-> Ask The Poobah

11.28.03: Best Van Halen frontman, SMG's 'career', and those damned chimneys again.

From Life's A Show:
So, what are you wearing?

Poobah Says:
A hat....and my heart on my sleeve.

From ribbie149:
Is it true that George Bush and Warren G. Harding are the same person?

Poobah Says:
I don't see a resemblence, but if Harding was into blowing shit up and choking on pretzels...sure.

From Nora:
Which Van Halen was better, David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar?

Poobah says:
Gary Cherone. In all seriousness, Roth and Hagar should just get it over with and make out with each other.

Hey, ya know that really strange, freaky indie movie called "Spanking the Monkey?" Well, there was no spanking, there was no monkey.......Yo! What gives?

Poobah says:
First off, David O. Russell rocks. Secondly, there are plenty of monkey flicks out there, and there sure as hell are a lot of spanking flicks...if ya know what I mean.

From unnamed:
Do you think the Dixie Chicks poster in Fred's lab during Conviction was anti-war symbolism?

Poobah says:
No. I think it means Fred's musical tastes suck.

From Spoilerwhore:
If Tara had come back from the dead during season 7 only to find Willow in bed with Kennedy, how do you think she would have reacted?

Poobah says:
I can only hope her reaction would be, "Can I get in on that?"

From Dreamer:
How does Santa get into houses that don't have chimneys?

Poobah says:
I know it has something to do with Dick Van Dyke. Any chimney conspiracies have to do with him.

From Wretch:
How soon before SMG's movie career bombs?

Poobah says:
Wait a second....she's still AROUND???!!!

From Dreamer:
I'm broke. Can you lend me some money?

Poobah says:
I can see my big toe in my left shoe. What do you think?

From fiatlux:
How much did you pay for the attached advertising?

Poobah says:
I dress up as the Hamburgerler for their Christmas parties every year, and allow them to kick me in the nuts repeatedly.

From Nora:
After I sleep with a guy, I tend to not call him again making him feel cheap and used, is that wrong of me?

Poobah says:
You still haven't called, and I'm ok with it.

Send me some questions for next week! Email me here. Put "ask the poobah" in your subject line, and remember to give a name! :)

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