r a n t s. f r o m. t h e . c r y p t

2.26.03 -

Storyteller: The Rant

Warning: Spoilerish to the amount of 10.

After watching "Storyteller" last night, I wondered why they haven't gone in depth with a lot of the characters this season like they did in this episode. True, it was mostly filler; but there were important moments.

- Obviously, this Wood/Spike situation is getting more and more heated. Wood is almost showing his hand, and Spike should be figuring out that something's up by now. I hear the next new episode is going to have a lot more about this. Personally, I can't wait.

- If Andrew didn't grow on you in this episode, he never will. Tom Lenk can play on so many emotions, and fits in with the rest of the group of actors. He is not a weak...ehem...link.

- There were quite a few hillarious moments. For instance, when Andrew comes into the living room and we see Willow and Kennedy making out on the couch, but Andrew is only interested in Xander's window-making skills and doesn't notice (or doesn't care). Those 20 seconds of film were classic Buffy.

- We got the revelation (well, we pretty much knew it anyway) that both Anya and Xander still love each other very much. The problem is, they can't be together. It made perfect sense considering the past.

- They even made a joke about Buffy's long repetitive war speeches. If you don't think Mutant Enemy pays attention to it's fans, that just proves you wrong.

- This felt like a homage to great films like "Waiting For Guffman" and "This is Spinal Tap". I personally loved those flicks, so I loved the homage to them.

Final Verdict: This Andrew-centric episode hits a lot of great questions, and got some real answers. Though some of the scenes were a bit flat, just like last week, the episode as a whole made for some good TV. And that's all I want out of my favorite show --- good friggin' TV.

Rating: 3 STAKES

Rant Over.

- Mac