AtS Quotes


(A=Angel C=Cordelia W=Wesley G=Gunn F=Fred L=Lorne Li=Lilah Cn=Connor PS=Professor Seidel CG=Comic Geek)

G: "In multi-dimensional superstring theory... uh... distance scales inverted by T-duality apply to heter...heterotic theories... the pictures are... nice...."

L: "Listen, I know I've been a wee bit jumpy the last couple of days but... did I hear screaming?"
A: "It's just Fred. I think it's a Texas thing."

L: "Well it's all too much _sturm-und-drang_ for my appetite. Cordelia shacking up with your hellspawn? offense. And the hole between my horns?"
A: "You're probably a little on-edge because of the whole 'slouching towards Bethlehem' thing...."
L: "No."
A: "Oh? That's good, because..."
L: "Sorry, I jumped ahead. That 'No' was the one that comes after you asking me to read Cordy again."

L: "I'm not a Champion. I'm just a regular old karaoke-singing empath demon."

L: "Hey, Death just doesn't look good on me."

A: "Wait! You should take the fuzzy slippers. Her feet get cold."
Cn: "I know. She's always stealing the covers."

G: "You don't want to go in there! Girl kept me up all night. She is un-*stoppable*!"
A: "More than I need to know."
F: "Did Charles tell you?"
A: "He didn't *describe* it..."

G: "That. All night! Well... _mostly_ that."

F: "I guess I just wanted all the people I looked up to... I wanted them to see me too. And then I got sucked into Pylea... and, well, when you're a cow-slave you don't want anyone to see you at all."

F: "It'll work out, and it'll all be for the best. It will! Five years of unendurable torture and mental anguish aside, if I hadn't been sucked through that portal, I never would have figured out my String Compactification Theory!"
G: "Exactly! Cuz, you know... strings... need to... compactify."

W: "Oh look, a bribe! How thoughtful."

Li: "We seem to be butting heads lately. Now you'll have the advantage."

C: "How come there's no picture of Angel?"
Cn: "Uh... Didn't see any."

C: "Apparently I'm a nester, because this place is starting to look not entirely un-homey."

Cn: "How does that feel?"
C: "Uh, woodsy."

Cn: "Maybe you miss the action. The thrill of the kill. You know you used to be a demon hunter. It's true! You're just out-of-practice. It'll come back fast, though. I can train you."
C: "What should I wear?"

F: "I'm just a minor speaker. Oh, god! I'm between Ed Witten and Brian Greene? ...Think Nomar Garciaparra and Sammy Sosa."
A: "Fred's skipped the minors and went straight to the show."

PS: "Winifred is a natural. By the end of the first semester she was taking on WIMPs."
G: "You should see her now! Killer left hook."
F: "WIMPs are Weakly Interactive Massive Particles."
G: "Oh, yeah, ah, just kidding."

G: "Listen, man. I'm gonna need simultaneous translating on this thing. You know, like the president with the Russians? But just give me the highlights."
A: "No problem. Of course, I have no idea what she's talking about."
G: "Will you tell Fred that? If she thinks we're both stupid, I won't stand out as much."

F: "This one just says 'open with joke', but I forgot to think of one. But it's possible that my theory will take care of that."

A: "Yeah. Vampire. Strangling. Not gonna happen!"

A: "That's cool. The top just comes right off."

Li: "Hey, if this is about The Jolly Green Demon. I could have had him killed, but do I hear a thank you?"
A: "Before we get to that, how about you tell me why a portal happened to open up over Fred's head right after you slithered out of the auditorium?"
Li: "Tragedy struck Gidget? Really? Did she go to that place in the big Texas sky?"

Li: "Come on. If I were gonna kill The Twig, would I do it in a room full of people, and then make a conspicuous getaway so I looked extra suspicious?"

Li: "You know, Angel, coming from you, idle threats are so, well, idle."
A: "Do you remember when I ripped your car in half?"
Li: "Yeah. Hulk smash."

