

See Also


Graduation Day 2 Episode Guide


Picking right up where it left of, if you're a Faith fan, you're fairly sure Buffy and Angel will be okay. But what about Faith? Is she alive or dead? We want answers! Oh, and the Mayor is as worried about Faith as we are! His worry doesn't stop his plans though, in fact, it makes him hate Buffy and the Scooby Gang even more. Both sides are ready for the final showdown. And, ironically, Faith is the motivation for the Mayor, and the key for Buffy's defense.

Story Line

An emotionally confused Buffy watches the truck carry Faith off into the night. She's not in the least bit happy. She walks slowly to the fire escape, taking one more look around at the now empty rooftop. At that moment, the Mayor arrives and walks over to the broken window. A vamp interrupts his thoughts, announcing that there's nobody in the apartment. "No, she'd take the fight outside." The Mayor replies. He then walks purposefully down to the main area....  (read more)


Well! Vindication comes at last. Faith's meeting Buffy on the astral plane (an area of space-time where thought exists and people's minds meet) was so welcomed. There was no way Faith could've been left as 'the bad girl' by the end of the season. As Eliza often stated, Faith isn't a monotone bad guy. She's been hurt nearly every step of the way throughout the season. It was only natural for a teen who was so jealous and hurt to...  (read more)