t h e . s u n n y d a l e . t o p . t e n

== Send your Top 10 ==


Top Ten Things to Do Now that Buffy is REALLY over

10. Call you local government agency (or flower shop, as the case may be) and express interest in joining there secret demon fighting agency.

9. Lose your soul. Because getting it back is the 'cool new thing'.

8. Obsessively look around you to make sure that everyone you know is touching stuff. You know, just in case.

7. Think about how to accessorise with an eye patch, it may come in handy.

6. Attend college Wicca groups to find new friends you can "do spells' with.

5. Convince your local animal behavioural groups to find out just what it is that Bunny's need such good eyesight for.

4. Spill your blood on stuff casuallly, see if anything opens...

3. Learn to understand why Fred isn't with Wesley, Cordy got with Connor and Angel is STILL brooding...you do need something to watch, after all.

2. Make some tea and polish your glasses, for old times sake.

And the #1 thing to do now that Buffy is REALLY over is...

1. Set your cookie self to 180 degrees and allow yourself to bake until your ready for someone to eat--um, enjoy the warm cookie you. Or at the very least, until Joss is ready for a spin-off.

[Brought to you by Aneeta.]