Awakening: Part 1
By: Eric Hendrix

Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related creations and story therein are property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
Rating: PG-13
Feedback: Email - (Feedback is much appreciated)
Spoilers / Back Ground: Up to Season 6. This story is an alternate story line. The tale begins directly after the Season 6 episode “As you were”. After “As you were the story line remains virtually unchanged except that Spike is not present in “Hell’s Bells” and “Normal Again”. In this story the events that occurred in “Entropy”, “Seeing Red”, “Villains”, “Two To Go”, and “Grave” never occurred.

Chapter 1 - A Simple Plan

Spike surveyed his damaged crypt. Looking around his home he realized that his heart must look the same. He thought of following the Slayer, trying to talk her out of it. But he decided against it. Spike continued to do his best at tidying up the room, cleaning was never his strong spot, and right now it was even worse. Spike reached down and picked up a vase that had some how escaped the blast and hurled it against the wall.  “God damn that Slayer and her scatter brain… I mean so finicky… and what in bloody hell possessed her to call me William!” Spike realized that he was babbling and worse yet he was babbling to only himself. “I need a drink.”

It was three days later and well past midnight when Spike made it back to the cemetery, and Spike new that Buffy had long since came and gone, and yet he could still smell her in the air. Damn chip only suppresses the Vamp powers that you want. Spike thought to himself as he tried to dismiss the scent. As he approached his crypt he saw a pale light flowing under his door and voices faintly heard. Spike opened the door to find Clem sitting quietly on his couch watching a movie on his pirated cable connection. A quick glance around showed that Clem had cleaned up.

“Spike! Hey man I thought I missed you or somethin’!”  Clem exclaimed with a dopey grin. Spike walked over and plopped down on the couch next to Clem. “Its Buffy again isn’t it?” Spike acted like he ignored him. “You know I met the girl and I think a lot of her, I really do, but Spike she’s breaking your heart.”

“I’m not in the mood for chat Clem… Let’s just watch the tele… I’ll be fine.” Spike slumped back not really paying attention to the flickering images on the television. Spike was always amazed with his relationship with Clem. They were both demons, but if it weren’t for their special characteristics (especially Clem’s) they would just seem like average Joes, watching the tele or playing poker. Hell Clem didn’t really seem like a demon at all, he was kind and considerate and hell he even cleans. The real reason Spike and Clem got along so well is because they both were trying to get over long term relationships when they met. The first few months their conversations consisted of nothing more than bitching about their old girlfriends. “This god damned chip.” Spike muttered.

“What was that?” Clem asked.

“What movie is this?” Spike knew he had just said the Magick words; Clem could talk for hours about a movie he likes.

“It’s Robocop 2, you see the company that made him just put in all this junk programming and now he can’t do his job. But he knows what has happened and he overheard his technician at the police department say the only way to get it out would be to electrocute him or somethin’, to reset him. So he’s about to stick his hands in a transformer.” The sparkle came back into Spike blue eyes.

“Does it work?”

“It beats him up pretty bad but it works.” Clem looked over to Spike again and sees that the wheels have been turning.

“How much blood can you get a hold of?”

“What are you thinking?”

“Just answer the question.”

“I don’t know how much do you need?” Spike reached in to a pair or pants that was hanging over an antique table and pulled out a huge roll of hundreds.

“I need this much.” Spike said as he tosses Clem the entire roll. “Human, and as fresh as you can find it.”

“No problem… Any thing else bud?”

“Just have it here at sun down, and one more thing, I prefer female blood.”


Chapter 2 – Restless Dreams

Buffy sat on her bed. 5:00 am, and she couldn’t sleep it still bothered her that all she found at Spikes crypt was Clem. He told her that Spike had gone before he arrived, he added that they usually meet up on Friday night to watch the tube, play cards or something. He then asked if she wanted him to give Spike a message, she told him no and left. All she did the rest of the night was walk around the graveyard hoping Spike would soon come home. She couldn’t help to think that she must seem a little like Drusilla, the way she was playing with him. But was she really playing with him or herself? Buffy climbed under the covers snuggled up to her pillow and closed her eyes. “Damn it.” Buffy sat back up and grabbed the phone on her night stand. She quickly dialed Tara’s number.


“He…Helloo?” Tara gently questioned. Buffy hated waking up Tara, but she was the only on she could talk to about Spike, mainly because she was the only one of the scoobies that hadn’t scene what he was capable of.


“I need to talk.”


“Buffy, Is that you… What time is it?”


“I think it’s like five in the morning… Can you talk?”


“I think so.” Tara said as she stretched and sat up in the bed. “What’s up?” Tara said after a shot silence, she was no longer groggy Tara, she was now alert Tara.


“Why is it that I can break up with him no problem and it’s no problem standing firm, unless he is not there to follow me around like a lost puppy… I don’t know why I get antsy when I think about him doing something else. He’s an evil Vampire, he cant love, why should I care.”


“Do you honestly believe he can’t love?”


“Yes, he is a soulless creature.”


“Did he love Drusilla?”


“Yea… I think so.” Buffy sighed in exasperation.


“What bothers you so much about Spike? Is it your feelings or is it Willow, Xander, and Giles’ feelings?”


“I don’t know any more. I just want to know why I feel this way.”


