[ S ]

Sack it: go to bed / sleep.

Sacrifice of Three, The: ritual to open the Hellmouth, and bring about the end of the world. Performed by three Vahrall demons. The ritual required three of the demons to throw the bones of a child and the Word of Valios into the Hellmouth, and then jump in themselves. Buffy jumped in after the third demon and brought it out again.

Sadie Hawkins Dance: annual dance at Sunnydale High School where the girls have to ask the boys for a date, and get to foot the bills. See also James Stanley and Grace Newman.

Salamander eyes: spell ingredient. Just as good as newt eyes, but cheaper!

Sam Tsebuto: see Tsebuto, Sam.

Sanderson, Mister: used to work at the bank until he became a vampire. Attacked Joyce on the one and only time she joined Buffy on patrol.

Sandie: female vampire that tried to seduce Riley Finn at Willie’s Place. He later staked her.

Sara: in the phony vision given to him by Stewart Burns, Xander and Anya had a daughter named Sara. Sara was half demon, and the product of an affair that Anya had shortly after their marriage.

Scapula: pouch of herbs, etc worn around the neck as protection against evil spirits. Smells pretty bad.

School counsellor, The: see Platt, Mister.

School dinnerlady, The: tried to kill the students by putting rat poison in the school meals. She also attacked Xander with a meat cleaver.

School nurse, The: Real name Ruth Greenleigh. Ruth helped the swim team coach to experiment on members of the swim team. She tried to stop him when she realized that the drugs were turning the boys into sea beasts. Coach Marin fed her alive to the creatures.

Scoobies: members of the Scooby Gang.

Scooby: a member of the Scooby Gang.

Scooby Gang: a name that Buffy’s friends adopted, due to their similarity with Mysteries Inc. See also Slayerettes.

Scott Hope: see Hope, Scott.

Sea beasts: large, green, scaly, amphibious creatures with violent tendencies. Lived in a pack, and fled to the sea. See also Swim Team.

Seven, The: brotherhood of seven demons who take the form of young humans. Every seven years they need to harvest a brain and a heart in order to maintain their human form. All killed by Sid. See also Morgan Shay, Marc and Emily.

Sevinsky, Carl: loan officer. Turned Buffy down for a loan even after she saved him from a demon.

Sharpesville: town destroyed by an ascension in 1723. See also Desmond Caine, The Journal of.

Shaun: last of the swim team to become a sea beast.

Sheila: Sunnydale High School student almost expelled for stabbing a horticulture teacher with pruning shears. Turned into a vampire by Druscilla.

Sheila Rosenberg: see Rosenberg, Sheila.

She Mantis: A giant preying mantis. She assumes the form of a beautiful woman in order to lure virginal youths back to her lair. There she mates with them before biting off their heads.

Shindig: Oz defined a shindig as ‘Dip, less mellow song stylings, and large amounts of malt beverage’. See also gathering and hootenanny.

Shy: Veruca’s band.

Sid: ventriloquist’s dummy possessed since the 1940s by the soul of a demon hunter. Responsible for killing all of The Seven. See also Morgan Shay.

Sir Robert Caine’s Twilight Compendium: book belonging to Giles.

Sire: noun. A Sire is a vampire’s maker. The one who ‘turned’ them. Can also be used to describe any vampire in that lineage. i.e. Darla and Angelus are both Druscilla’s sire. verb. To sire someone is to make them a vampire.

Sirus: one of Harmony’s minions. Staked with an arrow by Buffy.

Sisterhood of Jhe, The: see Jhe, The Sisterhood of.

Sisters, The Three: female vampires that reside with Count Dracula. Highly seductive.

Skyler: Demon black marketeer with small horns, pointed ears and yellow eyes. Tried to sell the Books of Ascension to Buffy and Faith for $5,000, but Faith later stabbed him to death and took the books to the Mayor.

Slayee: vamp that is about to be slain!

Slayer, The: One girl in all the world born with the strength and skill to hunt vampires. And demons. And bizarre science experiments. Oh, and sometimes Gods. Basically she kicks evil ass! When one Slayer dies, another is ‘chosen’ to take her place. Also called The Chosen One. Each Slayer is given a Watcher – a member of the Watchers’ Council who will help, advise and train her. See also Buffy Anne Summers.

Slayerettes: an affectionate term used to describe members of The Scooby Gang.

Slayerfest ’98: a competition devised by Mister Trick. Competitors paid him money to enter, and then raced to be the first to kill the two Slayers, Faith and Buffy. Unfortunately they mistook Cordelia for Faith. See also Kulak of the Miquot Clan, Candy Gorch, Lyle Gorch, The Germans and Jungle Bob.

Slayer Lore: writings and prophecies pertaining to The Slayer.

Slayer’s Handbook, The: book that sets out the ‘rules’ by which a Slayer must abide, and gives suggested study material. Giles decided not to bother with one for Buffy as soon as he met her!

Sleepwalker, The: see Eyghon.

Slice and dice: noun. A fight involving knives or swords. verb .To cut up.

Snoopy dance: Happy dance performed by Snoopy on ‘Charlie Brown’s Christmas’. Xander performs the Snoopy dance to entertain Willow.

Snyder, Principal: strict disciplinarian who took over from Principal Flutie. Hated children. Was eaten by The Mayor at Graduation.

Social leper colony: unpopular group.

Some kind of a whack: it’s stupid.

Sophie: employed at the Double Meat Palace, where she became a friend of Buffy. Sophie is not too bright. She is allergic to chocolate, peanuts, barley, eggs, and most dairy food. She was on of those trapped at Buffy’s birthday party by Halfrek.

Sorcerer Clutier: see Clutier, Sorcerer.

Speed is of the serious essence: we need to hurry.

