AtS Quotes

The Thin Dead Line

Wesley: What I wouldn't give for a roving band of Prekian demons right now. (Gunn and Cordy *look* at him) Without the ritualistic slayings of course.
Cordy: Of course.

Cordy: Maybe we could by one of those star maps, find out where Steven Segal lives. (Gunn and Wes give her a look) You're telling me he got to be a movie star without a little demonic assistance?

Cordy: Trust me, we specialize in strange. There is nothing we haven't see... (Trails off as she sees an eye blinking up at her as Stephanie sits down. Turns to Wes and whispers) There's an eye in the back of her head!

Angel: Hey, Merl.
Merl: Jesus, man! I mean, can't you, you know, knock?
Angel: You don't make that funny expression when I knock, or if you do I don't see it.

Angel: You're not going anywhere.
Merl: Oh, yes I am, as in far, as in now.
Angel: Who's gonna tell me all the fun facts about my friends?

Merl: Well, lets see, there is, uhm, *you* and then there is every other crook and monstro in this town that thinks they can just waltz in here and pound me until they get information, without paying for it either. I mean at least that British guy understood what a working relationship was, had some respect. *You* don't care about anyone but yourself.

Kenny: It was cold out there. I was getting frostbit.
Anne: It was sixty five degrees outside.
Kenny: So? I'm from Florida. Sixty five degrees is like the Arctic Circle.

Anne: Well, I just thought I'd see how the other half lives and strangely enough, it's not that different.
Cordy: We like to think of it as early American dilapidation.

Cordy: Oh, gee, and miss out on this exciting case we're working on? (Anne looks at her) One of Wesley's wealthy acquaintances got bit by a demon.
Anne: Are they okay?
Wesley: Uh, for the most part.
Cordy: Except for where she grew another eye in the back of her head.

Cordy: Oh, yes, Angel Investigations, home of the wicked high creep factor.
Anne: Angel?
Gunn: Oh, our company. It's named after our former boss. We're planning, uh, on changing it to the Gunn Agency...
Cordy and Wes: No, we're not.

Anne: But Angel, that... this isn't the guy in the long, black trench coat, is it?
Gunn: You know him?
Anne: Yeah. He tried to help me out a few weeks ago.
Gunn looks over at Cordy and Wesley. The two of them get up from the desk.
Cordy: He did?
Wesley: Really?
Cordy walks closer to Anne.
Anne: But it turned out it was just a scam to screw this law firm.
Cordy, brightly: Well, he hasn't changed a bit.

George: You've been moving on up, dog, - playing demon detective with your new family.
Rondell: Deluxe apartment in the sky.

Kate: Haven't seen you in a while.
Angel: I've been busy.
Kate: Yeah, me too. A couple of open cases I've been working. Two women killed in a clothing store. Thirteen lawyers from Wolfram and Hart slaughtered in a wine cellar.
Angel: Real tragedy.
Kate: Yeah, you seem real broken up by the loss.

Kate: Sounds like you enjoyed it. But then again - the whole murder and mayhem thing's always been right up your alley.
Angel: If that's how you feel, I guess this isn't the best time to tell you - I just killed a cop.
Kate: I wouldn't make a joke about that in this building, no matter how immortal you think you are.

Cordy: Nothing says 'Aha, I'm no to you' like being on the receiving end of a vicious police beating.
Wesley: You couldn't stop him?
Cordy: Hello! Gunn, stubborn, synonyms.
Wesley: That can't be his plan, can it? I mean, it's - really a dumb plan.
Cordy: Hey, Gunn graduated with a major in dumb planning from Angel University. He sat at the feet of the master and learned well how to plan dumbly.

(Cordy turns and sees a girl wearing the blouse Angel donated to the shelter in Blood Money coming down the stairs.)
Cordy: Hey! That's my... Sorry. - I have a shirt just like that. The crook at the store said it was one of a kind! Big fibber!

Gunn: Damn. Someone having an apocalypse and forget to invite us?

Rondell: I killed a police officer. Look at him. He's dead!
(Zombie cop sits back up)
Gunn: Don't look *that* dead.

Gunn: Why do you think nobody cares they're clamping down on this neighborhood?
Jackson: 'cause they're a bunch of racist pigs.
Gunn: There is that. And there's people like you. A thug with a gun, keeping the cycle going.
Jackson: Not my problem.
Gunn: No! See, it's my problem, all right? 'cause they shot my friend over there.
Jackson: Oh. - Yeah. White man dying. Not exactly losing sleep on it.

Wesley: Where are we going?
Gunn: To the hospital.
Wesley: That sounds sensible to me.
Cordy opens the door just as two cop cars pull up. Closes it again and hurries over to Gunn.
Cordy: They're here.

Telephone voice: All circuits are busy. Please hang up and try your call again.
Cordy: (to her cell phone) This is no time for circuits busy! So, don't tell me circuits are busy. If the circuits are busy - get some new circuits now!

Angel: Hi. - I thought you might want to know I took care of our little cop problem.
Kate: Crime reports from that precinct. Up until three months ago there was a murder every two weeks, a rape every two days, a robbery every hour and a half. And that's what we just gave back to the people of that community.
Angel: I can live with that.
Kate: You learn to live with a lot of things, don't you?

Wesley: Oh, I feel I should be in a great deal of pain.
Gunn: Getting gut-shot will do that to you.
Wesley: And yet... (Looks at the IV on his left hand) Is this morphine? (Gunn nods) Well, it's bloody lovely!

Cordy: What are you doing here?
Angel: I heard about Wesley.
Cordy: Well, that's great. Too bad it takes a gunshot wound to make you give a crap. Wesley doesn't need you right now. *We* don't need you. You walked away. Do us a favor and just stay away.

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.