[ V ]

Vahrall demon: three metres tall, with long talons and great strength. They carve their symbol, a stylized eye, upon their victims. See also The Sacrifice of Three, and The Word of Valios.

Valentine’s Day: Cordelia chose Valentine’s Day to break up with Xander (the first time), even though he had just given her a heart necklace which she loved. Angelus’s gift to Druscilla was a freshly ripped out heart.

Valios, The Word of: Fifteenth century talisman belonging to Giles. He bought it at a sorcerer’s estate sale without realizing what it was. Stolen by a Vahrall demon to perform the Sacrifice of Three.

Vampire: The last demon to leave the Earth fed off a human, infecting him. He was cursed to drink blood, thus infecting others. Vampires are the undead, and have no souls. They drink blood to survive, do not age, and have no reflection. A stake through the heart, decapitation, fire or sunlight can kill vampires. They are repelled by garlic, and burn when touched by holy water or crosses.

Vamp Willow: from Bizarro Land. Called into our reality by mistake when Anya and Willow performed a spell to retrieve Anya’s necklace from the alternate reality. In her reality, vamp Willow was dating vamp Xander. She was a favourite of The Master, and was staked by Oz. See also the Puppy, and bored now.

Vamp Xander: from Bizarro Land. He and vamp Willow were The Master’s favourites. They killed Cordelia.

Vampyr: Ancient spelling of vampire.

Vengeance demon: ruled over and chosen by D’Hoffryn, the vengeance demons used to be mortal women. Their job is to avenge people who have been wronged by granting them one wish. Sometimes the vengeance demons are summoned, and sometimes they simply appear in human form, only to reveal their true selves after a wish has been made. Anyanka was the vengeance demon for women, and Halfrek avenged mistreated children. Each demon has a necklace that is their power centre.

Ventriloquist: see Morgan Shay.

Ventriloquist’s dummy: see Sid.

Veruca: lead singer with the band ‘Shy’. Bewitching to men when she sang. Veruca was a female werewolf who was fully aware of everything that she did as a wolf. Rather than reject her feral side, she reveled in it. She wanted to make Oz her man, and tried to kill Willow so that he would be free. Oz arrived just in time to save his girlfriend by wolfing out and killing Veruca.

Vessel, The: A vampire. During The Harvest, the Vessel was supernaturally linked to The Master. Every time the Vessel fed, The Master grew stronger.

Vincent: member of El Eliminati. Vampire minion of Balthazar.

Vino de Madre: ‘wine of the mother’. Blood taken from a sacrificed fawn. Willow killed it herself to obtain the blood for Buffy’s resurrection ritual.

Vision Quest: After Joyce died, Giles took Buffy into the wilderness on a quest to discover more about her slayer self. Here she encountered a guide in the form of the First Slayer, who told her that death was her gift.

Vlad the Impaler: human name of Count Dracula. Vlad was a prince who saved his country from a Turkish invasion despite being greatly outnumbered. He gave instructions that all Turkish captives were to be impaled alive on thirty-foot poles. Terrified by the sight, the Turks left his land.