“Buffy I can’t help you answer these questions. You are the only person who knows these answers. But if you want to know what I think, then I would have to say that you are have problems coming to terms with your feelings for Spike and you just don’t know how to deal with it. You need to really think about it.” Tara hung up the phone. Buffy slumped down in her bed and attempted to steal a little sleep.




Chapter 3 – Preparations


          Spike had to hurry it would be dawn soon and he definitely didn’t need to get burned. Not today. He sprinted along the ground, shopping bags tapping his legs as he ran. It took him a little longer that he thought to get what he was looking for, but selection was the key. Spike threw the door to his crypt open and plopped down on the couch laying the railroad spikes on the table in front of him. He had a few he wanted to keep dull, and a few that he would sharpen. He had ten in all he selected six of them to grind to various degrees of sharpness and four to keep like they are. He pulled a black roll out of one of the plastic shopping bags, like the ones mechanics and car boosts keep their tools in, and place the four dull spikes in it. He then got up and grabbed a pint of blood from his fridge. Have to get my strength up. He thought to himself as he tore into the bag. He dumped out the other bags on the table and sifted through them there was some cotton rope, some rubber pipe coating, a spool of copper wire, a set of what looked like hospital scrubs, his favorite brand hair color, to big metal files, a few packages of high grit sand paper, and a few medical supplies, most of them for cleaning and dressing wounds and a small fire extinguisher. He finished sucking the blood out of the plastic pouch and picked up the phone. After a few moments it began to ring.


          “Willie’s, Willie speakin’… Hello.”


          “Willie, its Spike.”


“Oh, Spike.” Willie said nervously “What can I do you for?”


“I need you to get me something, something from the hospital.”


“SSSppike… You know I can’t get you blood from there.”


“No you bloody wanker, I need some equipment, more specifically on of those contraptions the stick down you gits throats when your to roughed up to eat.”


“I can do that… What’s in it for me?”


“Name it pal, you know I’m good for it, just have it there by the time Clem gets there for his afternoon drink. Give it to him and put it on my tab.”


“Nice doin' business with ya Spike.” Spike hung up the phone Willy may be slimy, but he could do things and go places that Clem couldn’t. Spike couldn’t help but smile as he picked up his first spike and began to work on it; he was working them all too various degrees of sharpness. Yep today was definitely a good day spike thought to himself. His mind wandered to what Clem was probably doing. If everything was going to plan he should have just paid up his friend who works at the blood bank there was an ad in the paper last week about a blood drive sometime this week at the high school, not Sunnydale high of course, but it was close enough. That would do just nicely. Clem would probably buy ever female from that blood drive and then help the guy relabel an equivalent amount of empty bags, you know to hide that they were missing. When Clem was good and clear his friend would break half the bags splatter the blood every ware and call the police hysterical saying a bunch of guys broke in demanding cash. Then he would say that they said they knew he had some case because they have to pay people for their blood, and before he could explain to them that they did not pay for their stock, they trashed the place and gave him a good shiner too (Courtesy of Clem). After the police poked around a little he would clean up the blood before anyone who could tell how much blood was really down there could check it out. Blood is a funny thing; a cup when spilled would look like a gallon. That too made Spike smile; soon he would be the man he once was. Soon demons would love him and humans would loath him. Soon Spike would dine on his third slayer. Soon Spike would be set free.




Chapter 4 – Sundown


Spike stood out side his crypt, the sun just falling low enough for him to step out side. He could hear Clem on the other side of the cemetery, he was never late. Nothin’ better than a punctual demon. Spike thought to himself. Spike stood waiting for him his hands gold from the thin copper wire wrapped around them and then plunging into his wrists. His plan was simple after the sparks fly he would get Clem to watch over him. Keep him full of blood and keep the slayer away if she comes around. If she did he was to tell her that Spike didn’t want to see her right now and he would find her when he was ready. And if she persisted Clem would proceeded into a Willowesc speech about how she couldn’t treat his friend like that and why she couldn’t just respect Spike’s space until he’s ready. And if that bitch still persisted he would have to tell her that Spike is barely feeding now and if he were to see her in this state she might as well stake him. Then he would slip in the crypt and lock the door. The only wild card was how long it takes for Spike to heal. But he had to put things like that out of his mind, things like the fact that he may burst into flames and Clem wouldn’t be able to put him out.  Spike shook the thought out of his mind and strolled over to help Clem with the huge cooler he was carrying through the cemetery.  Once they got it in his crypt Spike went over his plan, with a brief intermission of Clem laughing at the appearance of his hand. The laughter didn’t even anger Spike he laughed it off with Clem and told him that it was better to be safe than sorry. They both nodded in agreement. He then showed Clem how to hook him up to feeder and how to hook the blood supply to it as well. They then proceeded to set everything up. Clem suggested bringing a pack with them. After all he said the transformer is all the way across the cemetery and a little blood with them could make the difference between Undeath and death.


It was about eight pm before they finally got to the transformer. Spike ran the cotton rope through the rubber and put it around him. Spike turned to Clem “After you think I’ve had enough I want you to yank me off and feed me up.”


