Buffy Anne Summers

Nickname(s): Buff, The Buffster, The Duchess of Buffonia, Slayer, Joan.

Favorite Weapon: Mr. Pointy.

Dated: Owen Thurman, Angel, Scott Hope (pre-gayness), Riley Finn, Spike.

Favorite Things to do: Slay vampires and demons. Have sex with vampires and demons.

Willow Rosenberg

Nickname(s): Will, Crayon-Breaky Willow, Scary-Veiny Willow, Old Reliable.

Favorite Weapon: Magicks that could suck us out of existence.

Dated: Oz (pre-Willow-gayness), Tara, Kennedy.

Favorite Things to do: Gay it up, and flay males who deserve it. Do disney magic that doesn't make sense.

Alexander Lavelle Harris

Nickname(s): Xander, Carpenter, Jimmy Olsen, The White Knight, Nighthawk.

Favorite Weapon: Humor, rocket launcher, yellow crayon.

Dated: Cordelia, Anya, many individual demons.

Favorite Things to do: Build stuff, see things, laugh and then hide in the face of danger.


Nickname(s): William (real name) The Bloody, Blondie Bear, Randy Giles, The Doctor, Captain Peroxide.

Favorite Weapon: Anything that can kill something.

Dated: Drusilla, Harmony, Buffy.

Favorite Things to do: Attempt to murder and then hit on Buffy, wear leather duster, call Angel a poof.


Nickname(s): Liam (real name), Angelus, Poofhead.

Favorite Weapon: Anything that can kill something.

Dated: Darla, Buffy, Busty Werewolf Nina.

Favorite Things to do: Fight Wolfram & Hart, Turn into Angelus, play soap opera with Buffy.

Cordelia Chase

Nickname(s): Cordy, Queen C, The Bitch.

Favorite Weapon: Visions, demon-birth giving.

Dated: Xander Harris, Grooslaug, Connor (due to complete loss of brain)

Favorite Things to do: Shopping, not having visions, get loofa'd by Dennis.

Rupert Giles

Nickname(s): Ripper, The Watcher, Tweed Giles.

Favorite Weapon: Books, 2x4's on fire.

Dated: Jenny Calender, Olivia, Joyce Summers (ontop of a police car).

Favorite Things to do: Have inappropriate sex when he loses his indentity or adulthood, clean glasses, get knocked out.

Wesley Wyndham-Pryce

Nickname(s): Wes, Head Boy, Giles: The Next Generation.

Favorite Weapon: John Woo Slo-mo duel pistol FX, automatic wrist stakes.

Dated: Virginia Bryce, Lilah Morgan, Winifred Burkle.

Favorite Things to do: Take away buckets, kill robot-versions of his dad, teach Illyria human junk.

Winifred Burkle

Nickname(s): Fred, Freddicles.

Favorite Weapon: Dangerous Math and science, dying to bring Illyria forth.

Dated: Gunn, Wesley.

Favorite Things to do: Losing Texan accent, tacking up dixie chicks posters, soul-floating.

Charles Gunn

Nickname(s): Gunn, Mr. Gunn, Hair Club for Men, G.

Favorite Weapon: Over-sized truck stake.

Dated: Fred, Electro Gwen, probably "Gunn'd" Lily too (although there isn't any evidence).

Favorite Things to do: Losing street accent, Being the only brother to sing Gilbert and Sullivan, getting legal on everyone's asses.

Allen Francis Doyle

Nickname(s): Doyle, The Mick, Knight in Shining Armor, First Soldier Down (posthumous).

Favorite Weapon: Vision exchange, the shake of demon conversion.

Dated: Harry (married, divorced).

Favorite Things to do: Jump off scaffolds onto bombs, quote Angela's ashes, owe actual money to lonesharks (nay kittens), call Oz 'little bam-bam'.

Joss Whedon

Nickname(s): God, The Creator, pretty much anything godlike.

Favorite Weapon: Cunning Quips, Razor sharp attacks on pop culture.

Dated: He is married, geez you pervs.

Favorite Things to do: Rip out our hearts, shit on them and then do a little dance.

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Nickname(s): Captain Tight Pants, Sir, Petty Thief.

Favorite Weapon: His 2 fists for fightin', and his two legs for runnin' when he's losin'.

Dated: Nandy ("bedded" with her), Saphrine (married, in a hoax'ish sense).

Favorite Things to do: Captain Serenity, Call Inara a "whore", sit on big rocks in his birthday suit, steal stuff.