Mr. Pointy's House of Pain

Every Death. Ever.

- Season 7 -
From beneath you it devours. Goodbye Sunnydale.

- Season 6 -
Buffy couldn't feel, Tara died, and Willow went nuts. Sounds fun, eh? Click above for the season 6 deaths.

- Season 5 -
Glory's wrath and Joyce's death made the 5th season a season to remember. Click above to check it out.

- Season 4 -
The demolition of Adam. The whining of Riley. What will the scoobies do? Click above for season 4.

- Season 3 -
The largest deathcount season to this day. We still miss you, Mr. Trick.

- Season 2 -
Buffy gives the ol' slice to her former honey. Click above for season 2.

- Season 1 -
The Master, Luke, Darla, click the link above to read the earliest BtVS deaths.

Inside The Death Stats

All-Time Total Deaths - 619
Most Amount of Deaths in Season - Season 7 (5.5 per episode)
Least Amount of Deaths in Season - Season 6 (2.86 per episode)

Averages Per Episode -
Season 1 - 3.50
Season 2 - 3.09
Season 3 - 4.91
Season 4 - 3.18
Season 5 - 4.36
Season 6 - 2.86

Season 7 - 5.5

Mr. Pointy Formula

1. "Who died" - Means who the person, animal, demon, monster, etc was who died.

2. "Who/What killed" - Means who or what killed said person, monster, etc.

3. I did not count Angel or Spike's human deaths. I have no idea why, I just didn't. I did however count every other former-human-now-vamps human and vampire deaths. I'm strange that way, don't complain.

4. I counted Alternate Universes.

5. I did not count dream sequences.

6. I counted Animals.

7. I counted when deaths were mentioned, even if they weren't seen.

8. I counted my own assumptions of whom died when it wasn't 100% clear they were dead when the cameras cut away. I tried to only count the ones that looked obvious for death. For instance, the drive-thru window guy on "Faith, Hope and Trick".

9. Any questions, comments, complaints or something I missed that was extremely obvious, please either email me or post your inquery on the message board.