[ T ]

Tabula Rasa: ‘Clean slate.’ Spell to make people forget bad events. Involved burning a little lethe’s bramble, and dipping a crystal into the flame. When the fire burned out, the crystal turned black, and memories were erased. Willow tried to perform this spell, but a spark from the fire set light to a large bundle of lethe’s bramble. The result was that Willow, Tara, Dawn, Buffy, Xander, Anya, Giles and Spike all forgot who/what they were. The spell was broken when the crystal got crushed. See also Joan and Randy.

Tachicardia: Overactive heart. Racing pulse. Potentially fatal. Riley suffered from it as a withdrawal symptom from the drugs that The Initiative had been feeding him.

Taparrich: a Mok-tagar demon. Father of Kathy Newman.

Tara McClay: see McClay, Tara.

Tarnis: founded the Monks of Dagon in the twelfth century.

Tarnis, The Book of: book belonging to Giles.

Tarvlun flesheater: demon that eats human flesh. Warren wanted Andrew to summon one to dispose of Katrina’s body, but Andrew refused, as the Tarvlun are very difficult to control.

Tattoo: Angel has a large tattoo of a bird on his back. See also Eyghon, The Mark of.

Technopagan: member of an online coven.

Ted Buchanan: see Buchanan, Ted.

Tector Gorch: see Gorch, Tector.

Telekinesis: the power/ability to move things with one’s mind.

Telepaths: scabby demons with no mouths that communicated telepathically. Live in pairs. Buffy killed one, and its blood infected her with its mind reading ability. Soon she was unable to cope with her new power, and it began to drive her mad. Angel had to kill the second of the pair, and harvest its heart to make an antidote. Giles found reference to a man in Equador who had been infected by demonic telepathy. The man was driven insane, and had to live in isolation because he couldn’t shut it off.

Teleportation spell: used to transport something instantly from one place to another. Conjured by Willow and Tara to temporarily get rid of Glory.

Teraka, The Order of: Society of deadly assassins dating back to King Solomon. Wear rings to identify themselves. Members have no earthly desires except to collect their bounty. Each one works alone, and in their own way. Some are human, some are not, but no matter how many you kill they will keep coming until the job is done. Spike hired three of the assassins to kill Buffy. See also Octarus, Patrice and The Bug Man.

The hills are not alive: (with the sound of music). Things are not good/happy.

Theresa Clusmeyer: see Clusmeyer, Theresa.

Thesalan Orb: see Orb of Thesala.

Thomas: The first vampire slain by Buffy in Sunnydale. He tried to take Willow as an offering for The Master.

Thomas Butcher: see Butcher, Thomas.

Three, The: Warrior vampire trio enlisted by The Master to kill Buffy. Executed by Darla for failing to do so.

Throwing down: ‘I’m throwing down.’ ie. throwing down the gauntlet. Challenging someone to a fight.

Thurman, Owen: Buffy’s first boyfriend in Sunnydale. Carried an Emily Dickinson poetry book as a ‘security blanket’. Buffy reluctantly ditched him after their first date when he admitted that he was with her for the danger and excitement.

Tiberius Manifesto, The: book of prophecies about The Slayer. Lost for centuries.

Timothy: employee of the Double Meat Palace. Promoted from grill to counter after Gary disappeared.

Tina: little girl killed by Der Kinderstod while Buffy was in hospital with the flu.

Tito: plumber friend of Xander’s. Performed a full copper repipe in Buffy’s house.

Todd, Meredith: One of three high school girls who died in a car accident together. Chris Epps and his friend Eric Gittleson dug up their bodies in order to ‘create’ a girlfriend for Daryl Epps.

Tom Warner: see Warner, Tom.

Tombagenesis: when doing a spell creates a demon to balance whatever you have done. A demon was created this way when Buffy was resurrected. Having no form of its own, it borrowed people’s bodies – temporarily possessing them. It could only become flesh if it killed the subject of the original spell. If unable to do so, the demon would eventually dissipate. When the demon tried to kill Buffy she was unable to fight back because of its lack of substance. Willow and Tara performed a spell to make it solid, and Buffy decapitated it.

Tor: bully at Sunnydale High School. Ate Principal Flutie and Herbert whilst possessed by the spirits of hyenas. See also hyena possession.

Toth: Demon. Very strong. Last surviving member of the Tothric Clan. Uses tools or devices instead of fighting barehanded. Toth had dark, cracked skin with a kind of green luminescence. He forged a ferula gemina with which to defeat the Slayer.

Tracer: electronic tagging device used by The Initiative. It is shot at the target like a bullet.

Transliteration Annuls for the Rituals of the Undead: Liturgy on how to use the Orb of Thesala. An encrypted document, the translation had been lost for years until Jenny Calendar deciphered it using a computer program. Angelus murdered Jenny before she was able to use the spell, and it was several weeks before the disc containing the ritual was found.

Transpossession: drawing spirits from one place into another.

Trick, Mister: Sidekick of Kakistos. Recruited by The Mayor after creating Slayerfest 98. Mister Trick was a vampire, and very much into modern technology. He was staked by Faith when he tried to kill Buffy.

Trio, The: a group of three geeks who got together after Graduation and decided to take over the world. Warren Meers, Andrew Wells and Jonathon Levinson. Their HQ was in the basement of Warren’s mother’s house. They had a big, black van with surveillance and audio equipment, the horn of which played the Star Wars theme. See also Freeze ray, The Orbs of Nevlacon, Jetpacks and Inhibitor.

The Troika: see The Trio.

Troll: looks like a Viking would if your TV colours were all messed up! Big. Green. Horns. Very strong and violent. Trolls like to fight, drink, and eat babies. See also Olaf and Troll hammer.

Troll hammer: a troll’s weapon of choice. Extremely heavy. Buffy used Olaf’s hammer to batter Glorificus. A troll’s power is in his hammer.

Tsebuto, Sam: Kendra’s Watcher. Well respected within The Watchers’ Council.

Tsuvolti: a very rare, almost extinct demon. The Tsuvolti are breeders. They set up nests, lay lots of eggs and multiply like crazy. (So how come they’re almost extinct?!) They mature fast and start to kill as soon as they hatch. Seven or eight feet tall, gray, with loads of teeth, they are surprisingly agile. Riley and Sam Finn tracked one to Sunnydale. See also The Doctor.

Tucker Wells: see Wells, Tucker.

Twinkie defense: pathetic excuse.