Alexander LaVelle Harris: Ahab (in All The Way 6.06 by Rupert) Alex (in Tabula Rasa 6.08 by Dawn) Beady Eyes (in Once More With Feeling 6.07 by Anya) The Belle of the Ball (In I Robot, You Jane 1.08 by Buffy) Big Brother (in Restless 4.22 by dream-Buffy) Big Girl (in Real Me 5.02 by Harmony) Bloody Poof (in Doomed 4.11 by Spike) Boy Slayer (in Dead Man's Party 3.02 by Cordelia) Buffy's White Knight (in Killed By Death 2.18 by Angel) Car Guy (in The Zeppo 3.13 by himself) Chicken of the Sea (in Seeing Red 6.19 by himself) Chicken Little (in Go Fish 2.20 by Cordelia) Cry Baby (in Family 5.06 by Riley) Daddy (in Him 7.06 by himself) Demon Magnet (in Something Blue 4.09 by Willow) Didn't Go To College Boy (in Fear, Itself 4.04 by himself) Double-Oh-Xander (in Lessions 7.01 by Dawn) Droopy Boy (in Where The Wild Things Are 4.18 by Spike) Dummy-Man (in Out of My Mind by himself) Elvis (in Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered by Cordelia) Everybody's Butt-Monkey (in Buffy vs. Dracula 5.01 by himself) Freak of Nature (in The Freshman 4.01 by Buffy) The Fun Talking Guy (in Inca Mummy Girl by himself) Good Little Puppy (in Real Me 5.02 by Harmony) The Great Xander (in Entropy 6.18 by Spike) Hair Puller (in Real Me 5.02 by Harmony) Heart (in Primeval 4.21 by himself) Idiot Jed (in Surprise by himself) Ingredient-Getting Guy (in Choices by himself) James Bond (in Fear Itself 4.04 by himself) The Jealous Man (in I Robot, You Jane 1.08 by Buffy) Jimmy Olsen (in The Zeppo 3.13 by himself) Judge Xander (in Triangle 5.11 by himself) Key Guy (in Graduation Day Part 2 3.22 by Buffy) King of the Cretins (in The Witch 1.03 by himself) Lackbrain (in The Gift 5.22 by Spike) Masculine One (in Double Meat Palace 6.12 by Halfrek) Military Guy (in The Initiative 4.07 by himself) Mister Excitement (in The Zeppo 3.13 by Cordelia) Mister Evil-Plan-Face-Stealer (in The Replacement by himself) Mister High-Strung (in As You Were 6.15 by Willow) Mister Stealthy-Pants (in Fool For Love 5.07 by Willow) Monkey Boy (in Forever 5.17 by Spike) Multiple-Personality Guy (in Surprise 2.13 by himself) Nighthawk (in Dead Man's Party 3.02 by Cordelia) Non-College Guy (in Living Conditions 4.02 by himself) A Nummey Treat (in Hush 4.10 by Spike) Perspective Guy (in Becoming Part 1 2.21 by himself) Oedipus (in Puppet Show by Buffy) Payday Man (in Crush 5.14 by himself) Penis (in Beneath You 7.02 by Anya) Pretty Boy (in Reptile Boy 2.05) Private Harris (in Beauty And The Beasts by himself) The Representative from Syphilis (in Pangs 4.08 by himself) Research Boy (in Invisible Girl 1.11 by himself) Shemp (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Warren) Sissy Kicker (in The Initiative 4.07 by Harmony) Soldier Guy (in Graduation Day Part 2 3.22 by Buffy) Special Ed (in Weight of the World 5.21 by Spike) Spider Eating Man-Bitch (in Buffy vs. Dracula 5.01 by himself) Stalker Boy (in Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered 2.16 by Cordelia) Sweet Cookie-Face (in Bargaining Part 1 6.01 by Anya) Sweetie (in Once More With Feeling 6.07 by Anya) Three Times A Fish Guy (in Go Fish 2.20 by himself) Two Dollar Costume King (in Halloween 2.06 by himself) X (in Homecoming by Cordelia) X-Man (in the Sunnydale High Yearbook) Xand (in Living Conditions 4.02 by Buffy) Xand-Man (in Blood Ties 5.13 by himself) Xander (in Welcome To The Hellmouth 1.01 by Willow) Your Machoness (in Bargaining Part 1. 