t h e . s u n n y d a l e . t o p . t e n

== Send your Top 10 ==


The Top 10 Reasons to Read the Sunnydale Top Ten (the 1 year Anniversary Edition)

10. Its better than having the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone.

9. It helps you over write those nasty Connor/Cordy memories.

8. It wont kill your best friend's fish.

7. Its not loves bitch, but if it were it would be man enough to admit it.

6. You can Google it, and not sound dirty.

5. Buffy hasn't slept with it.

4. Neither has Spike.

3. In case of apocalypse it will always do the stupid thing.

2. It enjoys grinding our enemies into talcum powder with a sledgehammer, even if that is what we did last night.

And the number one reason to Read the Sunnydale Top Ten is...

1. It always keeps a large supply of yellow crayons, you know just in case.

[Brought to you by Eric Hendrix.]