AtS Quotes

Habeas Corpses

(A=Angel C=Cordelia W=Wesley G=Gunn F=Fred L=Lorne Cn=Connor Li=Lilah Gv: Gavin Parks)

W: "That's not what Angel would do."
G: "Thanks for your opinion! And I don't remember asking."

L: "Oh, I believe he's referring to the big bad, possibly invincible, demon-y thing that nearly killed us all before he ring-mastered tonight's Cirque de Flambe'."

L: "He looks like he was hit by a tank."
G: "I don't remember ever seeing him that down after a fight."
W: "Can't really blame him. No one likes to lose." "Whatever the circumstance."

Cn: "Morning. Did the world end?"
C: "Not exactly."

C: "Don't do that."
Cn: "Do what?"
C: "That. The Look. The Happy Puppy Look. It makes it harder."

Li: "I left you a couple hundred messages last night. Don't feel obligated to return any of them."

Li: "You know it's weird. Rain of fire. Whole city burning. Why do I feel a chill?"

Li: "Yeah, yeah. I heard it a million times, cowboy. We both know how this song ends: You. me. Broken furniture."

W: "After what I saw last night, I believe a Day of Reckoning has arrived."
Li: "And you just _reckon_ you'll toss in with the good guys?"
W: "I'm choosing a side."
Li: "And the girl of your dreams just happens to be on it. hmmm what are the odds.

W: "It's about right and wrong."
Li: "And you have such a clear grip on those concepts."
W: "I've made mistakes."
Li: "You're making a big one now."

W: "There is a line, Lilah. Black and white. Good and evil."
Li: "Funny thing about black and white: You mix it together and you've got gray. And it doesn't matter how much white you try to put back in, you're never going to get anything but gray."

Li: "And I just don't see your Texas gal-pal wearing that color. Come to think of it, she prefers Black."

F: "How can a creature with that kind of firepower not leave behind some kind of a parchment trail?"

G: "You guys survived the night all right?"
C: "Yeah, you know, it was...."
F: "...scary, nasty, and nervous-making?"
C: "The sky should not be made of fire."

Li: "Listen Frank, I don't care if you have to lo-jack the damned thing..."
Gv: ("Sugar?")
Li: "...Find that beast, or I swear to God I will..."
Gv: ("'...boil you alive...'")
Li: ("Shut up!") "Boil. You. Alive."

Li: "How hard can it be to find a giant horned thing... or a decent cup of coffee?"

Li: "Other than charbroiling everything in sight, I don't think it has an agenda."

Li: "Gavin, ask yourself this question: Which are you more afraid of, a giant murderous demon... or me?"
Gv: "I'll be right back."

Li: "And you're just gonna kill it."
Cn: "I'm gonna try."
Li: "...and we're heading towards it right now..." "Best of luck!"

Gv: "Uh....hi!"

F: "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap."
C: "I'm ready to crackle-pop myself. The last 24 haven't exactly been normal. We're all tired."
A: "I wonder why."

W: "It's killing everything that moves in there."
G: "I've heard worse news."

C: "It's going to be fine. You know. Connor's a Champion, like you. He's special."
A: "Right. Like me. Special."

A: "Someone should stay here and mind the store."
L: "Uh, me! Me, me, me! Sgt. Stay-At-Home volunteering for duty, sir."

G: "Assuming we can even get inside the Evil Empire, same big beasty's in there who spanked our asses six ways to Sunday. What's going to be different this time?"
A: "What's different is we're not going for the monster, we're going for Connor."
G: "So you phoned ahead so the Big Bad understands that?"

A: "As far as the Big Bad's concerned, there's only one smart way to play it: We see it, we run like hell."
C: "Works for me!"

A: "Cordelia, I don't want you there. It's too dangerous. Way too dangerous. I can't risk it. Fred? Get a move on!"

L: "Happy hunting! We'll, uh, stay here and keep the home fires burning. Bake some nice, healing muffins."

G: "You _believe_ or you _know_? 'Cause everytime you show up 'believing' something it seems someone gets their head drilled or falls into a portal...."

A: "Will you guys shut up? I don't give a rat's ass what's going on between you. Put it away. We're here for Connor."

G: "Just so we're clear on the plan...."
A: "Third floor. Get Connor. Get out."

Cn: "What's a zombie?"
A: "It's an undead thing."
Cn: "Like you?"
A: "No! Zombies are slow-moving, dim-witted things that crave human flesh."
Cn: "Like you!"
A: "No! It's different! Trust me!"

G: "What was that?"
W: "Zombies."
G: "Yeah, thanks for the news flash, Captain Obvious."

A: "Luckily they're slow and stupid, so we have a chance of beating them." "Unless, of course, there's hundreds of them."

G: "So, fight seven floors of evil zombie lawyers or sweet-talk a nasty little girl. You know where my heart's at."

G: "Hold up." "Hate seeing someone I know like that. Even someone I know I hate."

EvilLittleGirl: "The answer is among you."

G: "So what's it say about the Big Bad Wolf if he can just stride right in and suck the energy out of Evil Red Riding Hood?"
W: "I don't know. Other than it's going to take a force far smarter and stronger than us to defeat it."

C: "I'm just glad that everyone's safe and together again."
A: "Me too. Now take your new boyfriend and get the hell out of here."

C: "Oh God."

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.