6.01 by Willow) Wheel Man (in Inca Mummy Girl 2.04 by himself) The Zeppo (in The Zeppo 3.13 by Cordelia) Allan Francis Doyle: Baby-Man (in In The Dark 1.03 by Cordelia) Badly Dressed Super-Hero (in Bachelor Party by Cordelia) Knight in Shining Armor (in Angel #2 by himself) Little Irish Man (in I Will Remember 1.08 You by Cordelia) Mister Dwyer (in Angel #2 by Doctor Lavinia Feehan) Mister Humor (in Sense and Sensitivity 1.06 by Kate) Andrew Wells: Andy (in Two To Go 6.21 by Xander) The Annoying Virgin (in Two To Go 6.21 by Anya) Doofus (in Normal Again 6.17 by Jonathan) Dorkface (in Entropy 6.18 by Jonathan) Maddog Two (in Dead Things 6.13 by himself) A Mime (in Smashed 6.09 by Warren) Numbnuts (in Life Serial 6.05 by Jonathan) Padawan (by Warren) Sleeping Ugly (in Bring On The Night 7.10 by Xander) Angel: The Angel Beast (in Reunion 2.10 by Drusilla) Angel Jones (in I've Got You Under My Skin 1.14 by himself) Angel hair (in Tomorrow 3.22 by the host) Angelcakes (in Reprise 2.15 by the host demon) Angelus Angry Puppy (in Harsh Light of Day 4.03 by Buffy) Bad Ending Guy (in Beauty And The Beasts 3.04 by Mr. Platt) A Big Boy (Angel #1 by Doyle) Big Corn Muffin (in Waiting In The Wings by the host) Big Guy (in Enemies by Faith) A Big Hunk of Hero Sanwich (in The Trial 2.09 by the host demon) Bossy The Cow (in Lie To Me by Xander) Brian Jensen (in I Fall To Pieces 1.04 by himself) Broody Boy (in Parting Gifts 1.10 by Corcelia) Bucko (in Provider by the host demon) Buffy's Ex-Meat (in Revelations by Faith) Captain America (in The Ring 1.16 by Jack Macnamara) Cinnamon Buns (in Waiting In The Wings by the host) Corner Monitor (In The Shroud of Rahmon 2.08 bu Gunn) Coward of The Night (in Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been 2.02) Crumbcake (in Waiting In The Wings by the host) Cryptic Guy (in Teacher's Pet 1.04 by Buffy) Daddy (in Reunion 2.10 by Drusilla) The Dark Avenger (in Hero 1.09 by Cordelia) Dead Boy (in Lie To Me by Xander) The Demon With The Face of An Angel (in Somnambulist 1.11 by Kate) Elvis (in The Shroud of Rahmon 2.08 by Gunn) Fang-boy (in Slouching Twards Bethlehem 4.04 by Gunn) General Custer (in Reunion 2.10 by Cordelia) Geraldo Angel (in Dad by Fred) Grace (in In Only Have Eyes For You by Buffy) Great Poof (in Lover's Walk by Spike) Handsome Brooding Vampire Guy (in Rm w/a Vu by Doyle) Herb Sanders (in Sense & Sensitivity by himself) Hulk (in Supersymmetry 4.05 by Lilah) Hunk of Tall Dark And Handsom (in City of 1.01 by Margo) Jay-Don (in The Shroud Oh Rahmon 2.08 by himself) Liam (in The Progigal by his father) A Magnificent Poof (in In The Dark 1.03 by Spike) A Man of Many Limitations (in Waiting In The Wings by the host) Mister Billowy-Coat-King-of-Pain (in The Yoko Factor by Riley) Mister Dad (in Loyalty 3.15) Mister Fussypants (in Dear Boy 2.05 by Cordelia) Mister Get-To-The-Pointy-Pants (in Happy Anniversary 2.13 by the Host demon). Mister I-Can't-Tail-The-Suspect-During-The-Day-Because-I'll-Burst-Into-Flames-Private-Eye (in The Prodigal 1.15 by Cordelia) Mister I-Was-Alive-For-200-Years-And-Never-Developed-An-Investment-Portfolio (in City of 1.01 by Cordelia) Mister I'm-So-Tortured (in The Somnambulist 1.11 by Cordelia) Mister Killing Spree (in Dead Man's Party 3.02 by Cordelia) Mister Obvious (in Lonely Hearts 1.02 by Doyle) Mister Sensitivity (in Sense and Sensitivity 1.06 by Doyle) Mister Spock (in Sense & Sensitivity by Cordelia) Mister Tall-Dark-And-Rockin (in Judgement 2.01 by the host demon) Mysterious Black-Clad Hunk of A Night Thing (in In The Dark 1.03 by Spike) Mystery Guy (in Teacher's Pet 1.04 by Xander) Nancy Boy (in Sense & Sensitivity by Little Tony) The Night Deposite Guy (in I Fall To Pieces 1.04 by Doyle) The One With The Angelic Face (in Angel by Rupert) A One Woman Vampire (in Some Assembly Required by Xander) Overbite (in Killed by Death by Xander) Overgrown Leech (in The Shroud of Rahmon 2.08 by Vyasa) Peaches (in Lover's Walk by Spike) Pinocchio (in War Zone 1.22 by Cordelia) The Pointed Tooth Fairy (in Passion by Xander) The Promised One (in Hero 1.09) Psycho-Wan Kenobi (in Somnambulist 1.11 by Cordelia) Puppy (in The Wish 3.9 by Vampire Willow) Salty Goodness (in Never Kill A Boy On The First Date by Cordelia) The Slayer's Lapdog (in Innocence by Spike) Scary Guy (in Revelations by Xander) The Stallion (in Darla 2.07 by the Master) Stealth Guy (in Teacher's Pet 1.04 by Buffy) Strudel (in Waiting In The Wings by the host) Sugar Pie (in Supersymmetry 4.05 by the