t a k e . t h e . b u f f y . q u i z

Season 3 - Hard Level
1. In "Homecoming", what was the spiney-headed yellow demon's name?
a) Mulak of the Kulak Clan
b) Krevlonswag of the Miquot Clan
c) Kulak of the Miquot Clan
d) Menwauk of the Krevlock Clan

2. What was the name of the vulcanologist that Faith killed?
a) Raymond Tubbs
b) Lester Worth
c) Robert Worth
d) Gerald Worth

3. What was Buffy's SAT score?
a) 1420
b) 1430
c) 1440
d) 1450

4. What Shakespeare play were the Scoobs studying in English class in "Earshot"?
a) Romeo & Juliet
b) Hamlet
c) A Midsummer Night's Dream
d) Othello

5. What country does Cordelia have to research a paper on in "Helpless"?
a) Bosnia
b) Iran
c) Brazil
d) Cuba