her, of

course, who’s to say he wasn’t going to fool with the wires in the

trunk. Anyhow, she jumped on to the driver’s seat and sped off. Turning

on the radio she listened to a strange song.

"When a jump in the front seat,

I keep thinkin’ bout’ the body in the back,

not dead and not quiet living,

I wonder what kind of life he must lack,

We’re in the middle of nowhere,

Caught up in crazy game,

With a crazy girl,

Yet I relate to her" –Sorry, I just made it up.

She had been driving for a little over one hour now, and had to stop

for gas somewhere down the road, she couldn’t remember. Thankfully the

people had left lots of cash in the glove compartment. Then she saw the

sign that made her cringe, Welcome to Sunnydale.

// What am I doing here? Oh yeah, that’s right, I had to go and kick

open the door. I hope Willow will let me stay at her place for awhile, I

don’t see myself at my mother’s anytime soon. // Buffy thought to

herself, still listening to that really odd song on the radio. She was

going to have to call Willow and tell her she’s coming, and how was she

going to explain Spike? Parking the car at the 7-11 she walked to the

nearest pay phone and dialed Willow’s number. The phone rang twice

before anyone answered.

"Hello?" Willow answered, just waking up.

"Willow?" Buffy replied, remembering that it was still just 7:00am.

"Buffy! Where have you been! Everyone’s been so worried!" Willow

exclaimed, suddenly awake.

"I couldn’t stay here Will, any ways, I’ve got something more important

to deal with, I don’t know how to explain this, but Drusilla’s here in

Sunnydale and is going to kill herself." Buffy blurted out.

"What do you mean? Why would you care, Oh my God, are you in

Sunnydale?!" Willow asked.

"Look, she’s going to kill herself and about 150 other people, and I’m

in Sunnydale. I need to stay at your house, especially your garage."

Buffy tired to explain.

"My garage? Buffy what’s going on?!" Willow asked, worried.

"I can’t really say now, I just need to use your garage." Buffy


"Sure, my parents aren’t even here, should I call Giles or Xander, do

you need any thing?" Willow asked, she would do anything if Buffy was in


"Willow, calm down, Oz’s van is pretty much windowless, right? We could

use that. I’ll explain later, see you in five." With that Buffy hung up

and jumped back into the stolen car.

The road to Willow’s house was filled with seemingly ancient memories,

the school, Xander’s house, even the Bronze seemed like it happened

years ago, not just two months ago. She arrived at Willow’s house and

stopped the car right next to the garage. Willow was ready for her and

opened the garage door without any waiting. Buffy parked the car and

then shut it off quickly, as soon as she saw Willow she ran up and the

two hugged.

"I never thought you come back this soon!" Willow exclaimed, with tears

starting at the corner of her eyes.

"Well, a lot of things happened Will, I just needed some time to think,

but we’ve got some stuff to handle right now," Willow looked confused

for a second.

"Like Drusilla?" Willow questioned.

"Yeah, a couple of other things too," Buffy walked around to close the

garage door and then opened the trunk to her new acquired car.

"Where did you learn how to drive?" Spike said, rubbing the bump on his

head as best he could without looking to much of fool, and of course

then quickly getting out of the car.

"Willow, you’ve met Spike haven’t you?" Buffy asked. Willow, at this

point in time, was about to collapse, all different things were running

through her head. // Had Buffy joined the other side, had Spike joined

their side, was he now invited to her house, was death by major blood

loss painful? //

"Buffy? Please tell me he’s good now, for the love of good tell me he’s

good now, You’re a good guy right? You’ve probably changed, that’s it,

he’s changed, everything’s alright, god you guys sure do now how to

scare a person." Willow said nervously as she kept slowly backing up to

the door.

"Why not, it’s a good story, shall we go with that Buffy?" Spike

grinned at Willow while speaking off in a different direction, if that’s


"Willow, don’t let this guy come in ten feet of you," Buffy responded,

walking past Spike and on to the house door, "Especially not when you

get along with him, in a car, for hours at a time!" Buffy hissed at


"Oh, and it’s just been bloody heaven with Miss Small talk all the way

from Mexico," Spike jabbed back.