“No problem, my Aunt Mildred once ate I guy that was on Rogaine and she tried somethin’ similar with a toaster, to get rid of the hair… Well not to bore you…” A brief look of relief passed over Spikes face. He turned to the transformer, whipped on his game face and grabbed the two wires. At first it was a soft tingle then Spike felt it burn through his body, the copper wire temporarily tattooing his skin. The transformer began to sizzle then spark and then BOOM! Both Spike and the town went dark. Spike lay silent on the ground in a dream like state he couldn’t open his eyes or move at all. He could smell his burned flesh and the powder of the fire extinguisher. His whole body burned, especially inside his head. He imagined the chip most likely melted. If it weren’t for his Vamp healing powers he probably would have major brain damage from it. He felt Clem open his mouth and the blood flow down his mouth. He couldn’t taste it but he could feel it change him. He could feel the power flow through him. He knew then and there the chip was gone. It was only a matter of time.

Chapter 5 – The Rebirth


          Spike sat up in his bed and gently pulled the soft plastic tube out of his throat and clipped the supply off. Clem was kicked back on the couch watching a soap opera when he heard Spike stir. Spike started pulling off his bandages, most were off before Clem made it over to the bed.


          “Hey pal, How you doin’?”


          “Not too bad…” Spikes voice sounded raspy, a hollow shell of his thick British bravado. Clem went over the microwave and heated Spike up a mug of blood.


          “Here take this, your throat must be sore, it probably got pretty dry.” Spike gladly gulped down the blood and tried to speak again. This time he actually sounded like himself.


          “How long have I been out?


          “Hmmm… About two weeks.”


          “What did I miss?”


          “Well let’s see… You missed Xander's wedding.” Spike shot Clem a like I care glance. “Well his almost wedding.”

“What do you mean almost wedding?”


“Xander stood Anya up!”


“That bleedin’ git, what buggered him?”


“He never said... All I know is that is father is a rude drunk.”


“Anything else?”


“Not really, well a couple days ago I heard through the grapevine that the slayer wigged out and tried to kill her friends or kidnap them or somethin’. I think they said she was poisoned.


“Bloody Hell, sounds like a Glarghle Guhl Kashma’nik demon, I don’t even know why I bothered take care of this chip, and they can destroy themselves better than I ever could.” They both get a good laugh out of that. “What time is it?”


“It’s about four fifty.”


“It won’t be long, soon night will fall and we can start recruiting.”




Chapter 6 – Patrol


          Buffy went to the graveyard first tonight. She was determined to see Spike. When she arrived she found that both Spike and Clem were gone. A quick search or the place revealed bloody bandages, lots of empty blood pouches, and what looked like a hospital feeder. “Dear god. What did Spike do?” Buffy said, she was so shocked she couldn’t help saying it out loud. No that’s crazy Clem would have told me if he were bad off, if he… Wipe that thought out of your head Buffy, Spike probably went off brooding, picked a fight with the wrong Vamp and had to stay laid up for a while. Buffy decided to just go out on her normal patrol; she figured she would probably run in to the two somewhere around Willie’s, drunk and singing. Buffy headed out toward the abandoned warehouse. She figured she would swing by Willie’s real quick to see what’s up.


          When Buffy arrived at Willie’s she was in for a real shock. The place was deserted yet Willie was whistling softly as he wiped down the bar. He seemed very happy. Buffy strolled over to the bar and hopped onto one of the stools. Willie turned to her when she sat down.


          “What’s your pleasure Buffy? It’s on the house.” Buffy was taken back by Willie’s generosity, especially when business was so slow.


          “Gee Willie; you seem to be in a petty good mood, what’s goin’ on?”


          “I don’t know much. Earlier today a vamp cam in here, said that my business was gonna be slow for a while and they gave me more money than I make in a year as compensation.” Willie slid Buffy a peach wine cooler. “That’s all I know, but the word is that there is some big and bad stuff about to go down in Sunnydale.”


          “Any word on who is our new big bad?” Buffy asked as she sipped her wine cooler?


          “They say it’s someone old school, but know one knows for sure who it is, but one things for sure, you’re either with ’em or against ’em.”


          “What do you mean by that?” Buffy asked as that worried little lump began to well in her stomach.


          “Well… If you don in them they kill you.” The blood drained out of Buffy’s face. “Hence I have no business; everyone is working, hiding, or dead.


          “Thanks Willie.” Buffy managed to blurt out as she sat on the bar stool silent. All she could think about was this new group confronting Spike, demanding the Slayer, and him defending her, and eventually being killed after lying low in his crypt trying to heal. “Have you seen Spike?”


          “Yea, he came in here a couple of Tuesdays ago and hung around a while. About Friday he left and I think he met a couple of his old friends in the alley as he left. I haven’t seen him since.”


          “Thanks Willie.”


          “No problem, if you need anything Buffy let me know, I’ll have plenty of time on my hands.” Buffy walked out of a bar and to the nearest pay phone. Willie continued to clean the bar.


          “You did good mate, real good, Spike said emerging from the back of the bar, handing Willie a rather large payoff. “ You may come in very handy.”



Chapter 7 – Preparations


          Spike sat in the living room of what used to be Angel’s mansion. Vampires scuffled about him some cleaning, some looking out for the Slayer. In the dining room a group of vamps were reading through many of ancient texts that were stolen from the Magick Box. One vamp stood up and rushed over to Spike.


          “Master! Master!” the vamp said as he kneeled at Spike’s feet. “I have found it. The spell that will give you control of the Hellmouth!”  Spike’s interest suddenly peaked. 


          “Tell me more.”


          “The spell is quite complicated; it is actually composed of three stages. It will take a most powerful witch to execute.”


