Episode Guide

Episode 47: The Zeppo

Overall Rating: 7.7
Matt: 8.4
Eric: 7.0

Written by: Dan Vebber
Directed by: James Whitmore, Jr.

Cast : Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers, Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris, Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase, Seth Green as Oz, Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles.

Main guest stars : Eliza Dushku as Faith, Saverio Guerra as Willy the Snitch, Channon Roe as Jack OıToole, Michael Cudlitz as Bob, Darin Heames as Parker, Scott Torrence as Dickie, Whitney Dylan as Lysette.

Original broadcast date : January 26, 1999

In an underground setting, Giles, Faith, Buffy and Willow are fighting some apparently very powerful female demons. After Faith wins it for the Scoobies by driving a sword through one of the demons, a slightly hurt Xander wearily crawls out of the rubble. Buffy, feeling bad, suggests that Xander stay out of the fighting from now on, and Giles agrees.

However, the time couldnıt be worse to do that to poor Xander. Still reeling from his breakup with Cordelia and feeling rejected by his friends, he tries to fit in somewhere by throwing football with other students. Once again, he goofs ­ the ball he was supposed to catch hits and destroys the lunch of Jack OıToole, the school bully. Jack threatens Xander with physical violence and leaves.

Cordelia, having witnessed the entire event, canıt resist the urge to mock Xander ­ she tells him it must be hard to be the one with no superpowers, the useless one, the Zeppo. She walks away, smiling, leaving behind a profoundly hurt Xander. Our geeky friend turns to Oz for help, asking the musician what makes someone "cool". He then decides that he needs his "thing".

At the libray, Giles fills Buffy in on what the demons of the previous evening were about. Theyıre the Sisterhood of Jhe, and they intend to open the Hellmouth and bring forth its demons, something that might spell the end of the world.

The next morning, Buffy is walking to school with Willow, who offers to help fight the Sisterhood of Jhe with her magic skills. Then, Xander pulls up in a very cool-looking ı57 Chevy Bel Air, his Uncle Roryıs car. He tells the girls that heıs "car guy, the guy with a car", but theyıre unimpressed. Buffy informs him about the big looming evil, and he offers his help.

Next thing we know, Xander is at the donut shop, picking up snacks for the gang. Cordelia ­ as usual, at the right place at the right time ­ comes in and mocks him again, saying that no one cares about the car. Right then, a cute blonde girl ­ Lysette - comes up to Xander and asks about the Chevy; he offers her a spin and smugly looks at a staring Cordelia as he pulls away.

Lysette and Xander end up at the Bronze ­ of course, he wants to show off ­ but she gets bored and wants to go for another ride. Xander obliges, but quickly rear-ends a parked car. Out comes Jack OıToole, looking none too happy. Once again, he pulls out his knife ­ which he introduces to Xander as Katie ­ and seems intent on using it when a cop shows up. Xander stands up for Jack, saying they were just having fun, which earns him a new respect from the bully. Jack proposes they go "get the boys", and they leave in Xanderıs car. But where "the boys" really are is in the cemeteryŠ theyıre dead.

At the library, Buffy, Willow and Giles are researching, with werewolf-Oz growling and thrashing in the cage; Willow thinks he may be sensing somethingıs amiss. Giles decides to go to Restfield cemetery and try to contact some Spirit Guides, hoping to enlist their help in stopping the Sisterhood of Jhe. He manages to invoke them, but they refuse to help him. Just as he prepares to leave, Xander arrives ­ heıs been watching as Jack raised his friends from the dead, and offers Giles to help with whatever is going on, hoping to ditch his new zombie friends. But Giles declines, telling Xander that he should stay out of trouble.

Xander therefore resigns himself to his role as "car guy" for Jack and his friends. As they drive around town, one of them, a jock named Bob, decides he wants to "bake a cake", so they stop by a hardware store, which they break into. While heıs waiting for them to come back with their supplies, Xander spots Willow leaving the magic shop. She informs him the big thing thatıs happening is for tonight, tells him that she loves him, and runs off. He wants to go after her, but the zombie guys are back with the supplies, which they store in his car before deciding that they want to "initiate" him into their gangŠ by killing him and raising him from the dead.

Thoroughly freaked, Xander runs away and escapes in his car. As he drives away, he spots Faith fighting one of the Sisterhood of Jhe; he gives her a hand by hitting the demon with his car. Faith then jumps in and they speed away, demons in chase. However, when they get to Faithıs apartment, theyıve lost their pursuers.

Inside, Faithıs libido takes the best of her ­ she tells Xander that a fight with no kill makes her ready to pop ­ and they have sex. Itıs all pretty romantic, until Faith throws Xander out, his clothes in his hands, telling him that she has to shower.

Xander gets back into his car, finds the stolen goods from the hardware store, and realizes that "baking a cake" means building a bomb. He goes to find Buffy, but finds her crying with Angel, arguing about what to do, since the end of the world is at hand. Xander decides itıs not a good time to interrupt and leaves.

At Sunnydale High, Willow and Giles are preparing a spell in the library. Below them, Jack and his friends are putting together their bombŠ A few minutes later, as they walk calmly in the street, they spot Xander in his car and chase after him. Xander gets one of them, Parker, to grab hold of the car as he drives on, and to hold on long enough for Xander to learn where the bomb is. Then, Parker is decapitated by a passing mailbox. Xander heads for the school, still chased by the rest of the guys.

A rather funny scene follows as Xander runs through the school corridor, pursued by the zombies, passing in front of the library where Giles, Willow, Buffy, Angel and Faith, unaware of the other plot going on behind them, are busy fighting a giant multi-headed monster. Xander manages to dispose of Bob the jock by tipping a pop vending machine over him, and then the monster gives him a hand by eating another one of his pursuers. Xander heads down to the boiler room to try and disarm the bomb, which by now is less than two minutes away from blowing up. However, Jack, understandably, doesnıt want him to succeed, and they fight. As the last minute ticks away, Xander gets the upper hand, playing a nerve game with Jack, who finally cracks and stops the bomb with a mere two or three seconds to go. After both of them sigh in relief, Jack opens the door to flee, but is attacked by werewolf-Oz.

The next day, the rather battered Scoobies ­ Buffyıs arm is in a sling, Gilesı arm is in a cast and Willowıs face is bruised ­ are discussing the near-Apocalypse, when Xander comes along. Not knowing about his adventures, they tell him how lucky he is not to have been at school the previous night. Cordelia approaches and again tries to humiliate him, but he just looks at her with a confident smile and walks away, as she asks him, annoyed, "What? What?Š What?"

Summary by OttsFiveByFive.