o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s

Divine Musings

- Redemption
by Aeryn -4.27.04
[ aaeryn@blkswan.com ]

  Redeem: To set free, rescue or ransom. To save from a state of sinfulness and its consequences; To restore the honor, worth, or reputation of; To make up for, compensate for.

We all have heard about it, talking about and arguing about it. Angel is working for redemption. Spike wants redemption. Drusilla will never works towards redemption. Darla was redeemed when she died because of the self-less act she made for Connor. Harmony is choosing to walk the path towards redemption or is she? These are just a few examples that have been discussed on the board as of late.

I sat down to write, I had something else in mind that I wanted to get out. Instead, I found myself picking up the dictionary and looking up the word: redeem. It is an interesting word. If you look at the definition, it implies that not only can the person seek to make up for things done wrong, but that also someone can redeem them, to set them free if they hold the power to do so. That is when my mind got to turning and the wheels started to spin once more as I thought about this concept of redemption.

Is redemption measurable? How do you know when you achieve it? Is the point of achievement left up to the individual? Can someone else redeem another with love? What does it all mean in the JossVerse?

In order for a goal to be reached, the goal has to be defined and measurable. It has to be realistic. Let's just use Angel and Spike for example. Angel and Spike will be redeemed by the end of season 6. That is the long-range goal. If say at the end of Season 5, we wanted to see how they were doing on their path, how would we know? Has redemption been defined? What I am asking is, has someone told our favorite vamps when they will meet it or how they will know if they have met it?

It might be a stupid point to make, but nonetheless, it has been on my mind today. I know that the concept of redemption cannot be made into a clear-cut goal where you monitor the progress, which is not what I am saying. What I am saying is how will they know when they met it? Does a PTB come down with a certificate of achievement? Is it the moment of shanshu? Does a glow emit from Angel or Spike labeling them redeemed in flashing neon?

I am a firm believer that Darla was redeemed when she gave birth to Connor. One may or may not agree with me, but that isn't the point. Darla made the ultimate sacrifice. She was redeemed. Yes, she shared a soul with Connor, so I can't say if she would have sacrificed herself with out the soul sharing. The main point is, she did it. She was redeemed.

If that is the case, then why isn't Angel or Spike redeemed yet? Both died saving the world, yes only one died willingly, but it isn't like Buffy gave Angel much of a choice in the matter before she impaled him with the sword. Both made the ultimate sacrifice. Is not both redeemed? Yes, yes they are.

However, in the twisted dark world of Joss, we all know that it isn't the case. 4 years later Angel is still searching for redemption and he has picked up Spike as a tag along on the journey. I see them on this long road of dark twists and major hurts, and all I want to say is "When is enough enough?" Have they not proven themselves enough? (The answer is of course, no, because I want a season 6 or movies) Can the sins of over a hundred years be washed away with a few years of good deeds? Was Darla really redeemed when she died?

These questions will never be answered. I'm assuming that their earning redemption will be the day they are dust. The shanshu to me is not redemption. It is a prize or a curse, depending on who gets it. I have always said this; the shanshu is a ticket to an immediate death. Whoever gets it will be turned to mortal (for all we know so far) and they will die. That really isn't a prize to be sought. It does not mean that you have reached redemption; it just gives you another chance. Possibly another chance to just go through the whole process yet again, just a ton of wisdom to guide your steps this time around.