host) Sweetness (in Supersymmetry 4.05 by the host) Undead Liar Guy (in School Hard 2.1 by Xander) Unworthy Trash (in Over The Rainbow 2.20 by Constable Narwek) Vacuous L.A. Pretty Boy (in I Fall To Pieces 1.04 by Ronald) The Vampire with Soul (in Judgement 2.01 by the host demon) White Hat (in In The Dark 1.03 by Spike) Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins: An (in Hell's Bells 6.16 by Xander) Anya Emerson (in the Sunnydale High Yearbook) Anyanka Baby (in Once More With Feeling 6.07 by Xander) Demon Anya (in The Prom 3.20 by Xander) Demon Girl (in A New Man by Spike) Evil Girl (in Graduation Day Part 1 3.21 by Willow) Evil One (in the Sunnydale High Yearbook) The Fish (in Triangle 5.11 by Willow) Mrs. High-Strung (in As You Were 6.15 by Willow) Ms. Softserve (in Lessons 7.01 by Halfrek) Thousand-Year-Old-Capitalist-Ex-Demon-With-Rabbit-Phobia (in Smashed 6.09 by Willow) Buffy Anne Summers: All Temperature Buffy (in Doomed 4.11 by Forrest) All Work And No Play Buffy (in I Only Have Eyes For You by Willow) B (in Faith, Hope and Trick 3.03 by Faith) The B Word (in Heartthrob 3.01 by Gunn) Baby (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Warren) Bad Seed (In Dead Man's Party 3.02 by Willow) Belinda (in Ted by herself) Better-Then-Thou Buffy (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Faith) Betty (in Superstar 4.17 by Spike) Betty-Louise Plotnick (in The Freshman 4.01 by herself) Big Girl On Campus (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Faith) Bitch (by Spike) Blonde Girl (in The Freshman) Blondie (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Faith) Britney (in Life Serial 6.05 by Vince) Buff (in Buffy The Vampire Slayer by Pike) Buff Claude Van Damme (in Buffy The Vampire Slayer #27 by Xander) Bufferin (in Afterlife 6.03 by Xander) The Buffinator (in Living Conditions 4.02 by Xander) Buffster (in Dead Man's Party 3.02 by Xander) Bunny Summers (in Gingerbread by Sheila Summers) Busy Little Beaver (in Who Are You 4.16 by Faith) Butthole (in No Place Like Home 5.05 by Dawn) Buzzkill (in Two To Go 6.21 by Willow) Cave-Slayer (in Beer Bad 3.05 by Xander) Champ (in Out of The Woods 5.10 by Xander) The Chosen One (in Buffy The Vampire Slayer by Merrick) The Chosen Guy (in Buffy The Vampire Slayer by Pike) College Girl (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Faith) Crazy Freak (in Homecoming 3.05 by Cordelia) Cyrano (in Some Assembly Required by Rupert) Destructo-Girl (in Teacher's Pet 1.04 by herself) The Disfunction Queen (in Him 7.06 by Dawn) Duchess of Buffonia (in Halloween 2.06 by Xander) An Evil Slayer (in Living Conditions 4.02 by herself) The Evil Twin (in Living Conditions 4.02 by Willow) Florence Bloody Nightengale (in Spiral 5.20 by Spike) Fluffy Battle Kitten (in Superstar 4.17 by Spike) Freak of Nature (in Dead Man's Party 3.02 by Cordelia) The Ghost of Fashion Victims Past (in Gone 6.11 by herself) Golder-Haired Warrior of the Night (in Buffy The Vampire Slayer #26 by Xander) Gum-Gnome (in Living Conditions 4.02 by herself) The Hand (in Primeval 4.21 by herself) Happy Birthday Buffy (in Surprise 2.14 by Willow) The Hidden Princess (in Halloween 2.06 Ethan) Invisibe Girl (in Gone 6.11 by herself) James (in In Only Have Eyes For You by Angel) Joan (in Tabula Rasa 6.08 by herself) Kitten (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Warren) Lafy Hacksaway (in Selfless 7.05 by D'Hoffryn) Lady of Buffdom (in Halloween 2.06 by Xander) Learn Girl (in Graduation Day Part 1 by herself) Little Girl (in Wild At Heart 4.06 by Spike) Little Goldielocks (in Gone 6.11 by Spike) Little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes (in Consequences by Faith) Little Miss Likes-To-Fight (in Graduation Day Part 2 3.22 by Cordelia) Little Miss Stable (in Beauty And The Beasts by herself) Little Red Riding Hood (in Fear, Itself 4.04 by herself) Lost Little Lamb (in Halloween 2.06 Spike) Luv (in Wrecked 6.10 by Spike) Magapei (in Buffy The