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Buffy 5.06 Screen Grabs - Family

Here are some home made screen grabs, if you have any requests for other grabs, please feel free to send them to me at, and I'll add them.

We can make extra money by having shadow puppet plays on my boobs! Look I can make them dance! In my crystal ball, I see horrible horrible plotlines in the future, better enjoy the show now! You know, if the camera would just stay on me a few minutes longer, the ratings on this show would go through the roof when I morph! Well, if this job doesn't catch on I can always go back to Smallville! Well, Xander told me you probably just needed some good wood between your legs, so here! That was totally sexist and horrible, and probably true. Riley is SO lucky! This scene would look good in the opening credits, really. nibble nibble... I've come here to chew bubblegum and suck marrow, and I'm all out of bubblegum. Didn't I date her once? Got your nose! You've got to help me, a pube demon nested on my chin! Hey, at least I show up when my daughter has a birthday. All this and the writers still won't let us kiss, what does someone have to die to get some kissage around here? I had them sew it into my shirt in case I forgot, but I could swear my name isn't Ynomrah... Um, Harm, you awake? Bloody hell... Fear me, ball of string! White trash reunion! I need a shorter boyfriend! Maybe a vampire. I need a taller girlfriend! Maybe a vampire. Just explain to me what this poster on the wall means and I'll let you stay. Xander, Riley, if you are going to do that at least have the common dececy to oil up first! You can suck a man dry HOW FAST? I am a manly man, and this is my harem. Sorry guys, budget cuts means we can't afford this set any more. One Summers, two Summers, black Summers, blue Summers. I sure wish I had hips to go with this pose. A little magic dust always livens up a party. Woa, where can you score some more of that stuff Giles? I still can't see straight. I'm so damned smooth. ...and then we cooked the kitten and served her with butter. The End. I am so gonna get some tonight. So, I made a bad insect reflection joke, last night I had sex with Willow and I can't stop smiling! Mister Giles let me borrow this crystal... it's... making... me... sleepy... I still don't get it, Willow's cute, but she doesn't have a... Okay, so I cast an evil mind altering spell on you. Sorry, but next season you can do the same to me, okay? Widespread Panic strikes agains! So Riley and I were talking... you and Anya... some oil... CRACK! Ouch, sharp glass! If we do this for long enough, maybe Anya and Buffy will catch on and do it too?

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Page by Webmaster Mathew - June, 2003

Special thanks to The Complete Buffy Episode Guide for inspiration and technical help, as well as Buffy episode links, and all the readers of the Watcher's Diary for their feedback in making this page what it is.

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