
Nocturnal stories....FINALLY I have the time!! :)

Ok gang, here it goes :) Started on Thursday night, I was at this con with a friend so we come into the hotel lobby to get ready to go see Four Star Mary (who rock live, by the way) I notice this good looking guy standing in the lobby with a guitar case but that's about it, we go toward the elevator & my friend says "Did you see him?" I answer "who?" she says "James!" I look at her stunned & say "No, where?" "In the lobby, girl you passed within 6 feet of him" I'm thinking oh hell! We go to the concert, almost get into a bar brawl with some freaky & I do mean FREAKY chick. James plays with FSM, he is a rock star at heart, he LOVES it! We go back to the hotel & I go downstairs to mail some post cards & there he is again, we pass each other with a smile. Yes, I was inwardly swooning, trust me.

So, Friday night is the opening ceremonies & the first dance party, theme is the Sunnydale High School Prom. Opening ceremonies were only about 20 minutes since the actors had a cocktail party to go to for the first 100 ticket buyers, James comes bounding on stage in black leather pants & a blue shirt opened halfway down his chest, he looked great. Afterwards I go to grab something to eat, get dressed for my "prom" & meet up with some friends, we get into the party, get a table & are sitting talking, after about 15 minutes James shows up, comes right over to our table & sits down next to me. We all start talking, I get a picture with him that I should never have gotten cause they cracked down on that stuff since the official photo shoot was the next day.

James goes off to dance, he really enjoys the rock music :) We all start talking before we decide to hit the dance floor, somehow I end up dancing right next to him which I didn't mind. Party ended around 2 am but it was like 1:30 when my friends & I decide to hit the polo bar for a nightcap & some quiet, Joss comes in about 1:45 so we invite him to sit with us & we buy him a drink. He is a very nice guy & wonderful to talk to, we all break up around 3 I guess & head for our rooms to be up by 7.

Next day is the photo sessions, talks & stuff, it was so far behind that they put James & George Hertzberg's talk together, god those two are hysterical together! James did a monologue from MacBeth & the whole room was so quiet you could literally hear a pin drop, he was incredible. That night is the Vamp Masquerade & the dance, James was there for the costume contest but then he left for awhile since he wasn't feeling well but he did come back. Sunday, I finally get to give him the jacket & he LOVED it! Said so many people give him stuff that says Buffy on it which pretty much makes him a magnet when he's out but that this was something he could wear around :) He gives me hugs & kisses before going out onstage for the all guest panel, he is an incredible flirt, we were going back & forth all weekend with the flirting. It was getting interesting by the end of the weekend Sunday night was the Bronze, it was the last night & man did we have a blast! We danced, George Hertzberg gave me a hug & kiss before I left, Andy Hallet is a sweetie, very unassuming but I lost my heart that weekend to our boy.

My favorite memories of the weekend, flirting with James, giving him Advil for his headache, watching J August Richards & George Hertzberg doing the macarena & passing cough drops to Andy Hallet for his sore throat. Did I forget anything? If so, feel free to ask about it :)

