f a n f i c

Lavender Lovers
by Spoilerwhore


SETTING: This story takes place somewhere after 'New Moon Rising'.

SUMMARY: What if Willow didn't *have to* make a choice between Tara and Oz?


SPECIAL THANX: To all the people's fanfic I've read and thus inspired me to write me own.

"Good Morning." Willow rolled over to face Tara who was looking at her with bright eyes. "Good Morning." Tara shyly said giving Willow a brief kiss. Then suddenly another arm wrapped over both Willow & Tara.

"Morning." Oz said smiling back at the 2 lovers as they all giggled.

Oz was so keen about sharing a bed with Willow & Tara but after a couple of months, he'd gotten use to it. As a matter of fact, it had became quite the turn on nevertheless making him the envy of all his friends.

Tara took her hand and softly caressed the side of Oz's face. "Ohhh...you're turning into Mister Patchy face." Oz grinned. "Better than Mister Wolfy face." He said playfully tapping Tara on the nose then getting up from the bed and going into the bathroom.

Willow moved up behind Tara in the bed, spooning her and gently nibbling her ear from behind. "How did you sleep?" Willow whispered. Tara groaned a bit. "I was a little bit nervous...I'd rather be sleeping on your side of the bed." Tara groaned as Willow frowned a bit gripping Tara around her waist even tighter.

"I know it seems scary at first, but once you get to ---"

"It's not that." Tara interuppted turning around to face Willow. "He almost tried to kill me Will." Willow paused for a moment then brushed some hair out of Tara's face. "I know...but as long as he loves me, he won't hurt you."

Tara sat up in the bed. "Oh really?? Well, I'd hate to see what happens if you guys ever get into an argument and break it off." And with that, Tara climbed out of bed and grabbed a pair of jeans from off the chair and slipped them on.

"Tara...baby...it's not like that. I mean...Oz likes you too." Willow said trying to calm down Tara.

"Does he?? Does he really, Will??" Tara said becoming even more upset, throwing off her night gown and throwing on a shirt and her slippers.

Willow sighed. "Can we please not do this??" Willow said pouting as Tara got dressed.

"Of course not, Will...Oz will do that for you." And with that Tara stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

"TARA!!" Willow called out, but by that time it was too late. Tara was gone. Oz walked out of the bathroom brushing his teeth in a pair of green sweats with no shirt. "What's going on??" He asked. "Did someone slam the door??"

Willow gave Oz a look. "Tara's "upset" again." Willow said quoting with her fingers. Oz moved over to the bed and sat next to Willow, gently grabbing her hand. "No worries. I'll talk to her."

Willow smiled. "Thank you." She said giving Oz a quick kiss on the cheek before he got up from the bed and went back into the bathroom.

"I can't believe this shit." Tara said pacing back and forth in front of her friend Ximena. They had met in her writing class. Ximena wasn't gay but she was a good friend nonetheless. She was one of few African-Americans on campus at Sunnydale high and if that wasn't controversy enough was actually was a dating a white guy named Dave who she was madly in love with and engaged.

"Well what do you expect when you put yourself in a triad relationship honey??" Ximena asked sitting on the couch holding a bitten apple in her hand. Tara had burst in on one of her many study sessions. Passions was on. Watching Tara pace back and forth was driving her crazy.

"I dunno...it's like....I'm in love with her...and I guess I just wanted to be with her by ----"

"Any means necessary." Ximena rolled her eyes and taking another bite out of her apple. "Yeah I get that." Ximena nodded waving the appled in her hand. "Sit down honey....you're making me nervous."

As Tara plopped down next to Ximena, she took a deep sigh. "I'm gonna lose her." Tara said leaning forward on the couch and putting her head in her hands sobbing a bit. "Hey...you are NOT gonna lose her. She's just all mixed up right now...she wants her to have her cake and eat it too and well....your letting her."

Tara sobbed harder. Ximena leaned forward also putting a hand on her shoulder for support. "Ok...ok...bad choice of words."

"She's not in love with me! She wants him!" Tara shouted.

"But I want you." A voice intervened. Both Ximena & Tara looked over to see Oz standing in the doorway. Ximena cleared her throat and shifted uncomfortablely rising from the couch.

"Maybe you two should talk." She said with a weird look on her face, walking over and patting Oz on the back before exiting out the door and closing it behind her.

Tara just stared. "You want me." She said nodding in self evaluation. "I have to say I'd never thought I'd see that one coming." Oz moved over and sat down next to her.

"It's true." He said. "No it's not...Oz. Will told me herself. You're all about her. You don't want me. I'm just other lesbian lover who's in the way."

Then without warning Oz kissed Tara. At first, she just sat there stunned...barely receiving the touch or the feel of his soft lips. But once he moved his hand on her knee and moved in closer, she eventually went with it.

The kissing became deeper....until eventually it was a fiery passion. Lustful moans were heard....and then Tara quickly pulled away and jumped up. "I can't...do this....oh my god....I just....we.....kissed....and..."

Oz stood up also. "Go with it." He said moving in for another kiss. "I can't!" Tara said pushing Oz away.
Oz stood there dumbfounded. "I just can't okay?? I'm a lesbian Oz. I don't look at you like that."

"But you love Willow...." He asked. Tara became defensive. "That's right! I love Willow...and the thought of me sharing her with you...is getting....." Tara was at a loss for words.

Oz crossed his arms. "Getting what?? What?? You getting jealous? Can't handle it?"

Tara laughed. "Oh ho ho!! You should be the one to talk wolf boy!" She pointed at Oz.

Oz smiled to himself and looked down in amusement. "I should...shouldn't I?" He said looking back at Tara. Slowly walking over to her, he kissed her again....but this time it was more sincere.

Tara kissed him back then looked into his eyes and smiled. "We should get back." Oz smiled too. "We should." Then he grabbed her hand and led them out of Ximena's room just as Ximena was walking back in.

Tara & Ximena grinned at each other. "Mmmm hmmm....have fun gurl!" She said teasingly to Tara.


Willow snuggled up on the pillow in the black silent room. The only thing to comfort her was the snuggly comforter. She wondered where Oz & Tara were. Neither one of them had returned all that day - and now it was night. Willow began to worry. Tara sure did have her days....and if that wasn't enough, Oz never did. 'Must be a guy thing.' She thought pulling more covers over her feeling the lonliness beginning to set in..

Suddenly she felt a cool hand slide around her waist and pull her closer into them. "2 guesses on who I am." The voice said soothingly into her ear following by warm kisses planted on her neck and spontaneous nibbles to her ear.

Willow smiled. "Well if I had my wish, I'd only have to make one."

"I love you." The the voice said. "I love you too baby." Willow said back.

As they all snuggled up together and went to bed.