          “Do we have anyone like that?”


          “We don’t have anyone I would be willing to let try. But the Slayer’s friend…”


          “No!” Spike roared. “We will do nothing that could possibly tip the Slayer off. We will have to find someone else.” Spike’s minion walked back to his seat, very distraught. Spike yelled back at him. “You better find me a witch before sunrise, or we’ll be sweeping you up come morning. Frightened the minion jumped out of his chair and began to leave, before he was interrupted. A voice from the other side of the room called out.


          “I can’t help but hear you’re looking for a witch.” Spike turned to the other side of the room to see a young girl standing. She was chained up with a few other ones. She a strait brown hair and Spike couldn’t help thinking that he had saw her before.


          “I normally don’t chat with my food luv, so you better make it quick.”


          “I can help you with a the spell, I’m just as powerful as Willow, and the Slayer wont miss me at all.”


          “Unchain her and bring her to me, you may not have to go too far to find the witch after all.” The now much happier minion walked over and unchained the girl and brought her to Spike. “You got a name luv?”


          “Amy, my name is Amy.”


          “Hold on a damn minute here, you’re the one aren’t you?” Amy, now a bit frightened responded.


          “Which one?”


          “You’re the one that put the spell on the lil’ pup and made my Dru swoon over him!”


          “You mean Xander.”


          “You’re damn right I mean Xander, It was you wasn’t it?”


          “Yyess.” Amy meekly replied.


          “You know for weeks I only dreamt of putting you in you bloody place.” Spike growled as he pushed him self so close to Amy’s face that the scent of her fear was nearly overpowering. Just when he thought that she would snap he jerked back. “I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t huh?” He questioned, unusually pleasant.


          “I guess so.” Amy replied, this time with a little more confidence. Spike sized up Amy. He knew he had to be sure that she would be completely loyal to him.


          “And you said that you know Red?”




          “And how do I know that you won’t try to muck things up, or tip off your friends?” Amy began to stammer, she did not know how to respond to him. She knew that she couldn’t tell him about all the stuff that happened between her and Willow.

          “You’ll just have to trust me.” Amy figured if she asserted herself she would gain his respect and trust.


          “Feisty, isn’t she.” Spike said to the room. He turned back to Amy. “You know what; I think I have a better idea.” Spike pulled Amy to him and kissed her deeply. He then ripped the two of them apart and bit down on her neck. Spike completed siring her and let her drop to the ground. “Get her to a room and find her something to wear, bring her back to me when she wakes.” Spike commanded two large vamps.




Chapter 8 – The Meeting


          “Hello?” Xander questioned sleepily as he tried to wake himself up.


          “Hey Xander, Its Willow I didn’t wake you did I?”


          “No… Well yeah, but for the sake of courtesy no.”


          “Buffy is calling an emergency Scooby meeting at the Magick Box; we need you to head over there, do you think that you and Anya try to get along.”


          “Yea, no problem Will, I’ll head on over.” Willow hung up the phone; she started another number, but paused mid dial. Buffy only had enough quarters for one call and had asked her if she could get Tara and Anya there too. Willow sighed and continued dialing.


          “Hello?” Tara stammered over the line.


          Tara, hey it’s Willow.”


          “Oh hey Will. What’s up, and so late?”


          “Buffy asked me to get everyone together, something big is brewing and she needs all our help.”


          “Sure no problem, are we meeting at the Magick Box?”




          “Good I’ll see you there.”

          “I Love You.” But
Willow only said it to dead air.  Willow then called Anya; with her it was pretty much cut and dry, after a little complaining about the time. Willow sighed, thinking about Tara again, and packed up her laptop and rushed out the door.


When Buffy arrived at the Magick Box the rest of the Scooby gang was already cleaning up the mess left from the break in. The glass from the door and windows had just been cleaned up. Buffy noted that Xander was very angry.


          “What happened here?” Buffy asked Willow as she stepped through the remains of the door.


          “It looks like whoever is behind what’s goin down decided to pick up some light reading.


          “How do you know it’s them?”


          “Because they took all the stuff on the loft, you know the dark Magicks.”


          “I don’t think this night could get any better.” Buffy complained as she took a seat. The rest of the Scoobies gathered around her.


          “So Buff, what do you know about these big bad.” Xander questioned


          “Unfortunately, not too much, I stopped down at Willie’s while on patrol and the place was disserted. Who ever it is that seems to be brewing some trouble seems to have the entire underworld spooked as well. The guys must be big and they must be powerful.”


          “Did you see if Spike has heard anything?” Tara chimed in.


          “Yeah, just what we need, dead boy’s expert opinion!” Xander murmured. Buffy ignored him, much like everyone does when he acts like this.


          “Spike is missing, Willie said that Spike left the bar and was met by to vampires as he left. He hasn’t been seen since. I went to his crypt and found a bunch of bandages and things… He may be dead.” An odd silence filled the room. All the Scoobies looked at each other, hoping one would break it.


          “Does anybody have any idea what we are doing here? I mean couldn’t we have had this in the morning, more importantly how do we get back my books?” Anya whined.


          “I think Buffy called us here to see if we could figure out something, who’s doing this, and why.” Willow suggested.


