
Connor for Champions

Real name: Connor Angel
Other known aliases: See the list.
Occupation: Demon hunter.
Current group affiliation: Ally of Angel Investigations.
Past group affiliations: Former partner to Daniel Holtz.
Major enemies: Evil demons and vampires of the world.
First appearance:


23     STR     13
27     DEX     51
23     CON     26
13     BODY     6
10     INT      0
13     EGO      6
18     PRE      8
14     COM      2
 7     PD       2
 8     ED       3
 5     SPD     13
10     REC      0
46     END      0
37     STUN     0
Characteristics Cost: 130

Powers, Skills and Equipment

10     25% Damage Reduction (PD)     
 3     3/3 Damage Resistance     
 5     Discriminatory,Smell     
12     +4 Enhanced PER,with all senses     
 5     5 Lack Of Weakness     
10     9 OCV Missile Deflection,deflect arrows     
 6     1 BODY Regen,recovery rate: per hour     
10     Tracking Scent     
 1     Acting 8-     
 3     Breakfall 14-     
 3     Climbing 14-     
 5     Def Block     
 3     KS: Demons & vampires. 11-,(INT based)     
 4     Martial Dodge     
 3     Martial Throw     
 5     Off Strike     
 3     Shadowing 11-     
 1     Streetwise 8-     
 5     Tracking 12-     
 5     Survival 12-     
 4     WF,Common Melee,Common Missile     
Powers Cost: 106


Base Points: 100
20     Hunted,"By the forces of darkness.",as powerful,non-combat
        influence,harsh,appear 11-
10     Psych Lim,"Helps the helpless.",common,moderate
10     Psych Lim,"Distrusts magic.",uncommon,strong
15     Psych Lim,"In love with Cordelia/Faith.",common,strong
10     Rep,"Bad ass demon destroyer.",occur 8-,extreme reputation
 5     Rivalry,"With Angel/Faith.",professional
10     Unluck,2D6
10     Watched,"by Angel Investigations.",as powerful,non-combat
        influence,mild,appear 14-
Disadvantages Total: 90

Experience Spent: 46
Total Points: 236

Explanation of the conversion:


Trivia: On Angel the part of Connor is played by actor Vincent Kartheiser.

Powers: To all medical examinations Connor appears to be a perfectly normal human being. He is stronger, faster and tougher then any human should be and has displayed enhanced senses of smell and hearing, which rival those of a vampire.

Links to other Connor pages:

  • Conversion by Mathew R. Ignash - March, 2003 (

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