t h e . s u n n y d a l e . t o p . t e n

== Send your Top 10 ==


The Top 10 Reasons NOT to rebuild Sunnydale High.

10. Do we really want to see the lil' bit mingling with her lame-o friends.

9. Which contracter in the Sunnydale-area is dumb enough to start constuction right atop a hellmouth?

8. No class is ever going to be as cool as the class of 199Š.. (help me out Scoob, what year was Buffy's class again???)

7. Sunnydale High has proven itself to be a breedingground for evil geeks, between vampires and all manner of other demons and hellgodsŠ Sunnydale can really do without them.

6. Whatever will you have the NEXT principal be eaten by?

5. So what will you be teaching there, anyway??? Advanced Vampire Lore?

4. No-one can stand the foul air of that rotting Beozar-carcas that no-one ever bothered to remove from the basement.

3. Life-expectancy in Sunnydale can't be much higher than 15 on avarage. Why build a highschool is if no more than 30% is going to live to see graduation day.

2. You're never gonna find another librarian that is THAT Brittish.

And the number one reason, NOT to rebuild Sunnydale High...

1. Last time they blew up the school the filmcrew was run out of town by an angry mob of sleep-deprived townies. Do you really want them to get lynched this time, Joss?

[Brought to you this week by Mr Rosenberg.]