Episode Guide

Episode 52: Earshot

Overall Rating: 9.35
Matt: 9.1
Eric: 9.5

Writer: Jane Espenson
Director : Regis Kimble

Cast : Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers, Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris, Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase, Seth Green as Oz, Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles, David Boreanaz as Angel.

Main guest stars : Kristine Sutherland as Joyce Summers, Danny Strong as Jonathan, Alexis Denisof as Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, Lauren Roman as Nancy, Ethan Erickson as Percy West, Larry Bagby III as Larry, Justin Doran as Hogan, Karem Malicki-Sánchez as Freddy Iverson.

Original broadcast date : April 20, 1999

While patrolling, Buffy encounters and fights two rather ugly demons; one of them gets away, but she manages to kill the other one, although some of its blood gets splattered onto her hand.

The next day, Giles tells the assembled Scooby Gang that he still doesnıt know much about the Ascension. Wesley arrives and, intent on demonstrating heıs the boss, takes over the meeting. But he doesnıt have even a teeny bit more information on the Ascension than Giles does, so the Gang gets up as he speaks and walks out on him.

Buffy walks in the corridor with Willow, telling her best friend about her worries regarding how much of Angelıs tryst with Faith was faked. Percy West, the athlete Willow is tutoring in history, shows up with Hogan, another basketball player, to make sure theyıre coming to the game that night. Buffy realizes everyone, even Xander, is going, except for her ­ she has to patrol. As Willow leaves for class, Buffy just stands there, a bit depressed, scratching her hand where the demonıs blood dripped on her.

Suddenly worried about the itching, she goes to see Giles, and after some research, she informs her that touching the demon she fought can cause one to be "infected", to inherit an aspect of the demon. Buffy is a bit terrified at the prospect of growing a tail or hornsŠ

That night, all the Scoobies are at the game, but no one is actually paying attention to it. Willow is commenting on the negative editorials written lately by the student paper editor, Freddy. Xander is watching Cordelia and the other cheerleaders, and gets very worried when he spots Wesley looking at her with his "Pierce-Brosnany eyes". As for Buffy, sheıs feeling her head for hornsŠ

That night, while patrolling, Buffy studies herself in the mirror, trying to spot the demon aspect sheıll be getting, when Angel shows up. She tells him about her problems ­ being infected by the demon chief among them ­ and he reassures her by promising heıll love her not matter what she looks like.

The next day, Xander, Oz and Willow are talking about the game the previous night, but when Buffy arrives, they downplay it so she wonıt feel bad. But Cordelia walks by and makes it clear for Buffy that she missed the game of a lifetime. As she walks smugly away, Buffy hears Xander wondering if Cordy and Wesley have kissed yet. Thinking heıs spoken aloud, she asks compassionately if it bugs him that much; stunned, he answers she mustıve read his mind.

The next day, as she walks through the hall, Buffy starts hearing thoughts, first of a teacher ­ who reveals his dislike for students ­ then of a male student ­ who thinks naughty thoughts about Buffy, scaring her off. Finally, she goes to see Giles, and proves to him that she can really hear thoughts by repeating to her word for word what he was thinking when she came in. As he starts researching this new gift of hers, she goes to class, anxious to try out her abilities. There, she has fun answering all the teacherıs question and annoying Nancy, a student who looks like a teacherıs pet.

Then, she goes to Angelıs mansion and prods him about his kissing Faith, trying to read his mind and learn the truth. He patiently tells her she canıt read his thoughts, since heıs a vampire, and promises her that what happened with Faith was nothing.

At the library, Giles and Buffy inform the Scoobies about her new gift, making them uncomfortable. Willow thinks Buffy doesnıt need her anymore, Xander tries to not think about sex but fails ­ scandalizing Buffy with thoughts of her naked ­ Oz ponders philosophically what Buffy hearing her thoughts means for his existence, and Wesley moons over Cordelia while chastising himself for it. Strangely, only Cordelia seems to really think the same thing sheıs sayingŠBut in the end, it all gets too uncomfortable, and everyone leaves, save Giles.

