
Buffy (Voiceover): "There was the time we had to get away from the love monster that Willow had been internet dating..."

"That time when Willow did a spell, and I ended up engaged to Spike..."

"Ugh...and Giles in the goofy sombrero..."

"And when we lost our voices because of some freaky Gentlemen guys..."

"And that time when a Willow from an alternate dimension came to town and tried to make out with our Willow..."

"Oh, and when Xander thought he had a chance..."

"There was the time when we were being attacked by the First Slayer in our dreams..."

"Oh, and dead Native Americans tried to ruin my Thanksgiving..."

"So you see, Webs, I've been through a lot. I've gone through so much, and I really need some advice."

Webs: "Um, ok. How about moving?"

Joshie: oh how clever, cleveland your soo funny!
(09.07.2006, 20:11)

eddiespike2428: fang u r gay (this is ur wicca sister) last part was kinda stupid
(18.05.2006, 10:25)

Fang: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
(13.04.2006, 10:56)

tru_faith: lol much teh sillyness
(13.02.2006, 12:54)

(07.02.2006, 19:47)

silversweet: ah ha. great stuff
(15.10.2005, 22:19)

Gredunza: How 'bout Clevelend?
(02.09.2005, 06:16)

Josh: oh haha, it's pretty good.
(26.08.2005, 23:16)

Knoxy: hahahaha
(26.08.2005, 11:09)

Aeryn: LMAO
(26.08.2005, 10:22)

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