"Well, then you can stay away from me the rest of the time here!" Buffy

yelled as she followed Willow into the house and slammed the door behind

her. Spike waited a minute and then made his was up to the door, opened

it, and patiently sat in the door frame, waiting for an invite.

Part 2

"Drusilla’s what!?"

"Drusilla’s going to try to kill off the entire town." Buffy tried to explain.

"Whatever happened to the vamoose vampires, the ones that weren’t supposed to bother us anymore?" Willow groaned, it felt like her job as a slayerette was never going to end.

"Like Xander said, those darn vampires, keep you guessing." Buffy replied, trying desperately to bring in some humor to the treacherous sitch they were in.

"So what do you want me to do Buffy, I really don’t think I can find much on the net about crazed-suicidal-vampire activity, let alone Drusilla’s." Willow stated, making a good point.

"Don’t worry about that, you’ve done enough already Willow, just letting me and… him stay over was a big risk, especially with me being wanted and all," Buffy couldn’t help but turn away in sadness at the remembrance of Kendra’s body and that night before Angel’s death.

"Well," Buffy continued, "Let’s get started then."

With those words Willow nodded and started to call Giles to tell him about the incident with Buffy, Spike, and Drusilla. Picking up the kitchen phone she pressed the speed dial number, (so the school librarian’s on the speed dial, there’s nothing wrong with that.)


Giles had been on the phone for hours calling up Watchers from different parts of the world, wondering when, or if, the next Slayer would arrive. Vampires had been growing their forces up once the news about Buffy hit the streets. Giles was almost positive they would begin to strike before the week was over. He had only just hung up with a Watcher from France when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Giles answered in a tired voice.

"Giles, it’s Willow… Buffy’s back."

"What!! Oh, thank God! Where exactly is she though?" Giles asked, wanting to here the full story right away.

"She’s here at my place, but there’s something else Giles… Dru’s back too," Willow replied.

"Oh dear, does that mean we have to deal with Spike as well? This is as I feared, they’re looking for Angel aren’t they, Spike’s probably going to lead the new vampire forces…" Giles blabbered on before being cut off before another voice came on the phone.


"I’m right here Giles, and I don’t bloody think I’m in the mood to lead some tarnished vamp group on a rampage, although it would be kind of fun to try later." Spike calmly answered on the phone he found in the garage.

"Um, Willow?" Giles sputtered out, totally unready for that last line.

"Giles, Spike’s kind of, not really, well…" Willow tried to explain the sitch to the Watcher, but was no luck what so ever, so Spike figured he could try again.

"Drusilla’s in Sunnydale, I’m here to make sure she doesn’t kill herself, now we’ve got to find out where she’s staying, do you know where the vampires would be gathering forces?" Spike explained plainly to the librarian.

"And before she starts killing people right and left we be good too," Buffy added on, now taking over Willow’s side of the phone.

"I have know idea where they could be hiding, lately I’ve been busy with other, um, matters." Giles responded shakily, although glad to hear Buffy’s voice again.

"We’ll then, you’ve better get on it, you keep on reading up on stuff, Willow will look on the net, and I’ll go hunt around, and…" Buffy stopped, unsure of what Spike would be willing to do.

"And I’ll go around the local vamp hangouts, hopefully Dru hasn’t said much to hurt my rep yet." Spike responded from the garage.

"Then it’s all set, get to work Giles." Buffy said to her Watcher and then hanging up the phone.

So leaving Willow, Buffy, and Spike alone, in one house, waiting for Oz. You know, that last sentence could really only be thought up by a person like me, it’s a gift, I know, I deserve an award for it. Which reminds me, does anyone know a great publisher out there? Cause I think I could really make a living writing children’s books. Oh well, back to the story.

Spike was still waiting in the garage when Buffy opened the door.

"So," she began, "thanks for explaining things on the phone, Willow’s really not the best…" Buffy was really feeling the awkwardness of the moment.

