-> Ask The Poobah

5.07.04: Dusting off the ol' Crystal Balls, the Secretary of Hillarity, and my sister: defined.

From Dannyboy:
Is the WB blowing horsesh*t with the proposed Angel TV movies next year?

Poobah Says:
Knowing Jordan Levin and the goons at the WB's great fondness for animals, they're probably just blowing horses, minus the shit.

From Nora:
Why me? why not YOU?

Poobah says:
Why not? Why do you have to bring me down? Why is it that birds fly? Why are the Cleveland Browns always lousy? Why do I keep asking questions? Why? You don't want to know, and I don't know. So there.

From Princess Kimberley:
Now that James Marsters is soon to be unemployed, what do you see in his future?

Poobah says:
Considering his age, I see caterax, Ben-Gay and early bird specials in his future.

Dude, you are always baggin' on your home state of West Virginia, even calling it "Hell." Are there ANY nice things which you can say about the place?

Poobah Says:
It's not Alabama...?

From MmmAwHellNo:
Hey Poobah...so what is going on with all of this "Boreanaz backstabbing" (as I like to call it) concerning the new show Dark Shadows? Marley Shelton from Valentine is starring as well as the guy who plays Drogyn!!! Please explain this.

Poobah says:
You see, Boreanaz is a douche. And douches say douchey things. I think that about clears it up. K, douche?

From jojo:
If Dubya wins the November elections, what do you see for America's future?

Poobah says:
Everyone knows Rumsfeld is secretly in charge, so we're all gonna die.....die of laughter! THAT GUY IS HILLARIOUS! HA! Oh, Rummy, you so crazy!

From milesfrom730:
Where do you stand on Fat Tuffy?

Poobah says:
I stand on the side of not knowing what the hell you're talking about.

Ya know how they say listening to Mozart can temporarily increase your IQ? Do you think watching "Friends" has the converse effect on people?

Poobah says:
I wouldn't know, uh, I don't watch that show. All I know is...ROSS AND RACHEL ARE TOGETHER! PHOEBE'S MARRIED! JOEY'S GOING TO L.A! CHANDLER AND MONICA ARE PARENTS! Wooo!!!!! Der, what was the question? I forgot because of my decreasing IQ.

From Dannyboy:
Tell us about your sister...who has taken a keen interest in the site these days...?

Poobah says:
Well, let's see. She was born in a test tube. The doctors weren't quite sure what she was when she came out. I was told she looked like a cross between Carol Channing and a billy goat. I'm pretty sure her father is our mail man. Also - she has hollow leg that when you hit it just right on a cool night, you can hear the beat of Beethoven's 5th symphany. My sister, what a hoot.

Send me some questions for next week! Email me here. Put "ask the poobah" in your subject line, and remember to give a name! :)

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