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- That Pesky Slayer Line
by Phil the Parrot -3.22.05

"Now, wait a second, how's the Slayer line go again?"

If you're asking yourself that very question, don't worry, you aren't alone. The solid answer would be -- When Buffy died, Kendra was called. When Kendra died, Faith was called. Thus Faith is TECHNICALLY the official slayer. The only problem with that is that Buffy keeps coming back from the dead, so it keeps screwing up the writers. Here are some results of this mess....

What's the Eppy?: Enemies
Which Season?: 3
Who's Involved?: The Mayor, Angel (pretending to be Angelus), and Faith.

Quote It:
The Mayor: Torture Buffy. Killing her's fine, just make it a slow one.
Angel: My favorite kind.
The Mayor: Wonderful, wonderful. We don't want a replacement Slayer anytime soon. They can't all turn out like my girl Faith.

According to Slayer mythology before this episode, if there was to be another slayer, Faith would be the one who would have to die. Killing Buffy would do zip. And even if Buffy's death would've brought a new slayer, why wouldn't the Mayor want a new one? A replacement Slayer wouldn't have the experience that Buffy has -- she would be easier to deal with, most likely.

What's the Eppy?: Bargaining 1&2
Which Season?: 6
Who's Involved?: The entire scooby gang.

Quote It:
Giles: We just can't have her messing up in front of the wrong person. Or the wrong thing. We, we need the, the world and the underworld to believe that Buffy is alive and well.

Now we're back to "If Buffy died, no one would show up to replace her." Faith is in jail, so she can't help. She has Auntie Bubba the spooner to contend with in the klink. So here we are, back to the original line.

What's the Eppy?: Potential
Which Season?: 7
Who's Involved?: Dawn, Anya, Willow and Xander

Quote It:
(Dawn thinks she's a Potential)
Dawn: She has to die. I mean, if I was ever the slayer, it would mean she died.

OH COME ON! Does anyone pay attention?! That isn't true. FAITH would have to die for Dawn (or Amanda, really, considering what happens later) to become the Slayer. Is everyone here incredibly stoned?

There are many cases of the slayer line running through Buffy, then back to Faith, then back to Buffy. It could simply be that whichever works for dramatic effect in a given episode the most is the one that's used. And that's called a big goof.

And this is Phil.


Spikes_love_slave: well i agree with all of you. and thats probably only because of the fact that i cant form my own opinions. and by the way phil, i noticed u quoted spike when u said "is everyone here incredibly stoned?". thats from the gift, sixth season. sorry but i dont think a guy named phil can make a comment like that,lmao.
(25.04.2005, 18:03)

iloveozandxanderv2: it would have to run through faith after buffy died no slayre was called therefore the true slayer is faith
(23.03.2005, 14:58)

Aeryn: In bargaining's defense, I think the use of the buffy bot was for the demons and vamps to think the slayer was still alive and active, also it kept social services, teachers and other government agencies at bay so that Dawn wouldn't have to go live with papa
(23.03.2005, 08:14)

Rebecca: I'll accept that the Mayor wouldn't know the Slayer line. Not Dawn or Giles. You could fanwank that Dawn has gotten confused from all of Buffy's melodramatic speeches, all, "When I die, one of you will be the next slayer."
(22.03.2005, 23:13)

Nick Cage: Daddy, Giles had stated that another slayer wasn't activated after buffy's death. It was just bad writing and blank outs. Even Anya would know that another slayer wouldn't pop up, she was there in bargaining
(22.03.2005, 19:59)

Lucky: FINALLY someone else caught the mayors screw up in enemies!
(22.03.2005, 19:23)

DaddyCatALSO: Okay, ttah's what the characters *said*, but they were just offering opinions. Joss knew more about his universe than the peeps living in it, so what eh said was true, re Faith being "official." Now that we've seen "Chosen" it's changed. But the charcatersz were either wrong or over-cautious at best.
(22.03.2005, 18:44)

Cruisin' for a Bruisin' T: "And this is Phil"? Come on, you can think of a better catchphrase than that!
(22.03.2005, 16:42)

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