o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s

Divine Musings

- Changes
by Aeryn -??.??.04
[ aaeryn@blkswan.com ]

  Times, they are a changin’. For any lasting change, it happens over a series of time. You gradually become accustomed to the change. It starts, either slowly like a melting glacier or abruptly like the attack on the World Trade Center. Change, either traumatic or slow, both go through similar process. The condition starts to change and as a society, we begin to change with it. If there is resistance, the change will suffer some slow starts or setbacks, but in the end, if it persists, the society will begin to accept it or at least, put up with it.

Why am I talking about this? I have no idea. It could be that it is nearing the Holiday Season and I am contemplating on how things have changed, but then not changed at all. Not all changes are necessarily good changes. In some ways, our society is going to “hell in a hand basket”. Why? Some people say it is due to the way we raise our children, locking our doors, taking away sidewalks to runaway moral values. I have no idea what to blame it on, but whatever it was, it was a long time coming.

The actions that we do today will have ripple effects through out the next century and further. We all probably are familiar with the Ripple Effect. It is sorta like that, actually it is that. One thing I did notice, usually I automatically think that War has become more violent over the years. In reality, it has not. I was watching ‘When We Were Soldiers’ and I thought about the War now. They do have ground battle fights, but most of the battles are done by air. There isn’t as much as the in the trenches wars or stampeding straight to our deaths battle cries. Yes, war is still horrific, but technology has come a long way. I am thankful to those that fight for me and everyone else, may we never know the days of the American Revolution or World War II again or any of the others. Veteran’s Day is today, November 11th. How appropriate, I just realized it now as I was writing.

I love Christmas. It feels so magickal to me. Anything can happen and usually does, whether it is good or bad. Whether you get 10 million or no presents, Christmas still is a special time of the year.

Holidays are difficult. This will be my first holiday season since my divorce. It will be difficult, but at least I am open to it majorly not sucking. Throw my birthday in between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the season is jammed pack. It won’t suck, but with the way my luck is going, by the time New Year’s Day hits, I will still have a neck sprain, bad back and probably some concussions threw in here and there.

Now I am depressed, let’s changed topics.

Along with Christmas comes, shopping! That is always the thing that perks me up more than anything. Damn I wish I had some extra cash to spend. It always lifts my spirits. Call me materialistic, but there is nothing like getting a good deal on something. It makes you feel good to buy something. I think it releases Serotonin. Shopping: The new SSRI. If you didn’t get that joke, congratulations. For those that did, you know what I mean. I probably misspelled Serotonin, but remember, I am cranky, injured and quasi-evil… don’t bother me about spelling.

Yea, so this really doesn’t related to anything Buffy or JossVerse, but again, who cares, at least you are getting my heart and soul! Oh and a little insight into how my mind works and jumps from topic to topic….easily distra--… Oh look something shiny!

Shiny! Firefly! Shiny! Anyone else excited about Serenity? Woohoo! I have been waiting for that damn Jennifer Garner movie to come out so that I can see the Serenity Trailer, but so far nothing. It’s disappointin’ as hell. Oh and speaking of which… Miami Vice is coming to a theatre near you! Yes, that is right boys and girls of the Eighties! It is true! Michael Mahn has written a drama feature film that will star, possibly, Colin Ferrell and Jamie Fox as Crockett and Tubbs. You know somewhere Don Johnson and Phillip Michael Thomas are crossing their arms and shaking their heads. Don Johnson probably at least attempted to convince Michael Mahn that he could still play Crockett. Side notes: The 3-day stubble may not be around and Colin confirms that the wardrobe will be updated. Crockett will have to look sharp, both of them will. The show was groundbreaking in making Miami the place to be. It spread the Miami culture and love for neon pastels across America faster than Chia Pets. The whole movie will have to incorporate the city of Miami as a character of her own. Kinda reminds me of Bad Boys. Man, I loved that movie.

So yea, I guess you could say that I am excited about this possible movie. I want to see the Series hit as a DVD soon, but from what I understand they are trying to secure the needed stuff for all the songs. It wasn’t Miami Vice if you didn’t have 3 songs per episode. I am a big fan of the series. I watched it as a child and loved Don Johnson. My room was covered in pictures of him from Teen Beat and other teenie bopper magazines. I had a neon pink shirt with the Iron on Miami Vice on it. I also had a thriller pocketbook I think. I was in fifth grade ok? I also had a pixie haircut and glasses that were bigger than my friggin head. Man, I was damn ass homely.

Well that was entertaining and I know you all are really glad that I shared. You didn’t have to read it. You could have stopped, turned off the computer or clicked the X in the window. Anyways, my mind is done rambling and my neck hurts like hell. What was the lesson of today? Change, you can go with it or resist it, but it will always come, and when your children are grown, you can yell “It wasn’t like this in my day!” and we learned it is Veteran’s Day, so hug a Veteran or a solider today. Tell them thank you. Well, I will see you all next week when I will continue about the pros and cons of not using Phillip Michael Thomas and Don Johnson in ‘Miami Vice: The Movie’.


Arlette: I am looking for a song from one of the episodes from Season 1 (Caderone return) and it sounded like the title should call "Voices" - Can anyone help me w/the name of the artist?
(22.02.2005, 01:00)

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