          “Exactly, Xander, I need you and Anya to go through the inventory and find out exactly which books are missing. Anya’s face soured and she began to open her mouth in protest but Buffy cut her off. Willow, Tara, I need you two to figure out what they wanted the books for and if there is any way to stop what they are doing. I will hit the streets and see if somebody knows something.  


          “That may be easier said than done Buffy,” Willow began, “With all the books they took they could be trying to anything.”


          “I have faith in you two, I will see if I can find anything that could help.’”


          “Take my cell phone.”


          “Thanks Xander.”


          “One more thing Buffy, I don’t think that you have two worry about them for a while, there are probably four or five witches within two hundred miles with the skill to do those spells and two of them are right here, so we probably have a little time.”      Tara assured. Buffy smiled and headed back out the Magick Box.




Chapter 9 – Amy


          Amy awoke in a very dark room, but she could see pretty well, she turned the light on, in habit. Those habits don’t take long to fade. Amy surveyed the room. It was a rather large room and well furnished right up to the bed she was currently in. It was fitted with red silk sheets and pillow case and what looked to be a rabbit fur comforter.  Amy of course knew what was going on, she wasn’t dumb. She knew who she was, and what she had become. She also knew that vampires not remembering their past lives was a myth, she remembered everything, but she also felt disgusted about her old life. She assumed that most vampires choose not to remember their past life. Amy rose from her bed and explored the room a little. When she reached the closet she found that it was fully stocked with clothing, clothing that fit her. The styles ranged from conservative to form fitting leather.  She grabbed a pair of leather pants and a red tank top and headed out the room. Gods I am starving! Amy thought to herself. She heard Spike tell someone to bring her to him when she woke, so she decided to find him herself. As she strolled down the halls she could tell that the house was huge, and partially in disrepair. She could tell that Spike has had be round the clock repairing the house, making it worthy of him. The only thing that Amy could not explain was how she felt towards Spike. She felt an intense desire; she wanted to serve him selflessly.  She finally understood what he meant by a better idea. When she finally made her way back to the main hall, and the living room she saw Spike barking orders to a group of what looked like biker vamps. As soon as she entered the room he turned to look at her.


          “Did you sleep well pet? I bet you feel better now than you ever have.” Amy only nodded, but he was right. She did feel it, the power, and the strength. “I take it you are ready to help us with a little Magick luv?” Amy nodded again. “Look at me sitting here babblin’ like a bloody wanker, dear Amy must be starving.” Spike turned to a vamp and he unchained one of the girls Amy had been chained to only a couple hours before. “Drink up Amy; you will be quite busy the next couple of days, taking control of the Hellmouth isn’t an easy thing. But the benefits are endless.” Amy smiled as she sank her teeth in to the soft flesh. She noted that the girl smelled a little like flowers.




Chapter 10 – The Magick Box


When Buffy arrived back at the Magick Box Xander, Anya, Willow, and Tara were all sitting at the large round table, they had all fallen asleep. Willow was even sleeping on her laptop and Anya was on the other side of the table, away from Xander. Buffy slid in the shop through the heavy Plastic that Xander put up temporarily to replace the broken windows and doors. Buffy was exhausted and pissed. She was pissed because she patrolled all night and wasn’t able to find anything with a hint of evil, not even a rat, or a bunny Anya’s case. It was almost like evil had taken a vacation.  It had been two days since their impromptu meeting and the gang had only left the Magick Box for food and the check on Dawn. Buffy had arranged for Dawn to stay with out of town relatives, to make sure nothing came after her. Buffy looked down at her watch. Good, I’m in time for the morning news. Buffy walks over to the television and switches it on. When she does she is startled to find a Missing in Sunnydale graphic on the screen. Buffy turns to her friends. “Hey guys you better see this.” The gang slowly rouses and focuses on the images on the television.


          “The total numbers are still unknown but it is estimated that the count surpasses the one hundred mark. Police still have no leads as fear and panic grip Sunnydale due to the staggering amount of missing persons the Mayors office and the SPD have instated an eight o’clock citywide curfew. We will bring you more as the situation develops.” Buffy switched the television back off.


          “How did we miss this? The vamps have a whole army now, and we don’t even know who it is or what they want! Have you guys been able to figure anything out?” Buffy realized how condescending what she said was after she heard it from her own lips. Fortunately everyone was too exhausted to notice. Willow stretched and turned to Buffy.


          “We don’t know much, but what we do know may help us out a lot. From the Anya and Xander’s inventory Tara and I were able to catalogue each of the stolen books and organize them by their contents.” Willow holds up a notepad filled with writings. “All of the books were dark Magicks. The common factor between the books is that their most powerful spells either deal with strengthening a witch’s    power, or taking control of supernatural forces. We are missing just one thing that would bring this puzzle together.”


          “Were not missing anything,” Anya chimed in, “the Magick Box’s entire inventory is accounted for.”


          “What about Giles’ stuff, you know his personal collection.” Tara questioned.


          “Good thinking Tara, Will you get on the phone with Giles and see what he left here. Maybe he can help you find the puzzle piece.” Buffy delegated. “And Xander, fix the doors and windows.” Xander nodded in compliance, half dozing.




Chapter 11 – The Night before the Dawn


The sun had just set and Amy was just waking from her slumber. She reached over, but Spike had already roused. She could tell from earlier that he was excited and she knew that he wouldn’t sleep long. She decided to go ahead and get up. Plus she wanted to talk to Spike and she couldn’t go to him in her current state of dress.


