o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s

Divine Musings

- Ramblings
by Aeryn -8.26.04
[ aaeryn@blkswan.com ]

  I was watching ‘My Fair Lady’ the other day and I realized that in a way, Eliza Doolittle and Anya are similar characters. Both are strangers in a new world, bluntly honest, craving to be their own person in this new land. Now, realize at the moment, we just hit the Intermission point of the movie and this is the first time I have seen it, but hey whatever it takes to get me started on writing the article. Sometimes a simple start leads it’s way to a musing. Which, it doesn’t look like this one will.

The most difficult part about writing columns is what happens when you get article block. It is the most dreadful part of article writing in my opinion. Well, saw that Sarah and Eliza were at a Comic Con together. Thank you ladies! You may or may not have went because you were on BTVS, but to promote other things, but I am really glad that you both attended. Like my approval really matters.

Damn, still nothing. This is like writing an article about fishing. Usually, I get excited and pumped up, now all I am blah and picturing damn Phil the parrot in my head. He reminds me of my Jimmy Buffett days. I’m still a fan, even though I may have spelled his last name wrong, but I really love his songs. They remind me that even though I am stuck in office hell that my mind can drift of to dream of beaches bars and boats. I can have a mini-vacation on the coast of somewhere tropical for all over 3 to 4 minutes. Anyways, back to Phil. I think the damn bastard stole all my ideas.

I think that part of the reason I bring this up is for the fact that it takes a lot of hard work to do columns. Matt is on the search right now for three new writers, but don’t worry, I have been assured that I will not be yanked… well that was before this article, I possibly will now. Doubt it, since I do these musings for other things rather than the I.O.U.’s I get paid. Back to the subject, article writing. It is not only tedious to come up with topics, but then, you write it and you always wonder, “Does it suck?” or “Will they go off on me?” God forbid that you have grammar errors or spelling mistakes that Microsoft Word doesn’t catch, but every word you use is used to analyze you. It is your statement to the world about how you feel on a certain thing and once it is out there, it is difficult to pull back. Then to hear nothing, especially if it is a big issue, well to be honest, it is sigh worthy at times because you have no idea if anyone is even reading.  It isn’t like television where you can have ratings. We have nothing to let us know except for feedback, so take the time occasionally to leave some, good or bad. I have a lot more respect for others that do this for a living and for fun. I had no idea it was this difficult at times.

By the way, speaking of which, since nothing is coming to mind, I would just like to say to all of the shippers on the board: You rock. You guys have made me smile so much these past few weeks. Yes, even the bangel lovers. The way that we defend our preferred ship, could you imagine if we put that much passion and fire in other things. God forbid if we transferred it to an election. We would have Busey and Kerward shippers. Crap, bad bad bad mental image! Think of Alexis, Alexis, Alexis….. That is better. Or even if you put it with Nationalism. Got as fired up about the USA, Canada, UK, etc as we do with the ships. The Olympics would be a riot. After thinking about this for a moment, I rather not see our passion for ships to spread to other areas of our lives. Bad Idea.

Why did I mention Bangel? Well because I am going to admit something here. My friend said that she likes B/A. I didn’t find myself pissed off or sickened. I really think something is wrong with me. I actually heard a song and thought of a concept for a video about them. Don’t get me wrong, I liked them at first, but then, it just wasn’t meant to last. I love Spuffy, but I rather see them both happy, which might have happened after Season 7 if he hadn’t burnt to a crisp. The end of S7 was enough for me; I was vindicated in my ship. It was enough for me. Even now, I am ok with how things went. It doesn’t mean that I have given up. I am just satisfied, like I am with Wed. Now, that doesn’t mean that I do not want telemovies, which I do, but in the end, I am vindicated. Shesh, that song is all I heard lately. By the way, 10 points to whoever can tell me who sings that song. Just leave the name in the feedback section. 

We are gearing up for Dragon*Con as the other lucky bastards will be attending Vulkcon. Fiat….. girl, better get me some good pictures of Alexis. I am so calling you names in my head right now. I so want to go. I am jealous as all get out and then some. You will see me around the board. I will be depressed as hell cause I couldn’t fly across country to go. Then, there is next weekend, I will go to D*C and have some fun. There will be the Buffy Prom. That is sure to be a lot of fun. I will be writing a musing after the con and let you know how this guest’s time turned out. My prediction? The way up will be like an 80’s road trip, followed by scenes of charging animals, stick in some Pretty In Pink and possibly a few Breakfast Club moments and you will have my weekend. I can’t wait.

Amy Acker is having a baby! Amy Acker is having a baby! What you honestly thought I wouldn’t bring this up?!?!?! Congrats to her and her husband. I am going to have to pick out a present for the baby. Someone will have to find out where they are registered and let me know.

This is a true musing since it didn’t have a friggin’ topic. I promise that next week’s will have one, or I just won’t write one. My consumers were watching Forrest Gump earlier and I just thought of something. I want to be loved like Forrest loved Jenny. He knew what love was. He wasn’t the smartest man, but he knew what love was. If you haven’t watched the movie in a while, go watch it. It is a really good movie. Now, I am going to end, because I know what a certain person will say, that I was a hippy and rambled all about feelings, ships and nothing in between. That maybe true, but it shows one thing, I wasn’t afraid to put this out there in the world for all to see.


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