Episode Guide

Episode 19: Lie To Me

Overall Rating: 7.6
Matt: 7.8
Eric: 7.4

Written and Directed by: Joss Whedon

Cast : Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers, Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris, Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase, Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles, and David Boreanaz as Angel.

Guest stars : Robia LaMorte as Jenny Calendar, James Marsters as Spike, Jason Behr as Billy Fordham, and Juliet Landau as Druscilla.

Original broadcast date: Nov. 3, 1997

Sunnydale playground at night. It is deserted apart from one small boy who is waiting for his mother ­ she is late. Druscilla appears, and offers to walk him home, but he declines. She asks what his mother will do when she finds his body, but Angel intervenes and tells the boy to run home! Dru seems pleased to see him, but he asks her to take Spike and leave. She leans in close as she replies. Buffy is patrolling a rooftop that overlooks the park, and from where the Slayer is standing it looks like the two vamps are kissing.

At school the next day, Jenny invites Giles on a date the following evening. Their destination is a secret, and Giles is intrigued. As Buffy seems down, and things have been quiet, he tells her to take tonight off.

In class, Willow and Buffy pass notes about Angel and Dru. Buffy doesnıt know who she was, or if sheıs a vamp. Xander tries to cheer her up after the lesson by suggesting a night out at the Bronze. Just then a boy from Buffyıs old school, Hemmery High, introduces himself. Buffy is thrilled to see him! She had a major crush on Billy Fordham when she was younger, and is happy when he tells her that he has transferred to Sunnydale High. To Xanderıs irritation, she invites him to join them at the Bronze.

At the Bronze, Buffy goes to get a soda while Ford and Xander play pool. She meets Angel at the bar, and asks what he did last night. He lies. He tells her that he stayed in and read a book. Knowing it is not the truth, she leaves with Ford.

Outside the Bronze, Buffy hears someone scream. She tells Ford she forgot her purse, and sends him back inside to get it. He pretends to go back, but follows her, and sees her dust a vamp. Ford tells her that itıs okay ­ he knows sheıs the Slayer!

Later that night, Buffy talks on the phone to Willow. She says she is pleased that he knows, because now she doesnıt have to worry about him finding out.

Ford knocks on the door of an old bomb shelter, and is admitted. Inside, a party is underway. A guy dressed in a ridiculous vamp costume asks him if everything is going to plan. He also mentions that he wants to be called ŒDiegoı from now on. He is a major dork! Ford says that in two more days they will all get the chance to die young, and stay prettyŠ

Angel arrives outside Willowıs window as she is getting ready for bed. She invites him in, and he asks her to check Billy out on the net. He admits to being jealous, but says it is more than that. Something feels wrong. Willow finds out that Ford hasnıt registered at Sunnydale High ­ he lied! Angel asks her not to tell Buffy until they know whatıs going on.

At school the next day, Buffy and Ford invite Willow to join them. She gets really jumpy, and excuses herself, but Buffy puts it down to too much coffee. Giles gives Buffy the number of Jennyıs beeper incase heıs needed, and is shocked when he finds out that Ford knows about her.

Buffy and Ford spot two vampires as they walk through the school grounds that evening. The Slayer knocks the female one to the ground, and Ford holds it there with a cross while she chases the other. He tells the vamp she can go if she answers a question. Buffy stakes the second vamp, and returns to find Billy alone. He tells her he dusted the female vamp himself.

Angel, Willow and Xander arrive at the Sunset Club ­ the abandoned bomb shelter Ford was at last night. Itıs the only address that Willowıs been able to trace. They say they are friends of Ford, and are let in. The people inside are a cult that worships vampires. A girl named Chantarelle argues with Angel about vampires. She believes that they are Œhigher beingsı who are simply misunderstood.

Buffy enters the library with Jenny and Giles. She has called them back from their date because of the two vamps she saw on campus. What did they want? Giles is quite please to have been beeped, as Jenny had taken him to a monster truck rally! Buffy finds a photo of Dru in one of Gilesıs books, and asks who it is. He tells her that she used to be Spikeıs girlfriend, but was killed by a mob in Prague. He is horrified to learn that she is actually alive and in town! As he heads toward his office, a vampire runs out with a book it has stolen. It knocks him down and escapes. Buffy recognizes the vamp as the one Ford said he killedŠ

The vampire takes the stolen book to Spike, who is very pleased. Ford turns up, and offers him a deal. If Spike will make him a vampire, Billy will deliver the Slayer!

Angel goes to see Buffy, and tells her that he and the scoobies have been checking on Ford. She gets angry, and before he can finish she asks about Dru. Angel is reluctant to tell her, because Druscilla was Œthe worst thingı he ever did. He tells her that she was an obsession of his, because she was so pure and so chaste. He made her insane by killing everyone she loved, and then made her a vampire when she finally fled to a convent. Having truthfully answered her question, he tells her about Ford.

At school the next morning, Ford asks Buffy if she will go out with him that night. She agrees. Later, she catches up with Willow and Xander, and tells them that Angel has explained.

Back at the Sunset Club, Ford pours a goblet of wine for Chantarelle. He has told the group that they will be made vampires tonight. Buffy walks in, saying she couldnıt wait until tonight. Ford gets Diego to shut the door behind her. He tells her about the trade he made with Spike, and says that the place has been rigged. The door can only be opened from the outside. She is now stuck there Œtil nightfallŠ

Buffy tries to warn the group that the vampires will simply kill them, but the cult are totally brainwashed and will not listen. The alarm on Fordıs watch goes off ­ it is sunset!

Spike and Dru lead their gang of vamps from the lairŠ

Ford takes Buffy aside and explains that heıs dying from a brain tumour. He admits that the rest of the group are just fodder, but doesnıt care as long as he becomes a vamp! They hear Spikeıs car screech to a halt outside, and Buffy pleads with the others to listen. Ford punches her in the face, and she falls down the stairs.

The vamps burst in and start feeding! Ford tries to hit Buffy with a crowbar, but she smacks him against the wall and he gets knocks out. She grabs Druscilla, and holds a stake to her chest, telling Spike to let everyone go. He does so, and Buffy releases Dru. She runs out and slams the door, trapping the vamps inside. Ford wakes up and asks for his reward. After all, he did deliver.

Buffy returns the next day to find the door broken open. Fordıs dead body is lying on the floor.

The cemetery at night. Giles watches as Buffy lays roses on Billyıs grave. He rises as a vamp, and without hesitation she stakes him.