Buffy walks down the hall, finding that hearing everyoneıs thoughts is getting quite unnerving. In the cafeteria, she gets confused by the jumble of voices in her head, until she hears one single voice, saying "By this time tomorrow, Iıll kill you all." Freaking out, she drops her tray and runs around, trying to find out who thought that, but the voices in her head get too intense, and she faints.

When she comes too, her friends are standing over her, very concerned. She tells them about the potential killer, and instructs them to find out who it is. Then Giles drives her back home; but just before they get in his car, she hears him thinking that if they donıt do something, sheıll go insane. He and Wesley have found out that the other person who got infected with telepathic abilities is now living in total isolation, unable to tolerate hearing other peopleıs thoughts.

At home, Joyce is making Buffy comfortable in her bed, going to get an extra pillow, an extra blanket, etc., until Buffy asks her to just come and sit by her. But Joyce seems uncomfortable and argues that she has some cleaning to do. Buffy starts to ask her whatıs wrong, then sits up in her bed, alarmed, exclaiming: "You had SEX with GILES???" As Joyce retreats, meekly arguing that it was the candyıs fault, Buffy continues with her discoveries: "On the hood of a POLICE CAR???Š TWICE???" While Willow, Xander, Oz and Cordelia go about interviewing every student at Sunnydale High, hoping to pinpoint the murderer, Giles and Wesley find a cure for Buffy; however, it involves having Buffy drink a potion made with the heart of the second demon. Wesley argues that without a Slayer, it may be hard to kill the demon.

Not a problem: that night, Angel fights the demon, and the next morning, he arrives at the Summers house (smoke billowing from him, of course) with the goods. He goes upstairs and forces an obviously delirious Buffy to drink the yucky potion; her body goes into convulsions, and Angel, alarmed, yells for Giles.

Giles and Wesley have found a possible solution to curing Buffy, but it requires the heart of the second demon. Angel hunts down the demon and the next morning brings the heart to the Summers's home in a glass mixed with other ingredients. He forces Buffy to drink it and then her body goes into convulsions. Then, she wakes up, a bit weak but realizing happily that she canıt hear thoughts anymore. Rallying quickly, she tells Giles and Angel that they have to find the murderer.

At school, Willow and the gang have been able to interview all the students except the paper editor, Freddy Iverson, whoıs hiding from them. Suspecting him, Oz, Willow, Xander and Cordelia gang up and confront him in his office, only to discover that he was hiding from the only because of a scalding review he gave the Dingoes the previous weekŠ Buffy arrives just when they find, amidst Freddyıs papers, a letter from Jonathan, announcing his deadly intentionsŠ

Jonathan is in the clock tower, assembling a rifle. As the gang splits up to find him, Jonathan, up in the clock tower, assembles a rifle. Buffy, peering from below, spots some movement and a reflection, and flies acrobatically up the stairs and onto the roof (as an unimpressed Nancy harrumphs and mutters that she couldıve done that) and crashes into the tower. She dissuades Jonathan from going through with his plan, telling him that everybody ignores him because theyıre too busy dealing with their own problems and pain. As he finally puts down the rifle, she tells him that mass murder is not the way to go, only to find out that he didnıt intend to kill anyone but himself. Alarmed, she runs out of the tower.

Meanwhile, Xander, seaching the cafeteria, discovers that theyıre having jell-o for dessert. Motivated by his taste buds, he sneaks into the kitchen, and as heıs about to gulp down a cup, he spots the cook pouring rat poison in a large boiling pot of jell-o. Terrified, he runs out and starts knocking jell-o cups off every studentıs tray. The cook comes out after him with a butcher knife, but Buffy tackles her and knocks her unconscious.

Walking outside the school, Giles and Buffy talk about the recent events. Giles asks her if she wants to train after classes, and Buffy says yesŠ That is, if heıs not too busy having sex with her mother. Giles, startled, walks right into a tree.

Summary by OttsFiveByFive.