F: "Five years of hiding in caves and scrounging for food, wearing that collar. You don't know! You couldn't."
G: "You're never going back to that place. You're safe now."
F: "I was safe in the library, until I opened that book and read those words, and then wham! I was hurling through dimensions!"

G: "Okay. What are we doing? Playing musical chairs?"
A: "Nerdy guy... older nerdy guy... girl in black there..."
G: "Okay, catching on... sorta. How come you never pulled out this parlor trick before?"

G: "Hold up. Lilah was there? Not a huge leap thinking she opened the portal."
A: "She was just stalking Wesley."

G: "I think I know where to find him."
A: "Whoa, ho, whoa, ho, ho! Hang on. Daylight. I need a coat."
G: "Well, get on it. Because when my girl's not happy..." [switch to Comic Store] "...*I'm not happy*!"

CG: "Is he gonna hurt me?"
G: "Think Daredevil 181. I'm Bullseye, you're Electra. One wins one dies. Get what I'm saying?"
CG: "Yeah. But we're kind of crushing the Dark Horses."

G: "You were taking pictures of my girlfriend. Why?"
CG: "Because the ceiling was like ripping apart!"

S: "Winifred, I'm a theoretical physicist, completely open to the idea of other dimensions. But... you're naming them."
F: "I know. It took me a while to believe it, too, and I was there."

S: "Now, I don't know what I saw yesterday. There are studies about subconscious suggestion, mass hysteria. But I know what I see right now."
F: "You do?"
S: "A very talented young woman, who deserves to live in the world she was meant for."

CG: "You guys know how it is. You hear things. Like from a-friend-of-a-friend's roommate. You don't know if they really happen."
G: "Like the story about the girl, the cat, and the peanut butter."
A: "That one's true. Long story."

CG: "You're Angel, right? There are whole forums on you in chat rooms, man! Who knew you actually, like, existed!"

CG: "Hey! Maybe I can help you guys. Be your intern!"

G: "We're full up on interns. But the decoder ring's in the mail."

A: "They talk about me in the chatty rooms?"

F: "It was professor Seidel."
G: "Yeah."
F: "And he's done it before."
A: "That's right. There are others."
F: "No. To me. He's the son of a bitch that sent me to Pylea."

A: "We're gonna get this guy."
G: "Count on it. He's gonna pay."
F: "No. He's gonna die."

F: "How about a flail whipping? Would that take a nice long time?"
A: "Hours, if you do it right. Not that you should do it... at all. Ever."

G: "You want a drink? I could make you some cocoa."
F: "No. Thanks. I'm just gonna go lay down... for a few days."

W: "Fred, you do know that everything Angel and Gunn have told you is true. Vengeance will have a price, and once you've acted you can't go back. You'll have to live with your actions forever."

W: "Ah, here is something interesting. Once practiced in ancient Egypt."
F: "Is that his tongue?"

W: "I was just thinking: not that I don't get his point, but I'm surprised Gunn's not here. No matter what the consequences."
F: "Charles doesn't have it in him. It's part of what I love about him."

F: "You know what they say about payback? Well, I'm the bitch."

C: "About what happened earlier. The non-CPR mouth to mouth...."
Cn: "When you kissed me."
C: "Right. I shouldn't have."

S: "Winifred. Fred. Please. Let's talk about this."
F: "Talk? Sure, let's talk, because you gave me the chance to... oh, wait, no you didn't. Oh, well. No talking."

A: "Come on! I'm holding your *head*!"

F: "That's why Laurie is still around. She's not smart enough to overshadow you, is she? Not like me. I'm special. Special on a Pylean platter with a side of you-make-me-sick!"

G: "If you kill him, I'm gonna lose you."

A: "What happened to the professor?"
G: "It's taken care of."

A: "Run-in with a Voynok demon. Turns out they have nine lives."
C: "Like a cat?"
A: "Only less stand-off-ish."

C: "What I realized is, whoever I was before, I'm still her. She didn't need protecting, and neither do I. So no more lies."
A: "No more lies."
C: "Good. Because there is something I need to know. Were we in love?"

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.