The Bloody Awful Poet Society page was put together by the following BAPS members: *
What! Who!
Design template (background, banner, menu style, look and feel) Rave
BAPS Official Logo Design Alikhat
Site maintenance Alane, Crystal and Mistral
Buttons and "Link to our site" Sacha
Cgi's Alane
Site integration (linking and formatting) Jacque1ine
Mission statement Alane
Reviews Sanguine
Spike quotes Sacha, put on pages by Pamela
Photo page Sacha, Pamela and Alane
Fanfic Edited by Mistral; Assisted by Crystal
Redemptionist essays Edited by Mistral or Tony
Salute to Doug Petrie Sanguine
Site promotion Alane
"Ask Spike" Mistral
Links Crystal
Scanned Victorian valentines for use in the design Nmissi
Painting and photo manipulation of Spike as a Phoenix Erin Allen

* Who says you can't do things by committee?

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