Episode Guide

Episode 41: Revelations

Overall Rating: 8.0
Matt: 8.0
Eric: 8.0

Written by: Douglas Petrie
Directed by: James A. Contner

Cast : Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers, Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris, Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase, Seth Green as Oz, Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles, David Boreanez as Angel.

Main guest stars : Eliza Dushku as Faith, Serena Scott Thomas as Gwendolyn Post, Jason Hall as Devon.

Original broadcast date : November 17, 1998

At The Bronze, Willow and Xander, still feeling guilty about their secret tryst, try to deflect Oz and Cordeliaıs attention to Buffyıs love life. As they speculate about a possible new boyfriend of hers, she arrives and jokingly tells them that her date for the evening is Faith, for slay-duty.

In the cemetery, the two Slayers are actually having fun doing what they call "synchronized slaying", as Giles watches on appreciatively. However, another voice with a British accent calls the Slayersı performance "sloppy". She introduces herself as Gwendolyn PostŠ Faithıs new Watcher.

At the library, Gwen informs the threesome that she was also sent by the Council to report back on Gilesı activities, as well as to enlist both Slayersı help to kill a Lagos, a demon whoıs in town looking for the Glove of Myhnegon ­ a dangerous artefact which gives tremendous power to its wearer.

The next day, Buffy is practicing Tai Chi practicing with Angel at the mansion. The moves get more and more sensual and tender, untilŠ they get very close to a kiss. Buffy quickly draws back, conscious that they canıt go that far again. Instead, she fills him in on the whole Lagos deal, then leaves.

Meanwhile, Gwen Post has been seriously getting under Gilesı skin, and he takes his anger out on Willow and Xander as they do research. As the two of them go back once more into the bookshelves and slink to the ground to relax a bit, they kiss againŠ and are almost caught by an unsuspecting Giles. As the Watcher tells them that the Glove of Myhnegon is hidden in the Von Hauptmann family crypt, Xander quickly offers to go to Restfield cemetery to tell Buffy.

Buffy and Faith are coming back from an unsuccessful talk for Lagos, and chatting talk about guys. Faith prods Buffy for information about her relationship with Angel, but Buffy declines the offer to talk about it. As Buffy, claiming to be tired, goes home, Faith goes back to the cemetery for a last round, and runs into the demon, rummaging through a sarcophagus for loot. Not believing her luck, she happily tackles itŠ and gets beat up like crap. As she looks on disbelievingly, Lagos takes off, not having found what he was looking for.

Looking for Buffy in the cemetery, Xander spies Angel coming out of the Hauptmann Crypt, carrying something wrapped up in cloth. After following him, Xander sees Buffy and Angel passionately kissing in the mansion. As they realize what they are doing, they break apart, embarrassed. Then Angel shows Buffy his prize, the Glove of Myhnegon, which he promises to keep safe.

Xander goes to see Giles, whoıs having tea with Gwen Post, and tells him about what he saw. The next day Buffy finds her friends congregated in the library, grim-faced. They start telling her how they feel about her being back with Angel and having lied to them, Xander being, as usual, by far the harshest. As Buffy tries to defend herself, Giles breaks it up, saying itıs enough, and everyone leaves. Buffy tries once again to justify her actions, but Giles coldly cuts her off, reminding her of the fact Angel that tortured him, and accusing her of having no respect for him.

Meanwhile, Gwen visits Faith at her motel apartment and drives the first wedge between her and Buffy, telling the younger Slayer about the secret meetings Giles, Buffy and friends routinely have.

That night, Giles meets with Gwen Post at the library and tells her that a friend of Buffyıs is holding the Glove until they can destroy it. Having learned where Angelıs mansion is, Gwen knocks Giles unconscious with a statue.

At the cemetery, Buffy is on slaying duty with Willow, the only one who doesnıt seem to be angry at her. Willow is working up the courage to tell Buffy about her secret relationship with Xander, when Lagos interrupts. After Buffy kills the demon, Willow, for some reason, chickens out of sharing her secret.

Still disgruntled from learning of Angelıs return, Xander is playing pool at the Bronze when Faith shows up and asks him whatıs wrong. When she learns about Angel, they work each other angry enough to go dust him. They go to the library to get weapons, but just as they're leaving, Xander discovers Giles knocked unconscious in his office. Faith automatically concludes that Angel has gone bad again, and as Xander calls an ambulance, she leaves for the mansion.

A few minutes later, Buffy and Willow arrive and find paramedics wheeling Giles away. The Watcher whispers to them that they have to destroy the Glove with the living flame, then falls back into unconsciousness. Xander tells Buffy that Faith has gone after Angel to stake him, and he doesnıt look one bit sorry. Buffy angrily orders Willow and Xander to prepare the living flame while she goes after Faith, and Willow takes her side by coldly telling Xander to just shut up and help her.

At the mansion, as she feigns helping Angel prepare the living flame, Gwen Post sneaks up on Angel and clobbers him over the head, hoping to knock him unconscious like Giles. Little does she knowŠ He rises, in full vamp face, and fights with her. Conveniently, Faith arrives just as Angel seems to be beating the stuffing out of the Watcher, and does more assuming. She angrily launches herself at Angel, but Buffy arrives just in time to stop Faith from staking him.

Of course, at this point Faith is way to angry to be reasoned with. For the first time, the two Slayers come to blows, crash through a set of French doors, and continue fighting outside. Xander arrives and tries ­ at his own risk - to break it up, while Willow helps Gwen back up. But the Watcher just whacks her across the room, picks up the Glove, and puts it on. As the Gloveıs power courses through her, Buffy and Faith stop fighting, astounded. After telling Faith what an idiot she is, Gwen selects Willow as her first victim, sending the Gloveıs energy crackling in her direction, but Angel pushes her out of the way. Buffy asks Faith to distract Gwen long enough for her to find a way out of this. As Gwen tries to fry Faith to death, Buffy finds a broken piece of glass and cuts off the Watcherıs arm. Gwen Post disintegrates, and the Glove falls off, idle.

At school the next day, Buffy makes up with all her friends, especially Xander. She also goes to Faithıs place to try and make up with her. She tries to convince Faith to trust her, but the younger Slayer, embittered by the experience, tells Buffy that she only trusts herself.

Summary by OttsFiveByFive.