It’s nothing," Spike replied quickly, feeling the same awkwardness as Buffy was.

Spike was sitting down on the hood of the car while waiting for Buffy to say something more. Instead she too walked over and sat down on the hood next to him.

"Seriously, what do plan on doing after this is over?" Spike asked, looking right in her eyes.

Buffy could hardly take the stare and started to blush as she looked quickly away for a second, hoping she would have to answer the question looking strait at him. Turning her face back she saw that he had started to smile at the Buffy’s sudden shyness.

"Well, I…" < Oh god, why does he have to smile, stop smiling, please stop smiling, he’s so cute when he smiles, ugh! Enough with the bad thoughts, I’ll just answer with something boring, then he’ll stop. > "I was thinking about patching things up with my mom, then maybe trying to get back into school." < Oh, that was smooth. > Buffy thought.

Spike gave a small chuckle, < She’s smiling, it’s so cute when she smiles, what am I thinking! Bad thought, bad thought! Wait a sec, is she attracted to me? > Spike suddenly gave another sauve smile Buffy’s way and looked into her eyes. It sent surges through the teens body as Buffy showed another blush on her cheeks as she turned away again, pretending to look around the garage for something.

< My god! She does like me, I could use this. Okay, Will, use your brain, think up a plan. Wait, I got it, make a little thing go on with Buffy, get her all sweet talk, get Drusilla into a safe house for awhile, go back to Buffy, then kill her, go back to get Dru, my rep stays intact, these memories erased from memory. Man I’m smart! > Spike thought to himself.

Well, at least Spike thought he was pretty smart, but when does anything turn out exactly as planned for a bad guy, especially when it’s my kind of fanfic. Expect the unexpected here people. No wait, on second hand, you’ll never guess what happens anyway, so sit back and enjoy the story, I won’t disappoint.

Buffy was filled up with emotion, Spike, her enemy was making her go wild, and really started to scare her. Well, until he started leaning in closer to her face, then she just let it all go and felt like fainting. Having a lot of experience with other women, Spike knew exactly what would drive the girl crazy. He started with his left hand, moving it around Buffy’s back he held on firmly to her the side of her waist, turning her body closer to his. Then quickly sliding off the hood he pulled her into his arms and landed a big kiss on her cheek before letting go and motioning for her to go back into the house.

"You’ve got to plan things out with Willow, go." Spike said, smiling again to a very surprised Slayer.

"Don’t ever do that again!" Exclaimed Buffy, right before leaning in for a long passionate kiss. "You’re coming too." She said and led him inside Willow’s house.


The three talked about their plans until Oz arrived in his van, he and Spike where to drive to Willy’s Bar so Spike could find out as much about where the vampires were hiding out as possible. Soon, with some hesitation on Oz’s part, the two were gone, leaving Willow and Buffy to wait until sundown for further information.

Meanwhile all was quiet in Oz’s van until they reached the dark alley next to the bar, which was safe for Spike to walk in.

"Stay out here for awhile, if I’m not back in twenty minutes you might want to, um, just think of something, k mate?" Spike told Oz before heading in the back door.

The bar was very quiet for a weekend. There was a couple people playing pool, but that was it. Then Willy popped his head up from behind the bar.

"Spike?" Willy said nervously, "back so soon I see, glad to see you doing fine." Willy was obviously under a lot of pressure, he couldn’t take it anymore either. "Boys!!" He yelled from behind Spike, and in a matter of seconds 14 vampires surrounded Spike holding him in place.

"Sorry Spike boy, Drusilla’s orders to keep you out of her way, to bad about the break up." Willy said sarcastically as the vampires dragged Spike into the sewers. Luckily though, Oz could never really follow orders and had watched the whole thing from the door, and was now on his way back to Willow’s with the bad news.

Part 3

Buffy and Willow were keeping themselves busy by searching for anything related on the net, but they were both really clueless. Drusilla was usually unpredictable, but now that she was suicidal it was impossible to tell what she would do next.

