AtS Quotes

Deep Down

(A=Angel C=Cordelia W=Wesley G=Gunn F=Fred L=Lorne S/C=Stephen/Connor Li=Lilah J=Justine Lw=Linwood)

G: "You're gonna eat all that?"
F: "Until I'm fat and happy."

L: "Back in Pylea they used to call me 'sweet potato'."
S/C: "Really."
L: "Yeah, well, the exact translation was 'fragrant tuber' but..."

G: "Are you okay?"
F: "No. You?"
G: "No."
F: "It's nice we still do things together."

Bald Vamp: "Angel left you a little toy, huh?"
F: "More than one."

S/C: "Did you see that? Wasn't that cool? That was cool!"

G: "Connor, you have got to start thinking about more than just yourself!"
S/C: "I know. I know.... That thing with the ax was cool, huh?"
G: "Yeah, that was tight. Now you get to clean it."

G: "Where is our future-reading, empath demon when we need him?"
F: "Mr. Big-hit-in-Vegas is too busy danke-schoen-ing the tourists to care about us."

F: "He's lost the mission, Bro."
G: "Well, we're about to loose this whole place, and you _know_ you can't say 'Bro'."

F: "Can I say 'dawg'?"

G: "Getting information is a finesse job. He's a blunt instrument!"
F: "You wanna tell him no? You saw how much he's hurting."
G: "Well, how's he gonna feel if all vampirella saw is sand and seaweed?

G: "This is it, Fred. No Angel, no Cordy. We can't find Holtz. His psycho girlfriend's gone. We got nothing."
F: "There's still Wolfram and Hart."
G: "Right. We just stroll into their heavily guarded law offices and ask Lilah, the evil bitch queen, for help finding out what happened to their archenemy. But, we're kinda broke, so it'll have to be pro bono."
F: "I didn't say it would be easy."

Li: "Hmm. That didn't suck. Well, maybe just a little bit."

W: "Wouldn't think kidnapping his son would have such a negative effect on our friendship."

W: "I have no idea where Angel is, Lilah, or what happened to him. ...And I really couldn't care."
Li: "Wow. That was cold. I think we're finally making progress."

J: "So, what's it gonna be tonight, captain? Bicycle, old tire, or maybe we'll get _real_ lucky and catch us nice shopping cart."

J: "Well, I guess anything is better than sitting around in my cage all day with nothing to do but to fill my bucket."
W: "Perhaps you should have considered that before slitting my throat."

J: "The great Wesley Wyndham-Price, the shining beacon of all that's good and pure. But wait, no! That's before he started banging the enemy and keeping a slave-girl in his closet."

W: "You and Holtz deserved each other. You two have so much in common: Pain. Loss. Deep-seated lack of anything approaching humor."

W: "I'll take away your bucket...."

G: "Man, this is just nasty. I don't know how people live like this."
F: "Helps to be dead."
G: "Yeah, one more reason to stay pink and rosy."
F: "Word."

G: "If he ain't dead I'm gonna kill him."

G: "Come on, Fred! His nickname back in Quortoth was 'The Destroyer'. And unless you put 'Conan? in front of that, I'm guessing it's not a good sign."

L: "Oh, I'm sorry, hon, I've been booked out the wa and past the zoo. If I get any hotter they'll have to stamp me out."

F: "Who's 'Fluffy'? Are you 'Fluffy'?"
G: "He called me 'Fluffy'?"
F: "He said: 'Make sure...? Wait... You don't think he was referring to anything of mine that's fluffy, do you? 'Cause that would just be inappropriate."

G: "No leads, no clients, pretty soon no roof over my smooth delicate head."
F: "I could make you a paper hat."

F: "Angel and Cordy are out there somewhere and no matter what the Powers-That-Screw-You throw at us, we're gonna find them."

Gavin: "Well, I haven't pinpointed his exact location yet, but I have ascertained that he's safe and immobilized."
Li: "Really. Maybe you can lead them in a rousing chant and get them to muster up a little more vague."

Li: "I'm not sleeping with him for information."
Lw: "Please don't tell me it's the chiseled jaw."

S/C: "Is this going to be the yelling thing again?"
F: "No. No yelling."
S/C: "He looks like he's gonna yell."
G: "I do not."
S/C: "He always looks like he's gonna yell."
G: "I'm not gonna yell!"

F: "He's testing you. With Angel gone, you're the alpha male."
G: "Damn straight."
F: "Don't let it go to your head."
G: "That's not the direction it's flowing."

A: "Life should be beautiful and bright. But, no matter how hard I try, everything I touch turns to ashes."
L: "Well, there goes that encouraging hug I was planning. Snap to, buckaroo. The only one turning to ashes is that patricidal pup of yours. Hell, I'd take him out myself if I wasn't just a crappy hallucination."

Lw: "Perhaps you would fare better at a less central office."
Gavin: "One of the third world dimensions maybe."

Lw: "Lilah, this is *my* corner of the sky. *I* decide when the sun rises and when it sets. Lack of long-term vision has always been one of your shortcomings."
Li: "And lack of courage has always been one of yours."

Lw: "This is outrageous! Are you actually telling me that you went over my head?"
Li: "Just under it, actually."

F: "I can't imagine what you've been through, Connor, being taken away by Holtz, raised in that place. It must have been horrible. I know you're still hurting but I promise, it's not nearly as much as you're gonna hurt for what you did to your father."

G: "That's right, Sparky, Daddy's coming home. And I'm guessing there's going to be a spanking."

W: "You can continue to be a slave, Justine, or you can live your life. Your choice."

S/C: "He got what he deserved."
F: "And how soon before we deserved it?"

W: "I believe you're looking for this?"

W: "You're human. He wouldn't have hurt you. I thought you were safer not knowing."
F: "We were safer? You really don't care anymore, do you?"

W: "He'll need more blood. I'm fresh out."

A: "Sit. Down."

A: "So, how was your summer? Mine was fun. Saw some fish. Went mad with hunger. Hallucinated a whole bunch."

A: "What I deserve is open to debate. But understand there is a difference between wishing vengeance on someone, and taking it. So now the question becomes: what do _you_ deserve?"

A: "Daddy's not finished talking."

S/C: "I'm telling the truth, okay?"
A: "I know. I can tell. You've done enough lying for me to know the difference. The truth has a better sound to it, less nasal, you know?"

A: "What you did to me was unbelievable, Connor. But then I got stuck in a hell dimension by my girlfriend one time for a hundred years, so a few months under the ocean actually gave me perspective -- kind of a M.C. Esher perspective, but I did get time to think."

A: "Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. It's harsh, and cruel. But that's why there's us. Champions. It doesn't matter where we come from, what we've done or suffered, or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world was what it should be, to show it what it can be."

A: "I love you, Connor. Now get out of my house."

C: "God, I am so bored."

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.