t h e . s u n n y d a l e . t o p . t e n

== Send your Top 10 ==


The Top 10 signs you're obsessed with Buffy

10. You consider people who don’t know Buffy as Neandrathals.
9. You don’t take kindly to guys who killed your mother.
8. You download songs like “Early one morning”, trying to convince yourself that they’re good, even though deep down inside you know they suck ass.
7. You make your sexbot so she growls.
6. You use obsession lists like this as checklists.
5. When you feel alone and ignored, you wonder if you’ve gone blinvisible already.
4. You sleep with Spike.
3. You decide to show slayer-like determination, and go visit every single cast member in there own home. Restraining order, shcmistraining order!
2. You’re no longer invited to parties because you keep wreaking havoc in them just to “keep the tradition going”.

And the #1 sign you're obsessed with Buffy...

1. You stalk Billy Idol in a dark alley and beat him for stealing Spike’s style.

[Brought to you by Fat Tony.]