"So, Buffy, we’re not going to find anything here, why don’t you just take a break, my god you must be completely wasted, why don’t you get some sleep?" Willow asked, seeing the Slayer’s drooping eyelids.

"No Willow, I’m just fine," Buffy yawned, then turned her head back to the screen, "Come on, there must be something out there!" She exclaimed.

"Buffy," Willow tried to explain, "There’s nothing to find, she hasn’t bought anything from surrounding weapon store, or neither has any other suspicious character, she’s probably just gathering forces, like Giles said.

Buffy looked confused.

"What did Giles say?" she asked.

"When you were still missing, the other vampires had gotten word that you were dead, or at least missing, and they started to plan attacks." Willow said.

"Oh my god! Willow, I had know idea," Buffy tried to reply, but Willow just kept going.

"You were gone for so long, we all feared the worst Buffy! Why on Earth did you think you needed to leave?! There have been more deaths lately… I just don’t see why." Willow had a good cry coming, and was now starting to show the tears.

"Willow, I, I needed time, something happened that night…" Buffy was just about to go into sobs too, it was obvious that both girls needed them.

Just then Oz burst through the front door, the two of them just turned around and tried to wipe their tears away before he got to the living room. Buffy and Willow almost started laughing at the silliness.

"We have a big problem," Oz said as he ran into the living room. All of a sudden giggles turned into worried eyes.

"Why, where’s Spike?!" Buffy asked, scared to hear the answer.

"Spike’s been uh, taken, by these other vamps," the two girls looked at him in shock, why would vampires kidnap their own leader?

"Well, ok, the story. He went into the bar, some guy from the bar said hi, then called some vamps from behind him to grab Spike, so they did, and then the dude said that Drusilla didn’t want him getting in the way. Does this make sense to anyone?" Oz said.

"Of course! When Dru ran at of the room, she knew Spike would follow her. God, why didn’t I think of this before!" Buffy exclaimed, feeling stupid for overlooking the matter.

"Buffy, why was Drusilla, don’t you have the slightest clue what she’s doing this for?" Willow asked the Slayer.

Thoughts ran through Buffy’s head as fast as lightning. Memories of that night, < Dru had, Spike had knocked her out, so they could leave, oh my god, she wanted to stay. > Her head clicked and for once this summer, her head was clear.

"She’s at the mansion, let’s go." Buffy started for the door, leaving Oz and Willow no choice, but to follow her. The Slayer had a goal, and it was going to get finished, no matter what.


Spike found himself in a dark room, very small one at that too. In fact, it wasn’t a room at all, more like a closet or really big box. His hands had been cuffed and his mouth gagged. < Oh this is so Lucius, when I get my hands on that asshole I’ll make sure he knows why I’m called Spike. Sheesh, at least he’s still an idiot, didn’t even get the good cuffs. > Spike thought to himself while quickly undoing the metal restraints. Next came the gag, which was just so mediocre to Spike it literally did make him gag.

< Ok, now just for these boards, > It had now been obvious to Spike that he was in a large crate, and would only need to kick a couple boards down to escape. With one fluid kick two boards broke in half to revile the old, half way burnt down, factory that he used to call his own.

"Now of to that bloody mansion." Spike said to himself, having a good idea what Drusilla was going to try.



Drusilla stood in front of Acathla, a dagger in one hand.

"I will drink... the blood will wash in me, over me, and I will be cleansed. I will be worthy to free Acathla," Drusilla turned to look at the surrounding vampires, "Bear witness as I ascend… as I become." The ground started to shake mystical energies could be felt everywhere, and Drusilla’s sorrows for Angel were wiped away with excitement.

"Everything that I am, everything that I have done, has led me here." Drusilla said, cutting her hand with the dagger.

"I have strayed, I have been lost. But Acathla redeems me. With this act, we will be free." Drusilla continued the ritual, walking up to the statue, as she put her hands on the sword, jets of light broke from it, and as she quickly drew it out, the unthinkable happened. Ok, so this is the obvious part, but I kind of got writer’s block and needing a new character.


