t h e . s u n n y d a l e . t o p . t e n

== Send your Top 10 ==


Top Ten Reasons why the Bringers are blind

10. They ran with scissors.
9. They played a nasty version of Peekaboo
8. They accidently used Spike's hair bleach as eye drops.
7. They had a teaparty with Dru and spoke out of turn.
6. They saw how Spike and Buffy tore down a house.
5. They were there when Buffy and Riley were waking the dead.
4. They had evil hand issues.
3. One ticked off the Master and started a trend.
2. They saw the bride's maids dresses Anya picked out.

And the #1 reason...

1) Three words. Cordy. Connor. Together.

[Brought to you by Sami.]