t h e . s u n n y d a l e . t o p . t e n

== Send your Top 10 ==


The Top 10 Reasons having your soul back can cramp your style

10. Having to say grace before eating your next victim.

9. Takes all the fun out of "Reservoir Dogs".

8. Giving a crap what others think.

7. Having to pay for the burba weed.

6. Having to give up smoking. We wouldn't want to make all those watch dog groups hate us by setting a poor example now would we?

5. Feeling guilty for not snuggling after sex.

4. Takes all the joy out of beating something to a pulp.

3. Having to give up your fashionably evil black leather duster.

2. Takes all the fun out of casual sex.

And the number 1 reason having your soul back can cramp your style...

1. No more cheating at kitten poker.

[Brought to you this week by Ramones.]