Vampire Slayer #27 by Adja) The Manic Depressive Chick (in Beauty And The Beasts 3.04 by Pete) Miniscule Blonde One (in Triangle 5.11 by Olaf) Miss Not-Over-Yourself-Yet (in Revelations by Cordelia) Miss Priss (in Revelations by Faith) Missy (in I Only Have Eyes For You by Principal Snyder) Mousey The Vampire Slayer (in Checkpoint 5.12 by Glory) Nasjands (in Buffy The Vampire Slayer #27 by Adja) New Girl (in Welcome To The Hellmouth 1.01 by Jesse) No-Fun Buffy (in Living Conditions 4.02 by herself) Peaches (in Anne 3.1) Pet (in Wrecked 6.10 by Spike) Power Girl (in Killed By Death by herself) Princess (in Life Serial 6.05 by Tony) Pushing Away Girl (in Fear Itself by Xander) Rebecca of Sunnyhell Farm (in What's My Line Part 2 by Spike) Red (in Fear, Itself by Xander) The Renowned Killer (in Buffy vs. Dracula 5.01 by Dracula) Repeato Girl (in Buffy vs. Dracula 5.01 by herself) Runner (in Life Serial 6.05 by Warren) Runner Up (in Homecoming by Cordelia) Saint Buffy (in Earshot 3.18 by herself) The Savior (in Buffy The Vampire Slayer #27 by Rupert) Self-Rightious Blonde Chick (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Faith) She Who Hangs Out In Cemeteries (in Doomed 4.11 by herself) Silly Virgin (in Buffy The Vampire Slayer #27 by Rupert) Slay-Runt (in Spiral 5.20 by Glory) The Slayer Slaygal (in Graduation Day Part 2 3.22 by Cordelia) Slaymaster General (in No Place Like Home 5.05 by Xander) Slutty The Vampire Slayer (in In The Dark 1.03 by Spike) A Stuckup Tight-Ass With No Sense of Fun (in Who Are You 4.16 by Faith) Sunnydale Girl (in Choices by herself) Sunshine (by Spike) Superbitch (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Warren) Superhoney (in Buffy vs. Dracula 5.01 by Spike) Supporto-Gal (in The Wish 3.09 by herself) Sweetheart (in Killed By Death by Joyce) Sweetie (in Older and Far Away 6.14 by Tara) Tiny Queen in Vampire World (in Checkpoint 2.12 by Glory) Twinkie (in Revelations 3.07 by Faith) The Warrior of the People (in Bargaining Part 2 6.02 by Willow) Watcher's Pet (in Passion by Xander) Wise-One (in The Wish 3.09 by Xander) Woman of the Hour (in Surprise 2.13 by Xander) Young Miss Puppy-Thighs (in City of 1.01 by Doyle) Buffybot: Buffy Anne Summers Jabberwockybot Robobuffy (in Bargaining Part 2 by Xander) Skirt Girl (in Intervention 5.18 by Buffy) Wacky Buffy (in Bargaining Part 1. 6.01 by Dawn) Charles Gunn: The Alpha Male (in Down Deep 4.01 by Fred) The Big Dog (in Down Deep 4.01 by himself) Chuck (in That Old Gang of Mine 3.03 by Gio) Denzel (in Ground State 4.02 by Gwen) G-Man (in First Impressions 2.03 by Desmond) High Moral Ground Boy (in First Impressions 2.03 by Cordelia) Lester (in The Shroud of Rahmon 2.08 by himself) Mister I-Don't-Take-Orders-Now-Where-Do-I-Stick-My-Axe (in Redefinition 2.11 by Cordelia) Mister Rationalization (in First Impressions 2.03 by Cordelia) Slick (in The House Always Wins 4.03 by the host demon) Connor Angel: Buddy (in Sleep Tight 3.16 by Angel) The Destroyer Sparky (in Down Deep 4.01 by Gunn) Steven Franklin Thomas (in Sleep Tight 3.16 by Holtz) Cordelia Chase: Bitch of The Year (in When She Was Bad 2.01 by Buffy) Brown Eyes (in Disharmony 2.17 by the host) Bubble Head (in The House Always Wins 4.03 by herself) C.C. (in Enemies 3.17 by Xander) Catwoman (in Halloween 2.06 Xander) Chips and Dips Girl (in Surprise 2.13 by herself) Cor (in Expecting) Cora (by Xander) Cordy (in Puppet Show 1.09 by Xander) Detective Andrews (in The Ring 1.16 by herself) The Dip (in Dead Man's Party by herself) Dumpster Chic (in The Wish by Harmony) Eleanor (in Judgement 2.01 by the acting teacher) Faith (In Homecoming by Mister Trick) Female One (in Quickening 3.08 by the technician) Garbage Girl (in The Wish by Harmony) L.A. (in In The Dark 1.03 by Oz) Lone Fashionable Wolf (in Graduation Day Part 1 3.21 by herself) Misses About-To-Be-Thrown-Out-of-A-Moving-Vehicle (in First Impression 2.03 by Charles Gun) Mrs. Penborn (in Expecting 1.12 by Wesley) Nancy