» Estas en James > Prensa > Starboards: Chat with James Marsters

You know him as a resident of Sunnydale and the reluctant ally of the gang on the WB's Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But James Marsters, as he's known by daylight, grew up in Northern California and studied at Juilliard.
His character, Spike, is influenced by punk rocker Sid Vicious. James prepares for the role by a daily ritual of, among other things, coffee, Red Bull and slapping himself silly--yeah really! He also bleaches his hair every two weeks.
When he's not playing the insidious Spike, James likes to date, amuse himslf with his Playstation and jam with his band--he even regularly plays solo at a local L.A. club. Also high on his list is getting his backside groped by 65-year-old women. (We'll let James elaborate on that one.)
Simply delicious! Simply delectable! Simply evil! Buffy's gothed-out vampire now sinks his teeth into your questions and spills what you wanted to know.

From carey666: So, are you British or not? And if not, why is your character British? Is it to show the ancient ancestry of vampires? Or just because American chicks dig guys with an accent?
Not British--I'm a Yank. I'm oversexed, overpaid, but still on the west side of the Atlantic. Ha! Fooled ya! Spike is British because Joss wanted a bit of punk rock. I was supposed to be like Sid Vicious.

From n_g: If you were given a chance to play any other character on Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel--male, female, vamps, demons--who would you like to play?
I wouldn't trade places with anyone. I truly think I have the best role on the show.

From papryca: Who are you closest to among the cast? Is everyone really nice?
Yes! Everyone is nice--thank God! We all get along great, and not just the cast. There are about 300 people working like dogs to make Buffy, and I have yet to meet even one total jerk. I think the producers know that people with good social skills work more effectively.

From g120817: What do you like to do in your free time?
Play guitar loudly (it's driving my neighbors crazy), date girls (schedule permitting) and work my Playstation regularly.

From nikkimonique: I heard your dad was a minister and your mom was almost a nun. Did you ever do anything crazy as a teenager that your parents won't forget?
The crazy things I did as a teenager my parents never found out about. They still don't know.

From stargoddess109: Do you like the clothes Spike gets to wear?
Spike wears onlyv one costume: black jeans, black boots, black T-shirt, long sleeve shirt, long black leather coat. I used to want a new costume until I got one: tan shorts, black boots, Hawaiian shirt. Now, I like my good old costume just fine.

From angelnet: It sounds like the Nocturnal Convention in London was a blast! What was your favorite bit and why?
Getting my backside groped by a 65-year-old woman 15 minutes into the convention. Because Brits are nasty in the best way.

From isabel_vasquez: I have a TON of questions for you, okay? Here goes: Who inspired you to become an actor?
Michael Winters..

Any actor or actress you'd like to work with in the future?
Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon, Billy Bob Thornton.

Who's your favorite cast member to hang out with?
Tony Head [Rupert Giles].

In real life, which girl would you like: Buffy, Willow, Anya or Cordy?
Can't I have them all?

What's your favorite show or movie?
Buffy the Ass-Kicking Vampire Slayer!!

Do you have any advice for aspiring actresses like me out there?
Start with roles that are like yourself. Become comfortable with showing yourself honestly.

From cinn9969: Okay, you act, you do some of your own stunts, you do an accent that's so damn good my aunt from Liverpool didn't know it was fake, and now I find out you sing. Is there anything you don't do, Mr. Amazing Talent Guy?
Well, thank you. BTW, I'm playing every other month at 14 Below--a music club in Santa Monica. It's very scary and a blast.

From sue158: I read in another chat with you that for your role as Spike, you have to bleach your hair every four weeks or something--how come it hasn't fallen out yet?!
Every two weeks! Can you believe? It hurts, but my hair doesn't seem to care. It's fine, it doesn't seem to notice.

From echo_liz: You're gonna think I'm a big pervert, but do you wear any type of underwear under those jeans they have you in on Buffy?
It just looks like maybe you, uh, don't because they are awfully tight. Mind you, I'm not complaining.
Ummm, no.

From yahojay: What do you think is your best feature?
My ears. I have very expressive ears. No, no just kidding. I'm being a smart-ass. Really, I don't know.

From buffy6001: I was wondering if you were planning on doing any Angel episodes?
I would love to. I would love to go over to my good friend David's show--and kick his battle-hardened ass!!!

From shazza145: I am a big fan, and I just wanted to know what you plan to do after you eventually leave Buffy.
Take over the world--starting with this town.

From shadowalker: How does potraying a villain like Spike differ from playing a good guy in some of your other roles?
You get to be really mean. It's delicious.

From angelicspike2113: How do you get psyched up for shooting a scene on Buffy?
Coffee, wheatgrass juice, coffee, ginko biloba, coffee, carrot juice, Red Bull, Red Bull. Jumping jacks, sit-ups, slapping myself in the face. No, I am not kidding.

From buffyfan86: Since you have been on Buffy, has it changed your life? And how much?
I don't have to worry about rent. This is a huge relief. I was pretty poor when I was in theater.

From childe_of_angel: What inner and outer qualities do you look for in a woman or a wife?
Not looking for a wife. But in a woman...strength, health, intelligence, humor, wisdom, humility and beauty.

From judinal: What was it like kissing Sarah Michelle in the episode where you guys were gonna get married? I never thought we'd see THAT!
If I answer that question, Sarah's boyfriend would hit me with a bat, and I wouldn't blame him.

From lisa21: I understand you're in a new play later this month at a small theater. How did you get involved with that, and what's it about??
I met the director, Dan Henning, at Sarah's birthday party. It's called The Why, and it's about Columbine. It's written by Victor Kaufold--and it has four actors playing about 30 roles. It's both very funny and dead serious.

From no_surprizes: If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?

From luisab: You seem to be a pretty balanced person. I'd just like to know if there is anything at all that scares you.
Missing an opportunity.

From rachaelboreanez: How many pillows do you sleep with? What is your shoe size? What's your favorite Website?
Four. Nine and a half. Don't know squat about the Web--it's ridiculous.

From musical1732: Have you ever been afraid of vampires or any stories like that?
No, not afraid. Excited, maybe.

From sinead23: What is in your CD player right now?
Blink 182, Tom Waits, Crash Test Dummies, Marvin Gaye and the soundtrack to Ghost Dog.

From radiochip: C'mon, give us the dirt about life on the set--are they really as nice as everyone says they are? And what was it like kissing Sarah? That's sooo f---ing cool, man.
One time, Nick threw food at Sarah at lunch, but that's about as bad as it has gotten. As to kissing the Buffster, refer to the earlier question (but yeah, man, sooo f---ing cool!).

Fuente: Eonline.com
