AtS Quotes

Ground State

(A=Angel C=Cordelia W=Wesley G=Gunn F=Fred Li=Lilah Dz=Dinza Gw=Gwen El=Elliot)

Boy: "Are you a freak?"
BabyGwen: "I don't know."
Boy: "I guess you don't look like one."
BabyGwen: "Thanks."

F: "Smell anything?
A: "Cordelia. Maybe some old incense or candles. Strangely enough: Lemons. Lots and lots of lemons."
F: "I might have gone a little nuts with the floor polish."

F: "You should have seen the size of the dust bunnies under Cordelia's bed. More like dust sperm whales!"

A: "Phantom Dennis! Does... does he know anything about Cordy? Where she might be?"
F: "He's just ticked we haven't brought her home already."

A: "How about the police?"
G: "Uh, let's see: Abandoned car. Empty apartment..."
F: "...No sign of violence. No plans for travel..."
G: "...Please file a missing persons report..."
F: "...and have a nice day."
G: "But hey, that was only the first time. The next seven times they left out the 'nice day' part."

A: "We know why I wasn't there."
F: "Sure, banished to the ocean depths by your ungrateful snot of a son."
G: "Not that she's bitter!"

A: "It's just... he's confused. He needs time."
F: "Time and some corporeal punishment with a large heavy mallet. Not-that-I'm-bitter."

F: "Ugh! Damn it, Dennis! She's not coming back!"

A: "What went down between us. I had a lot of time down there. To think, you know, about the way things went. The way they could have gone. I just want you to know: As far as I'm concerned, we're all O.K. again."

A: "Who's Dinza?"
W: "One of the Elusinian mysteries: Dark Demi-Goddess of The Lost. Only the dead can enter her presence, and those that do she often traps for eternity."
A: "Sounds cheery."

A: "So what should I do then? Send her a gift? Sacrifice? ...Unholy fruit basket?"

A: "Knock, knock! Door was open ...or was a second ago."

A: "Keep it up, you're going to make me seasick."
Dz: "I doubt it. I think it would have happened before now. Tell me: Do you miss the sound of the waves?"

Dz: "I know you are lost. I know all the lost things."
A: "Really? City of Atlantis? Holy Grail? Jimmy Hoffa?"

Dz: "She is far from you, Champion, and needs you no longer."
A: "I need her."

Dz: "They think that you should join them. That I should never let you out. But who listens to the dead?"

A: "Why should I trust you?"
Dz: "Because I would love to keep you ...but you have so much more to lose."

El: "I thought I said 'discreet'."
Gw: "What? Do you see a nipple?"

Gw: "Blah, blah, polysyllabic blah... I need a drink."

Gw: "Now let's be honest, Elliot. Do I look like a blue-light special to you?"

El: "Gwen, that is a $1200 watch."
Gw: "Now it's surrealism"

G: "Oh, hey baby! I liked your little... uh... your ghost guy."
F: "I haven't slept, Charles."

G: "Yeah, but if it's an auction house, can't we just, you know, eBay it? How much is it?"
A & F: "$33 million."
G: "I think my lungs... have coffee..."

F: "I'm still working on a plan, but so far it involves being sent to prison and becoming somebody's bitch."

A: "Heist like this? I've done it a million times. ...O.K, maybe twice. But I'm good at it. I swear!"
G: "Uh, you're not counting the time we stole the crazy-making death shroud that nearly killed us, right?"

A: "I'm really strong, if that helps!"

G: "That's my girl: Large and in charge! ... O.K., Tweensy-weensy and in charge."

G: "O.K., so what are we gonna need for Operation Chance In Hell?"

W: "I had to raise him. Angel is ... necessary."
Li: "For what?"
W: "Fighting people like you."

G: "Damn! This is so much harder than it looks on Batman."

Gw: "Yeah... that's not good."

F: "Please, let my cellmate be gentle."

A: "Tell me you're not here for the Axis."
Gw: "I'm not here for the Axis."
A: "You're lying!"
Gw: "I'm fibbing. It's lying, only classier."

A: "What _are_ you?"
Gw: "I'm a freak."

G: "Where's the bogey?"
A: "Inside. She's after the Axis."
G: "'She'? As in 'she' took out the four armed guards downstairs?"
A: "That's good to know."

A: "You see it's an ancient mystical relic..."
Gw: "'...that's fun for a girl and a boy'. I like to think of it as: Mine?"

Gw: "Hey there, Denzel."

Gw: "'Her'. Of course it's a 'her'. Two questions then. One: Do you really love her?"
A: "Yeah, I do."
Gw: "Two: On a scale of one to ten, exactly how stupid do you think I am? Don't answer that."

Gw: "Just like starting a Chevy."

A: "Miss me?"
Li: "Only in the sense of 'no'."

Li: "Oh, God! The Return of the Moral High Ground? This is that 'guilt is its own punishment' thing, isn't it?"
A: "Kinda my specialty."
Li: "Whatever. I don't get it."

Li: "Look, Angel, I know you've been out of the loop for a while, but I'm still evil. I don't do errands unless they're _evil_ errands."

A: "Just this once I'll ignore the fact that you're within 50 yards of my son. ... Just this once."

A: "You know what I find interesting? The fact that I can smell you and Wesley all over each other."

G: "Kinda looks like art, doesn't it. I call it. 'Takes More Than That To Kill Me, Punk'. 'Punk' is what makes it art."

F: "See anything interesting? White light? Shirley MacLane?"

G: "Angel would have picked me up and Flash Gordon-ed me to the ER."
F: "Sure, but then again it could have been too late, and Angel would have to swear blood-lusty vengeance on the woman that killed you, and we all know how well _that_ one works out!"

F: "Well who else was going to do it after you left me all alone? You died and left me all alone!"

Gw: "O.k., after I kick your ass I'm going to ask about that."

Gw: "Why are you not *toast*?"
A: "I'm not even warmed up."

A: "It's a double-cross."
Gw: "I'm not _slow_, I know it's a... shut up!"

El: "I thought he was yours, what with the tonguing and all."
A: "Not even close." / Gw: "In his dreams!"

Gw: "What are you, Lex Luthor?"
El: "You think I'm going to stand here and duke it out with Electro-Girl?"

A: "Get down. Now! Get low!"
Gw: "Ow, you jackass, _you_ get low!"
A: "I don't need to, I don't breathe."
Gw: "Gee, must be a big turn-on for the girlfriend."

Gw: "If I die..."
A: "You're not gonna die."
Gw: "Nice kiss."

Gw: "I expect to get screwed: Professional thief; hazard of the biz. What I _don't_ appreciate, Elliot, is being called a freak! That's *my* word, and I get cranky when people like you use it."

A: "So you're a freak. Boo-hoo. So what?"
Gw: "Excuse me?"
A: "I think you've already figured out I'm not the poster boy for normal."

Gw: "Hey! I wanted to do that!"
A: "You were gonna fry him."
Gw: "Was not!"
A: "Don't fib."
A: "Fine. Did you at least break his nose?"

Gw: "You're really going to use that Axis thing to find her, aren't you? Figures. Anyone that bad at stealing stuff has got to be doing it for love. Bummer."

G: "You think Higher Beings get vacations?"

A: "I find her, and I realize she already is home. Where she belongs."
C: "What are you, deficient? Get me out of here!"

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.