Drew (in Angel #1 by Doyle) The Nastiest Girl In Sunnydale History (in Rm w/a Vu 1.05 by herself) Nora Hemler (in Eternity 1.17) The Piece (in Guise Will Be Guise 2.06 by Magnus) Princess (in Hero 1.09 by Doyle) The Queen (in Homecoming by herself) Queen C Skanky Hoe (by Willow) Skinny White Beauty Queen (in First Impressions 2.03 by Gunn) The Slayer of Dating (in Halloween 2.06 by herself) Soliloquy Girl (in Bad Eggs 2.12 by Buffy) Spordelia (in Helpless by Buffy) Stick Figure Barbie (in First Impression 2.03 by Charles Gunn) Vapid Whore (in Homecoming 3.05 by Buffy) Vision Girl (in First Impression 2.03 by herself) The venerable monarch of Pylea, general for the Ravenous Legions, eater of our enemies' flesh, prelate of the sacrificial blood rights, and sovereign procouncul of death (in Over the Rainbow 2.20 by Constable Narwek) A Wonderland Tour (in Inca Mummy Girl 2.04 by Oz) Xander Harris's Castoff (in The Wish 3.09 by John Lee) Daniel Osborne: Big Comfy Person Blanky (in Wild At Heart 4.06 by Willow) Brutus (in Fear, Itself 4.04 by Willow) A Cold Blooded Jelly Donut (in Beauty And The Beasts by himself) Depraved, Sadistic Animal (in Beauty And The Beasts by himself) Dog Boy (in Doomed 4.11 by Spike) God (in Fear, Itself 4.04 by himself) The Great And Powerful (in the Sunnydale High Yearbook) Ironic Detachment Guy (in Graduation Day Part 1 by Willow) Little Bam-Bam (in In The Dark 1.03 by Doyle) Mister Test-Scores (in Anne 3.01 by Willow) Oz (in Inca Mummy Girl by Devon) Referee Guy (in Dead Man's Party 3.02 by himself) Savage Beast (in Beauty And The Beasts by Willow) Special Boy (in Phases by Willow) The Tickle Monster (In Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Oz #1 by himself) The Total Embodyment of All Things Sunnydale (in In The Dark 1.03 by Cordelia) Dawn Summers: Chica (in Weight of the World 5.21 by Glory) Dawn Giovanni (in Tough Love 5.19 by Xander) The Dawnmeister (in Blood Ties 5.13 by Xander) Dawnster (in Out of The Woods 5.10 by Xander) Dawnie (in Real Me 5.02 by Willow) Dummy (in Grave 6.22 by Buffy) Curds and Whey (in Real Me 5.02 by the crazy man) The Key Kid (in Real Me 5.02 by Riley) Lil Bit (in Bargaining Part 2 6.02 by Spike) The Little Bit (in Once More With Feeling 6.07 by Spike) The Little Missus (in Once More With Feeling 6.07 by Sweet) Little Pumpkin Belly (in No Place Like Home 5.05 by Joyce) The Littlist Summers (by Willow) Nibblet (by Spike) Pet (in Bargaining Part 2 6.02 by Spike) Pigeon (in Bargaining Part 2 6.02 by Spike) Platelet (by Spike) The Pushy Queen of Slut Town (in Him 7.06 by herself) Rant-Girl (in Him 7.06 by Buffy) The Renoun Doctor Dawn (in Out of My Mind by Ben) Sally (in All The Way) Slut-Bag Hussy (in Him 7.06 by Buffy) Sweatie (in Out of My Mind by Joyce) Sweet Bit (in Spiral 5.20 by Spike) Tiny Snapdragon (Blood Ties 5.13 by Glory) Umad (in Tabula Rasa 6.08 by herself) Faith: Cleavgey Slut Bomb (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Willow) The Do That Girl (in Enemies 3.17 by Willow) F (by Buffy) Little Firecracker (in Graduation Day Part 1 3.21 by Mayor Wilkins) Little Miss Seen-It-All (in Graduation Day Part 1 3.21 by Mayor Wilkins) Loose Cannon (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Spike) A Loser Magnet (in Revelations 3.07 by herself) Miss Attention-Span (in Bad Girls by Buffy) Miss Sunnydale-In-The-Slayer-Pageant (in Bad Girls by Buffy) Psychopathic Super-Bitch (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Willow) A Raving Psychotic (in Who Are You 4.16 by Joyce) Second Best (in Enemies 3.17 by Angel) The Slayer Slut-o-Rama (in Faith Hope And Trick by Cordelia) The Worlds Best Actor (in Enemies 3.17 by herself) Glorificus: Glory Hellbitch (in Weight of the World 5.21 by Ben) The Groosalugg: Groo (by Cordelia) A Muscly Midget (in Couplet by the host demon) Harmony Kendall: Blonde Girl (in Out of My Mind by Spike) The Chosen One (in Crush 5.14 by herself) Harm (by Spike) Littlebrain (in Invisible