When Amy reached the roof she saw Spike standing there looking at the new additions that had been made to the mansion. He had about seventy five followers now, only thirty five of which were newly sired. The rest of the missing persons were corralled in the mansion’s basement for food. Amy looked down at the Vampires below, all of them bustling about completing their various tasks, all of them completely loyal to Spike. They were either loyal by fear, or because they want to see Spike succeed and finally put those cattle in their place, and finally put the slayer in her place. “Hello luv, sleep well?” Spike asked without turning around.


“Great.” Amy purred. “How ‘bout you?” Spike turned to Amy but as he was about to respond one of his followers burst through the door.


“Master, you have a visitor, I tried to keep her downstairs but…” Spike didn’t even have to look behind the minion; they all usually reminded him of the little grunts that Glory kept as lap dogs, to see who was coming up the stairs. He could already hear her complaining


“Spike! Spike! How dare you…” Harmony stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Amy standing next to Spike. “You’re with Amy now, that skank!” Amy tensed and Spike became obviously agitated.


“Listen. Harmony I don’t have time for your little games right now, why don’t you crawl back under whatever surprisingly stylish rock you climbed out of.”


“No, I will not leave! Look at you, you’re starting something with out me, I thought we were supposed to be together.” Harm whined.


“What? I....You… Left…” Spike stammered in classic Giles style. Amy tuned to Spike.


“You dated Harmony?”


          “You damn right he dated me, and he loves me do don’t you Spikeie?”


          “Bloody hell woman! Who do you think you are?” Spike yelled at Harmony. He knew what this ditz was up to. She knew he was going to the top and she wanted to sleep her way up with him. Spike couldn’t believe that she actually thought she could come back. He knew she wasn’t too stupid to realize that all he did was use her. Harmony walked up to Spike and put her arms around him and decided to develop wandering hands. Before Spike could push her away Amy lifted a hand and blew her across the roof. Harmony got up and stumbled over her broken heel. She kicked off her shoes and stormed back to Amy.


          “Listen, queen skank, Spike is my man and no witch is gonna steal him from me.” Harmony screamed.


          “No, you listen Harmony; I don’t know why you think that you can just walk…” Amy held a finger to her lips, Stopping Spike’s speech. Her eyes glassed over black and she turned to Harmony levitating her in the air. When Harmony opened her mouth to speak Amy vamped out, her eyes turned from black to blood red. Harmony froze. The wind started to blow fiercely. A 2X4 from left over from the construction below flew up to the roof; it split to a point and plunged straight thru Harmony. Her dust held its shape until Amy released. The wind stopped and all was calm. When Amy turned back to Spike she had switched back to her human face. Spike had no doubt of her loyalty now. “I guess I don’t need to ask if you books have been successful in juicing you up do I?” Amy shook her head no. “Then we are ready to proceed?”


          “We will start out here at dawn.” Amy said as she approached Spike and pulled him down on the roof.



Chapter 12 – Giles


          It took Willow about three hours to catch Giles. After she finally found him she was put on hold. She didn’t know what time it was over there, but she knew that she had to reach Giles, Willow waited and waited. Finally, she gave up and went to hang up the phone she heard a voice. “Um... Hello this is Rupert.” Willow quickly put the phone to her ear.


          “Hey Giles it’s me!”


          “Oh, Hello Willow, how are you doing, how are things in Sunnydale?”


          “Bad and worse.”


          “Oh dear, what’s going on.”


          “We don’t really know, there is a new, old bad in town, they took all of the Magick Box’s books on the dark Magicks, we don’t know what there up to there are like a hundred people missing, we have barely slept in days and everyone’s scared.”


          “Oh dear.”


          “And not to make things worse, we think that they may have taken some things from your personal collection.”


          “M-my Personal collection? You mean my things?” Giles stammered.


          “Yeah, that’s why I was calling; we need to know what exactly you had down here, so we can maybe figure out what they’re up to.”


          “Yes yes of course, I will get my list to you immediately; also could you please give me a listing of the books that were taken from the shop?”


          “Sure no problem I will email it within the hour.”


          “As will I”


          “I will call you back if we find something.”


          “I know some powerful witches in the area; I will get them to look this over with me.”


          “Good, I will catch you then.” Willow hung up the phone and walked over to her laptop and started composing her and Tara’s notes. She could hear Xander and Anya arguing in the background.




Chapter 15 – Dawn


          Spike stood on the roof watching Amy as she prepared for the ritual. She had been doing this for hours now, preparing for dawn. Spike could feel dawn coming it was soon, he could nearly smell it. “Luv, are you ready? It’s almost time.”


          “I’m ready, you better get inside, you won’t be safe out here when the sun rises.” Amy smiled at Spike as he walked through the roof’s door. She could barely see him through the small window.  Amy turned to look over the trees. The sun was rising. Spike could see Amy from his vantage point she was standing in the middle of her candles and designs. When the sun stuck her she began to chant. Spike always found humor in hearing the ancient languages. It always reminded him of those preachers on TV who promise that they can heal you for a small donation of only one or two months salary. His attention peaked hen Amy began to float in the air. She had stopped smoking. Lightning began to flow from Amy’s arms and legs then outlining the designs on the ground. Suddenly the designs exploded into a purple flame along with Amy. Her chanting grew louder and louder, all Spike could do was stare. The flame grew and grew until it seemed to cover the entire sky. The heavens started to scream. Spike coved is ears and winced from the deafening sound. When he opened his eyes it was night again, but according to the time it was four after eight. The whole process took over an hour, but Stage one of the spell was complete; Sunnydale was now covered in eternal nightfall. Spike rushed out the door to check on Amy. He could here the other vamps rushing out the mansion and cheering. When Spike reached Amy she couldn’t move, but she was smiling. Spike hoisted her up and kissed her. She smiled again.


