Not Derp Away

Gunn: Oh Mah Gawd, you guys! I am SOOO HURT right now!

Spike: What happened?

Gunn: It was...

Spike: Vampire?

Illyria: Demon?

Angel: Derpity Derp?

Gunn: No, not a Vampire, Demon,or a....Derpity Derp??? What the hell is a Derpity Derp? It was...


StayPuff: Do you have proton packs? No? What kind of Ghostbusters are you anyway? Not very good ones, I can tell you that. BWHAHAHA! I think I just creamed myself. Get it? CREAMED MYSELF!??! I'm funny. Laugh.

Angel: Derpity Derp.

Spike: Indeed.

knoxy: laughing my ass off
(26.07.2006, 06:50)

Joshie: oh yes, a gigantic obese marshmellow is soooo scary.
(09.07.2006, 20:07)

Julia: ok, just a litle more blood please;P
(09.07.2006, 13:18)

Blkswansec: That was FUUUNNNNYYY! All I could think of was M.M. Tee hee hee.
(22.06.2006, 20:28)

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