Spellcasters anonymous: group that Willow joined to help her overcome her magic addiction.

Spider sense: reference to Buffy’s heightened ability to sense trouble.

Spike: Sired by Druscilla in London in 1880. She then became his mate. Used to be known as ‘William the Bloody’ because of his bloody awful poetry as a human. Earned the nickname ‘Spike’ through a penchant for torturing his victims with railroad spikes. Had a brief fling with Harmony (after she became a vampire,) before falling in love with Buffy. Spike has killed two Slayers. A Chinese Slayer in China in 1900, and another in New York City in 1977. This one he killed on a subway train by breaking her neck, and then stole her black, leather duster that has become his trademark apparel. He recently underwent terrible trials at the hands of a cave demon in order to win back his soul. Manchester United supporter. (Yay!) See also The Big Bad, Cecily, Behavioural Modification Chip, and The Gem of Amarrah.

Spontaneous combustion: the act of bursting into flames and being incinerated for no apparent reason. See also Sweet.

Stake: noun. A short, wooden stick that is pointed at one end. Driven through the heart of vampires to kill them. An essential weapon for a Slayer. See also Mister Pointy. verb. To stake a vampire is to drive a wooden stake through its heart, thus destroying it. See also dusted.

Stanley, James: Sunnydale High School student in 1955. Had an affair with his teacher, Grace Newman, and accidentally shot her when she tried to break up with him on the night of the Sadie Hawkins Dance. James then went into the Music Room and shot himself. Years later, in 1998, their spirits began to possess people at the school and re-enact the tragedies. See also George, Miss Frank, Mengas Tripod, and wasps.

Stein, Detective: the detective who investigated Ted’s apparent death at the hands of Buffy.

Stevens, Principal: female Principal of Dawn’s school at the time of Joyce’s death.

Stevenson Hall: When Buffy lived on campus at UC Sunnydale, she was in Room 214 Stevenson Hall.

Stewart Burns: see Burns, Stewart.

Strauss, Hans and Greta: see Hansel and Gretel.

Strawberry: Rack’s pet name for Willow. When he shared magic with her he said that she tasted like strawberries.

St. Vigeous: led a crusade of vampires.

St. Vigeous, Night of: the night when the vampires’ powers are at their greatest.

Suckfest: plenty of vampire activity.

Summers, Buffy Anne: born in 1981. Became the Slayer in 1996. Buffy’s first Watcher was Merrick, but he was killed by a vamp. She was expelled from Hemmery High School for burning down the gym (which was full of vampires), and earned a reputation for being troublesome. After her parents divorced, Buffy moved to Sunnydale with her mother. Here she encountered her new Watcher, Rupert Giles, and her first love, Angel. Buffy was drowned by The Master when she was sixteen, but Xander resuscitated her. Gave her life to save new sister Dawn in 2001, but Willow used a resurrection ritual to bring her back in 2002. (She has cool friends.) Buffy is currently having an on/off relationship with reformed vampire Spike. See also Riley Finn, Scott Hope, Parker Abrams, Joyce Summers, Hank Summers, Celia and just about everything else in this encyclopedia!

Summers, Hank: Buffy’s father. Divorced from Joyce in 1995. Lives in LA.

Summers, Joyce: Buffy’s mother. Divorced Hank Summers when Buffy was fifteen, and moved from LA to Sunnydale. Single mother. Ran the Sunnydale Art Gallery. Joyce had an operation to remove a brain tumor. It had seemed to be a success, but she died of a haemorrhage a few weeks later. See also Brown Brothers Mortuary.

Sunday: leader of a group of loser vamps. They lived in an abandoned theatre on campus at UC Sunnydale, picking off weak freshmen and stealing their belongings. Sunday kicked Buffy’s ass during their first encounter, but the Slayer staked her and her gang the next time they met.

Sunnydale: The town that Buffy moved to in 1996. Relatively small, yet still manages to contain twelve graveyards, an art gallery and an airport! See also Boca Del Infierno.

Sunnydale Arms: abandoned boarding house in Prescott Lane. The Watchers’ Council bricked up the windows and used it as the site for Buffy’s cruciamentum on her eighteenth birthday.

Sunnydale High School: school that Buffy transferred to in 1996.

Sunnydale Mission: in 1812 an earthquake caused the mission to sink below ground. Xander accidentally unearthed it during the building of a new anthropology department, causing the spirit of Hus to be released upon the community.

Sunshine: When Spike was confined to a wheelchair, Druscilla brought him a dog to eat. He declined and Dru kept the dog, calling it Sunshine.

Sven: exchange student that stayed at Cordelia’s house.

Sweet: red skinned, bald, pointy chinned demon. Invoking Sweet meant that life became a musical, with everyone bursting into song and sharing their feelings. Secretly summoned by Xander to ensure a happy ending to his relationship with Anya. Xander didn’t realize that the singing eventually led to spontaneous combustion, or that whoever summoned Sweet would be expected to marry the demon…

Swim Team, The: the school swim team became State champions, but their success was due to experimental drugs administered through the steam in their steam room. It improved their performance, but ultimately turned them into sea beasts. Xander became a member of the swim team in order to find out what was going on. See also swim team coach, Shaun, Cameron Walker, Dodd McAlvy, Gage Petronzi, and Ruth Greenleigh.

Swim Team Coach: real name Carl Marin. Adapted Soviet research to dose his swim team with fish DNA. Although the drugs did improve their performance, the boys eventually turned into sea beasts. The Coach then kept them in a sewer beneath the school. When the school nurse tried to stop him, he fed her to the sea beasts. When Buffy tried to stop him, he attempted to make her the beasts’ sex toy! Big mistake… he fell into the sewer himself, and was devoured by the creatures.