Girl 1.11 by Cordelia) Silly Bint (in Out of My Mind by Spike) Jonathan Levinson: Betazoid (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Andrew) Big Man (in Normal Again 6.17 by Warren) Buttwipe (in Grave 6.22 by Andrew) Dabble Boy (in Two To Go 6.21 by Xander) Deanna Troi (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Andrew) Francis 7 (in Life Serial 6.05 by Warren) Frodo (in Gone 6.11 by Warren) Fuzzball (in Two To Go 6.21 by Andrew) Jerkathin (in Two To Go 6.21 by Andrew) Little Feller (in Two To Go 6.21 by Andrew) Little Man (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Warren) Lord Jonathan (in Flooded 6.04 by Warren) Maddog Two (in Dead Things 6.13 by himself) Maddog Three (in Dead Things 6.13 by himself) Midgetor (in Normal Again 6.17 by Warren) Mister July (in Superstar by himself) Padawan (in Entropy 6.18 by Warren) Short Round (in Entropy 6.18 by Warren) Skin Job (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Andrew) Spanky (in Normal Again 6.17 by Warren) Sparky (in Dead Things 6.13 by Warren) Stretch (in Life Serial 6.05 by Warren) Whine-athan (in Flooded 6.04 by Warren) Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan: Green Boy (in That Old Gang of Mine 3.03 by Gio) The Green Velvet Fog (in The House Always Wins 4.03 by the Tropicana billboard) The Host (in Judgement 2.01 by Wesley) Lorne (by himself) Mister Big Mojo Guy (in Redefinition 2.11 by Cordelia) Riley Finn: The Clean Marine (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Faith) Captain America (in Shadow 5.08 by Xander) Captain Can-Do (in As You Were 6.15 by Sam) Captain Cardboard (by Spike) Charlie (in Shadow 5.08 by Spike) College Beefstick (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Faith) Corn Fed Iowa Boy (in Doomed 4.11 by Buffy) Cowboy Guy (in Restless by Willow) Double Agent Guy (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Buffy) Enormous Hall Monitor (by Spike) The God of Boyfriends (in Family 5.06 by Buffy) Lilac One (in Doomed 4.11 by himself) Logic Boy (in Real Me 5.02 by Buffy) Mission's Boyfriend (in Out of My Mind by Graham) Mister Initiative (in New Moon Rising 4.19 by Buffy) Nick Fury (in As You Were 6.15 by Xander) Professor (in The Initiative 4.07 by Graham) Ri (in As You Were 6.15 by Sam) Superguy (in No Place Like Home 5.05 by himself) Teutonic Boy Toy (in The Initiative 4.07 by Xander) Top Gun Guy (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Willow) White Bread (in Shadow 5.08 by Spike) Rupert Giles: Absent Male Role Model (in A New Man by himself) Bad-Magic Hates-The-World Ticking-Time-Bomb Guy (in Band Candy 3.06 by Buffy) Big G (in No Place Like Home 5.05 by Xander) The Big Pinhead Librarian (in Band Candy 3.06 by Principal Synder) Book Guy (in The Wish 3.09 by Vampire Xander) Book Man (in Passion by Willow) Brit Face (in Band Candy 3.06 by Principal Snyder) British Man (in Once More With Feeling 6.07 by Xander) Captain Slowpoke (in Spiral 5.20 by Spike) Cling-On-To-My-One-Lame-Idea Guy (in I Only Have Eyes For You by Xander) A Crankey Bear In The Morning (in Goodbye Iowa 4.14 by Willow) A Cross-Referencing Fool (in Earshot 3.18 by Xander) Daddy (in Two To Go 6.21 by Willow) The Emotional Marathon Man (in Revelations 3.07 by Willow) England (in Dark Age by Jenny) The Expert On Weird (in The Pack 1.06 by Buffy) Funky Party Weasel (in Surprise 2.13 by Xander) G-Man (in When She Was Bad 2.01 by Xander) Gramps (in Spiral 5.20 by Spike) A Great Man of Our Time (in Surprise 2.13 by Xander) The Great Producer (in Puppet Show 1.09 by Buffy) Investigates-Things-From-Every-Boring-Angle Guy (in I Only Have Eyes For You 2.19 by Xander) Kind Propriator (in Out of My Mind by Willow) Jeeves (in The Wish 3.09 by Buffy) Library Man (in Dead Man's Party 3.02 by Xander) Locutus of the Borg (in Prophecy Girl 1.12 by Xander) Mary Poppins (in Tabula Rasa 6.08 by Spike) Mind (in Primeval 4.21 by himself) Mister Belvedere (in Dead Man's Party 3.02) Mister