          “It worked” Amy whispered weakly.


          “That it did luv, that it did.” Spike held her tightly as he walked down the stairs. He could hear the vamps celebrating. The room roared when Spike and Amy entered. “Could some one get us a drink?” Spike commanded. Another vampire shoved a young man in his twenties at Spike, when Spike looked into his face he realized that it was Warren, one of those nerds that liked to annoy Buffy. They had some name for the three of them but it escaped him at the time. Warren looked a little relieved when he saw Spike, but that quickly passed when Spike put on his game face and sank into his neck. He drank briefly and then pressed Warren to Amy’s lips. “Drink up, you need your strength, there is still much more work to do.”




Chapter 16 – The Flame


          Buffy strolled into the Magick Box, using its newly fitted door. Inside Willow and Xander sat watching TV, it was a cartoon that Buffy had never seen before. Willow was lightly dozing.


          “Hey Xand, where’s Anya and Tara?”

“Oh they went out to pick up breakfast and a few necessities like coffee, a coffee maker…”


          “Something to sleep on!” Willow groggily chimed in.


          “Have you guys found any new information?”


          “No, but I did get a hold of Giles, he knows more about what was stolen. The book that is missing from his private collection is written in a language I have never heard of, plus I cannot even find any information on it.”


          “It seems like the further we get the less we know.” Buffy stated, almost whined.


          “I just wish we had a clue just fall in our laps, I mean just something to tip us off!” Xander complained, he was definitely whining. Just then Tara and Anya arrived the three went out side to help them bring in their bounty. Before Buffy even made it to the door Buffy could tell that Anya over bought. Buffy bent down to pickup a few bags that we unloaded on the sidewalk when everything suddenly seemed to have a purple hue. Buffy closed here eyes and shook her head but the hue remained. When she looked up she saw her friends staring into the sky. The sky was burning; the entire sky had been engulfed with a purple flame as far as the eye could see.


          “Willow, go call Giles! NOW!” Buffy commanded “We all need to go inside.” The gang followed Willow in as she rushed to the phone. They all stood at the front windows of the Magick Box, staring at the flame filled sky.


          “I think were may be running out of time.” Tara whispered, never taking here eyes off the spectacle. The gang could hear Willow in the background shouting something about not getting the run around this time, but none of them really heard it. They couldn’t turn away from the sky, it was almost hypnotic. Willow was pleased when she only had to wait a few minutes for Giles this time.


          “Giles, thank god!”


          “What is it Willow did you find something?”


          “Yes and no, to put it bluntly, the sky is on fire.”


          “Oh my! What color?”




          “Let me call you back Willow.” Giles abruptly hung up the phone. Willow walked over to the window and joined her friends. When the phone rang again Willow and the gang were still staring into the sky. When Willow turned to answer the phone she caught a glimpse of a wall clock. They had been looking at the sky for over thirty minutes.




          “Ah, yes, Willow, it’s Giles. I can’t talk long I’m in a taxi now, on my way to the airport.”

          “I take it that you found out what is going on, with the spell.”


          “Yes I did, and I’m afraid that it’s bad, very bad.”


          “What Giles, what does it do.”


          “From all the information that you have given us we have been able to determine that the spell is meant to control the Hellmouth.” Willow dropped the phone.




Chapter 17 – Bloodlines


          Spike stared at Amy as she slept. He knew that he should have been weary about tiring her out so, especially after this morning’s festivities. It wouldn’t be too much longer before they were ready to start phase two. What was it Amy had said about this phase? Spike couldn’t remember, but he knew that it had something to do with bloodlines, his blood, and changing the moon, to cause the blood tide, or something like that. Of course there was more to Spike’s plan than just the Hellmouth. He wanted the Scoobies to, and he wanted all of them. He knew that Giles would soon be back in Sunnydale, either the Scoobies told him about it or that coven in Devon that Amy warned him about would sense it and tell him. Either way he would be here endowed with the knowledge of the spell, and maybe a little extra magick to. Spike looked around the room; he observed how it had been changed ever so slightly by the presence of Amy’s things. Spike could hear Amy begin to stir. Spike was especially good at knowing when one would wake. Back in his day he would sit and wait. Wait for hours for his victim to wake on their own. How he loved to see their waking faces changed to see him over them in full vamp face before he ripped out their throat. He could hear their heart beat faster; he could hear their breathing increase. And although Amy had a few less signs than his prey, he could still tell, he could always tell with Dru, and he can tell with Amy.


“Are you ready darling?” Amy asked as she rose out of bed, her full body glistening in the candlelight. Spike turned to her and pulled her close to him.


“I’m already packed luv, get dressed, it’s a pretty good ride to LA, and I am getting eager to start.”