Buffy, Oz, and Willow raced to the mansion as fast as they could, Buffy was having a plan, and she thought she knew away to stop Drusilla from killing off the town. And of course that’s just the thing she never thought about, Drusilla, she didn’t want to destroy the town, well she did, but it wasn’t top priority. She had her eye on destroying the world.

"She’ll probably be gathering her forces for the next two nights, it’s sunset now, we’ll catch them by surprise if we strike now," Buffy stated while getting her supplies out of the car when it parked in front of the mansion. Then it was Willow’s turn to speak.

"Uh, Buffy. Are you sure that’s what she’s doing?" Willow asked, worried, as she pointed to the rays of light coming from one of the windows.

"My God." Buffy whispered to her self, then quickly ran into the building with stake in hand.


Spike had run all the way through the town to the mansion, he had a feeling he was wrong about Drusilla, and boy was he right. As soon as he got sight of the large building he was able to see the large bands of light coming from it. If the portal could just stay closed another three minutes maybe he could save her, maybe.

That’s when he saw the van sitting outside the entrance, with Willow and Oz, he ran up to them, hoping to get some answers.

Both Willow and Oz were glad to see him, yet they couldn’t tell him much.

"Buffy saw the lights from the windows and she…" Willow didn’t have time to finish before Spike nodded and zoomed inside the doors of the building. He ran up the stairs with a wild speed, praying that she wouldn’t stake his girl, but he was in no mood whatsoever, to experience what he saw.


Angel stood there, unsure of where he was at first, then everything started coming back to him. The portal opening up in hell, the screams, oh yeah, now he remembered everything. Now to where he was, let’s see, there was Drusilla, hugging him like there was no tomorrow. The gardens, oh, he was in that mansion, but how?

"My Angel, you’ve come back! I was so worried." Drusilla exclaimed happily, rapping her arms around Angel.

"Uh, yeah; Drusilla, how exactly how’d you do it?" Angel asked.

"I was trying to open the portal, but you where there instead. I was hoping we could all be in Hell, and watch everyone burn!" Drusilla said in a sing-song voice.

Angel laughed for a minute, and then looked at her, "Dru, it’s not at all what you would think, I’ll have to tell you all about it." Angel replied, glad to have his little girl back to play with.

Just then Buffy ran into the room and nearly fainted at the scene. Of course Angel ran to her to help her up.

"Angel?" She whispered, about to cry.

"Buffy, I’m so sorry for what I did, I never should have done that to your friends." Angel said, very sincerely.

Buffy just smiled happy to see Angel back, finally. "It’s all right, your not responsible." Buffy then responded, realizing he might feel guilty. Angel rapped his arms around her from behind, which was making Drusilla very confused be the way, and started to whisper in her ear.

"No Buffy, it was me, all I ever wanted was you," oblivious to the last comment Buffy just fell into his arms, "I want you forever," he whispered again, changing into his game face. Buffy of course didn’t realize what he meant until his fangs brushed up against her neck, and then it was to late for her to do anything, except pray.


Spike walked into the room, and almost collapsed of depression. Angel was back. < Damn it! That bloody bastard is always ruining everything! Well, at least he’s killing Buffy. To bad I’ll have to stop him, damn. > Hmm, what to make this story better, oh, I know!

Spike whipped out his trusty railroad spike, he hadn’t gotten to use it for awhile and figured today was a good as time as ever. Running about behind him he rammed it into Angel’s shoulder. He just loved how using that thing relieved all his stress.

Angel screamed it pain, letting go of Buffy he turned around to face his enemy, and then fell to the ground in pain. Seeing this Drusilla shrieked and ran to his side. Spike took a couple steps back letting Buffy walk to him and getting ready for what he was about to say. < I can’t do this, I love her, she’s… she’d want this, she’s wanted this since he killed her family. >

"Buffy, I’ll take care of Angel, you get Dru."

The End.

Sequel anyone?

Comments? Send to Lucy

Get me back to Angel of the Night!

Get me back to Spike's Corner!

Get me outta here period!