Caution Man (in Surprise 2.13 by Xander) Mister I-Spent-The-Sixties-In-An-Electric-Kool-Aid-Funky-Satan-Groove (in Beer Bad 4.5 by Xander) Mister Protective Guy (in Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered by Buffy) Mister Technical (in Beauty And The Beasts by Xander) Mister White (in The Zeppo 3.13 by Xander) The Old Guy (in Dead Man's Party 3.02 by Xander) Old Man (in Halloween 2.06 by Ethan) Ripper (in Halloween 2.06 by Ethan) Rupes (in Restless 4.22 by Dream-Spike) Rupy (in Tabula Rasa 6.08 by Anya) Sniveling Tweed-Clad Guardian of The Slayer And Her Kin (in Halloween 2.06 by Ethan) Superlibrarian (in Never Kill A oy On The First Date by Xander) Tact Guy (in Killed By Death 2.18 by Cordelia) Unfeeling Guy (in Pangs 4.08 by Willow) Wanna-Slay Librarian (in The Wish 3.09 by Vampire Xander) The Watcher Watcher-Boy (in Flooded 4.04 by Spike) Spike: An Odd Duck (in Tabula Rasa 6.08 by Teeth) Ass Face (in The Killer In Me 7.13) Bad Dog (in Crush 5.14 by Drusilla) Batboy - (in Touched 7.20 by Faith) The Big Bad (by himself) Big Bleached Stupid Guy (in Superstar 4.17 by Buffy) The Biggest Baddest Mother (in In The Dark 1.03 by himself) Bleech Boy (in Crush 5.14 by Xander) Blondie Bear (in The Initiative 4.07 by himself) A Bloody Animal (in Doomed 4.11 by himself) Boo Boo (in Crush 4.14 by Harmony) Buddy (in I Only Have Eyes For You by Angel) Captain Peroxide (in Smashed 6.09 by Xander) Daddy (in Spiral 5.20 by himself) Diabolical Fiend (in Crush 5.14 by Xander) The Doctor (in As You Were 6.15 by Riley) Evil Dead (in Crush 5.14 by Xander) Hell On Wheels (by Angel) Hostile 17 (in The Initiative 4.07) Impotent One (in Doomed 4.11 by Xander) Jessica Fletcher (in Smashed 6.09 by Buffy) Little Blondie Bear (in Harsh Light of Day 4.03 by Harmony) Little Cockney (in In The Dark 1.03 by Cordelia) Little Lamb (in Family 5.06 by Harmony) Lone Wolf (in In The Dark 1.03 by himself) Love's Bitch (in Lover's Walk by himself) Mister Negative (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Clem) Mister Spike (in Tabula Rasa 6.08 by Teeth) The Most Tolerant Guy In The World (in Harsh Light of Day 4.03 by Buffy) Number 17 (in Lessons 7.01 by Adam) A Peroxicided Pest (in Out of My Mind by Buffy) Platinum Babydoll (in Harsh Light of Day 4.03 by Harmony) Randy Giles (in Tabula Rasa 6.08 by himself) Roller Boy (in Passion by Angel) Scooter (in Get It Done 7.15 by Anya) Sit-N-Spin (in Becoming Part 2 2.22 by Angel) Sole Survivor (in In The Dark 1.03 by himself) Sparky (in Lessons 7.01 by Warren) Special Needs Boy (in I Only Have Eyes For You by Angel) Spikey (in I Only Have Eyes For You by Angel) The Undead English Patient (in Something Blue 4.09 by Willow) Twenty-Questions-Genius (in Out of My Mind by Harmony) Undead Man Walking (in Spiral 5.20 by Xander) A Waste of Space (in Doomed 4.11 by Xander) William The Bloody (in School Hard 2.03 by Rupert) Willy Wannabite (in Normal Again 6.17 by Xander) Tara McClay: Baby (by Willow) Big Knowledge Woman (in Tough Love by herself) Doofus (in Once More With Feeling 6.07 by Willow) Miss Psycho Pep Squad (in Tabula Rasa 6.08 by herself) One of the Good Guys (in Real Me 5.02 by Willow) Selfish Bitch (in Family 5.06 by Beth) Spell Gal (in Family 5.06 by Willow) Tinker Bell (in The Bargaining Part 2 6.02 by Xander) Warren Meers: Charles Atlas (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Jonathan) Evil Uno (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Buffy) Jackass (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Jonathan) Logan 5 (in Life Serial 6.05 by himself) Maddog One (in Dead Things 6.13 by Jonathan) Penis (in Gone 6.11 by Jonathan) Picard (in Seeing Red 6.19 by Andrew) Robo-Pimp Daddy (in Flooded 6.04 by Andrew) Robot Boy (in Smashed 6.09 by Spike) Rude-O (in Life Serial 6.05 by Willow) Spock (in Smashed 6.09 by Spike) Wesley Wyndam-Price: Angel (in Guise Will Be Guise 2.06 by himself) C3PO (in First Impression 2.03 by Charles Gunn) Captain Couragous (in Bad Girls by Rupert) Crumpet (in Spin the Bottle by Lorne) Detective Yelsew (in The Ring 1.16 by Cordelia) Doyle (in I've Got You Under My Skin 1.14 by Angel) Ebenezer (in Untouched 2.04 by Cordelia) English (in Blood Money 2.12 by Gunn) English Pig (in Spin the Bottle by Angel) Giles, The Next Generation (in Consequences by Cordelia) Head Boy (in Spin The Bottle) Lover (in Salvage by Lilah) Marlboro Man (in Orpheus by Willow) Mister Don't-Talk-To-Me-Until-I've-Had-My-Flagon-of-Oat-Bran-In-The-Morning (in The Ring 1.16 by Cordelia) Mister Fussy-Pants (in Dear Boy 2.05 by Cordelia) Mister Grouchy-Pants (in The Ring 1.16 by Cordelia) Mister Star-Smoozer (in The Shroud of Rahmon 2.08) Mister States-The-Obvious (in Graduation Day Part 2 by Xander) Mister Too-Much-Cologne (in I've Got You Under My Skin 1.14 by Cordelia) Monarchy Boy (Graduation Day Part 1 by Xander) Negative Energy Boy (in Happy Anniversary 2.13 by Cordelia) Pansy Ass (in Redefinition 2.11 by Cordelia) Pansy Ass British Guy (in Redefinition 2.11 by Gunn) Princess Charles (in Spin the Bottle by Cordy) Princess Margaret (in Doppelgangland by Faith) Really Annoying Person (in Bad Girls by Buffy) A Renown Specialist In Supernatural Aid and Rescue (in Redefinition 2.11 by Virginia) Sherman (in Double Or Nothing 3.18 by Syd) Smart Ass Rogue Demon Hunter (in Somnambulist by Cordelia) Talky Meat (in Sacrifice) Wes (in Consequences by Faith) Wolly Boy (in Untouched by Cordelia) Willow Rosenberg: Amish Guy (in When She Was Bad 2.01 by Xander) Big Bucket of Funny (in I Only Have Eyes For You by Xander) Black-Eyed Girl (in Grave 6.22 by Xander) Brainy Smurf (in the Sunnydale High Yearbook) The Brainy Type (in Once More With Feeling 6.07 by Tara) Captain of The Nerd Squad (in Doomed 4.11 by Percy) Casper (in Halloween 2.06 by Buffy) Cletus The Slack Jawed Yokel (in Doppelgangland by herself) Cool Monster Fighter (in This Year's Girl 4.15 by Tara) Crayon-Breaky Willow (in Grave 6.22 by Xander) The Cunning, Broad Daylight, In Front of Everyone Burgler (in Triangle 5.11 by herself) Darth Rosenberg (in Two To Go 6.21 by Andrew) Ellen (in Smashed 6.09) Evil Mastermind (in Phases 2.15 by Oz) Fun Machine (in Innocence by Buffy) General Custer (in Pangs by herself) Gutter Face (in Beer Bad 4.05 by Buffy) Homework Gal (in Doppelgangland by herself) Honey (in Intervention 5.18 by Tara) A Hopped Up Uber-Witch (in Grave 6.22 by Xander) Idiot Child (in Doppelgangland 3.16 by Anya) Joan of Arc (in Fear, Itself 4.04 by herself) Knowledge Girl The Late Girl (in I Robot, You Jane 1.08 by Buffy) Lemon Drop (in Selfless by Halfrek) Little Jewish Santa (by Buffy) Little Tree (in Band Candy 3.06 by Miss Barton) The Lover (in Tough Love by Glory) Mistress of Pain (in Doppelgangland 3.16 by herself) Miss I-Chose-My-Major-In-Play-Group (in The Freshman 4.01 by Buffy) The Net Girl (in Lie To Me 2.07 by herself) Old Reliable (in Doppelgangland 3.16 by Buffy) Red (in Doomed 4.11 by Spike) Reliable-Dog-Geyser Person (in Doppelgangland 3.16 by herself) Sabrina (in Two To Go 6.21 by Andrew) Scary Veiny Willow (in Grave 6.22 by Xander) Spirit (in Primeval 4.21 by herself) Strawberry (in Wrecked 6.10 by Rack) Sweetness (in Two To Go 6.21 by Rack) Teen Witch (in The I In Team 4.13 by Spike) A Thing of Evil (in I Robot, You Jane 1.08 by Buffy) A Truck Driving Magic Momma (in Two To Go 6.21 by Andrew) W (in I Robot, You Jane 1.08 by herself) The Whiz Kid (in Intervention 5.18 by Xander) Wiccan Girl (in Choices 3.20 by Buffy) Will Willster (in Beauty and the Beasts 3.04 by Xander) Winifred Burkle: The Bitch (in Supersymmetry 4.05 by herself) Crazy Taco Lady (in Fredless by Cordelia) Fred Gidget (in Supersymmetry 4.05 by Lilah) Sunshine (in The House Always Wins 4.03 by the host demon) The Twig (in Supersymmetry 4.05 by Lilah) Page compiled by Mathew R. Ignash ( - Last Updated in March 2003. Special thanks to Ang of the Watcher's Diary for all her hard work in helping compile this list.