          Cordelia kneeled on the cold marble floor scrubbing at a faded pentagram. She looked like one of those television house keepers, complete with dew rag and bucket of soapy water. “Tried soaking it out, tried scrubbing it out… No question, we got a ring around the lobby.” She stands and turns to the rest of Angel Investigations. “I say we toss in the towel and buy a big ass throw rug. Who’s with me?” Groo, scrubbing on his own little part of the floor turns to Cordy, apparently pleased by the suggestion.

          “That honor is mine, Princess.” Groo stated, confirming the previous assumption.

          “Aww.” Cordelia cooed sending him an air kiss. “Groo, honey… do me a favor and dump out the bucket.” Groo takes the bucket and leaves the lobby, leaving only a smile. Fred decides to use the opportunity to talk to Cordy.


          “He is such a sweetie. So loyal, and…” Cordelia felt that sudden wave of strangeness pass through her. She was getting a vision. She sees a group of vampires burst through the door one of them was speaking with an accent. She couldn’t see him or understand him, but she knew he was British.  Then she saw the sky above Sunnydale burst into a purple flame, and then a flash of the moon as it was engulfed in blood. What she saw next chilled her strait to the bone. The British voice did not come from Wesley, or some new Demon in town, it came from Spike, the one Vampire that Angel feared most, and from the rest of the vision, or from the simple fact that she had one to begin with, she knew that that fancy chip they had heard about must have went dead. When Cordelia snapped back into it she began to scream.


          “Angel! Angel!” Angel wearily looked up from his newly reacquired desk. After a moments realization he knew that Cordelia had just had a vision. He jumped out of his office eager at the prospect of a new case, something to occupy his mind.


          “What is it Cordy? Time to help the helpless?” Angel asked with a forced stoicism.


          “No the vision was about you, it was about us. It was…”  The front doors to Angel Investigations burst off there hinges and scattered off to the sides like frightened children.


          “I believe it was about me.” Spike mused as he and his gang of Big Bads spilled through the opening left behind by the doors. Angel noticed that it was dark outside, while the others stared in fear. All in all there were twenty seven of them, twenty Five minions and then Spike and Amy. They had been waiting a while outside. Spike wanted to make sure they had a made a memorable entrance, so he had Amy whip up an eclipse spell, and a talisman so they would know when the powers that be sent Cordelia a vision. It was all timed perfectly. “I know that we have probably came calling at a bad time, but Amy here knew that little Cordelia would have one of her visions and give us away, so we decided to be here when she did.” Spike smiled. That smile made Fred shiver. Fred hadn’t heard and thing about this peroxide vampire, but she could tell that Angel was a little scared, and that made her shiver again. Spike could smell the fear, it was pouring off Cordelia and the other girl. He also noticed two other men enter the room. Spike whispered a question into Amy’s ear and she whispered back a reply. Time to be the big bad! Spike thought to himself as he began to step away from his gang. “Well now Angel, it looks like your dark and broodiness has actually has paid off! You got a really nice setup here. And I truly mean that.” Spike began to circle the room; it was time to show off in front of Angels Scooby gang. Spike slid over to where Cordelia and Fred were standing. “Hello Cordelia, slutty as ever.”


          “Bite me Spike!” She quipped back.


          “Don’t tempt me luv.” Spike responded tapping his forehead, indicating the inactivity of his chip. “And you must be the ever timid Fred, I don’t suppose Angel has uses his dark and broody ways on you has he?” Fred Blushed and tuned her head away from him. Spike then turned to Groo and Gunn. “I take it that you are the Groosalugg, warrior from a far away place. I hope you’re not a dumb as you look.” Groo stood silent, glaring at Spike. “And last but not least Charles Gunn, the bad ass from the streets, I’m guessing that little Fred over there has been able to “work” the streets out of you, if you know what I mean.” Gunn decided that he had had enough of this white haired freak, and charged with the base ball bat lying at the base of the stairs. Before he was able to complete his swing Spike laid a swift punch in his chest, sending him flying across the room and in to a small table. “You better go help him Fred; he got a few broken ribs from that one luv.”


          “Hey guys there’s a big brouhaha at the juice bar across the street, only light on the ha…” Lorne froze mid sentence knowing that he had walked in on something bad.


          “Ahh, looks like we have a bonus guest, Lorne the empathic lounge singer.”


          “Spike, what do you want?” Angel demanded?


          “You, grandsire, bleeding and near death, and the green one too, I think he will come handy.” Spike snapped his fingers and four vamps emerged with chains. Two of them locked up Lorne and pulled him out the doorway, the other two approached Angel. Before they were able to touch him he grabbed both their and twisted them around until he felt them pop and tossed them back where they were. Spike cocked a sly, knowing grin. “Come now Angel don’t you think I would have a plan for this? Why don’t you give it a shot pet?” Spike said as he turned to Amy. With a simple wave of her hands Angel floated a foot into the air a green energy bound Angel’s hands and legs. Spike heard Gunn draw a weapon, and could feel the muscles tense in the Groosalugg. Spike whipped around to the two men. “And of course I can’t forget about you two.” Spike motioned and the gang rushed Grew, Gunn and to a lesser extent Fred. “Now that I’m thinking about it pet, why don’t you work your mojo on the psychic slut, never hurts to have one or two lying around, that is if peaches hasn’t driven her crazy yet.” Amy smiled and Cordelia took her place next to Angel and they floated out, behind Spike and Amy. The sounds of battle could be heard behind them as they left.




To Be Continued…