AtS Quotes

Long Day's Journey

(A=Angel C=Cordelia W=Wesley G=Gunn F=Fred L=Lorne Cn=Connor Gw=Gwen Mj=Manjet (Manny))

L: "Room service! Hey. Got you some nice O-Pos here. Freshly nuked, for that right-out-of-the-jugular taste!"

L: "Hmmm, good likeness. You wouldn't mind if I ran screaming from the room, would you?"
A: "Shut the door on your way out."

L: "Angel, sweetie, why so down? 'Don't interrupt me, I'm brooding!' "
A: "I'm not brooding! I'm researching."

A: "My kid..."
L: "...who's not entirely unmaking with the moves on the girl-who-might-have-been?"
A: "You want to shove that into English for me?"

Ashet: "They are very rare and powerful protective amulets.
Gw: "Yeah, and considering the The Holy Roller Revelations party that seems to be going on lately, I can see why you might want them."

Gw: "A juicy as the commission is, I've got this problem. Where I'm very respectfully going on vacation. To Tahiti. Sir."

C: "They're more frequent. A couple times last night I even dreamt I heard..."
Cn: "...screaming. It wasn't a dream."

C: "Oh, boy."
Cn: "I heard that!"
C: "I'm sure you did!"
Cn: "It's the super-hearing."

C: "He knows, Connor. All right? With his super-smelling and super-Tom-peeping... and I don't even know what else. But... he knows."

G: "I don't trust him."
F: "You can't say that. Connor hasn't done anything wrong."
G: "Lately. You're forgetting Angel's voyage to the bottom of the sea."

G: "Come on! Who else could Creepy-Locks have been talking about?"

W: "Her name was Mesektet."
F: "Hmmm. I figured Tiffany or Brandy."

G: "So Wolfram & Hart was just a day job?"

G: "See? I told you Connor can't be trusted. Look how weird he's made her."

C: "I know I don't have to be invited in, but it is polite."
A: "Go away, Cordelia."
C: "Well, you know that never works."

C: "I swear! Like father, like son. The two of you have cornered the market on teenaged snits."

C: "I _do_ give a damn. In fact, I give a whole lot of damn. That's why I came over here. To tell you: Get over it."

A: " 'Get over it.' Why didn't I think of that? It's so simple!"

C: "So you're going to have to suck it up and deal. Because things are going to Hell. And you're the leader. So lead."

A: "Everyone has an Achille's Heel."
G: "Yeah, well until we find his we're gonna be cooling ours. 'Cuz we got nothing without a new lead."

Gw: "Hi there! Long time no hand-to-hand."

C: "I know who she is. Caught your little show on the Omnicient Higher Plane Channel."

Gw: "So you're the girl who makes his heart go pitter-pat. ...Figuratively, at least."

Gw: "Tell me. Freak to freak. Is the world about to end or what?"

Gw: "Demon, O.K.? The whole nine -- cloven feet and horns and teeth and... ... He wasn't wearing lame' though."
L: "The evil ones can't pull it off. It gets camp."

L: "Yeah, well won't that be a hoot. Looks like Semkhet is puddy-tat to the world's scariest six-year-old."

Gw: "Geez! Where were you when they taught stealth in super-power school?"

Gw: "I did that on purpose."
A: "That's pretty pathetic."
Gw: "If it's a lie or if it's the truth?"

A: "What are you doing here?"
Mj: "Standing in the remains of my fallen bretheren, trying not to have an anxiety attack."

Mj: "I am Manjet. Sacred Guardian of the Shen. Keeper of the Orb of Ma'at. Devotee of Light.
...Off hours I like 'Manny'."

Gw: "I thought you were in Belize?"
Mj: "Was, 'til I heard Mesektet got whacked. Never liked that chick. Evil right down to her Mary-Janes, but family. What're you gonna do?"

Mj: "Four out of five down? Let's just say I'm not looking forward to my retirement in Boca."

Mj: "The city sinks into neverending darkness, that's what. Vamps, creepies, crawlies. Things that go bump in the night are suddenly bumping 24/7. The whole of Los Angeles is turned into a...
A: "...demon playground."
Mj: "Bingo. And that's before it starts to spread."

A: "We've got to stop him."
Mj: "You sure do! ...And good luck with that."

A: "We can take you somewhere safe, Manny. We can protect you."
Mj: "Right! Super-hunk and Spandexia."

Mj: "You think she'd give me a lap-dance?"

F: "That doesn't look like Semkhet."
Mj: "Semkhet's not available, sweetheart. Slight case of being ripped open to death in a cave. Don't suppose I could interest you in a short, stocky Orb-Keeper?"

W: "_This_ a being of supreme power?"
Mj: "You oughta see me in my Armani."

C: "Why did the small, yucky man say that? He's joking, right?"

W: "As far as evil plans go, it doesn't suck."

Gw: "I know a place."
C: "Great, long as it's not some non-descript tenement downtown with discarded boxes in stairwells, and peeling plaster, and... the faint odor of dead people!"

Gw: "I never pass up a good cliche."

Gw: "O.K. then, I'll take Denzel."
G: "Actually, it's Gunn. Not that I mind the freakily-accurate comparison, but you will keep your hands to yourself."

Gw: "Gunn, I already apologized for killing you. What do you want, a wake?"

Gw: "Then it's the English guy, isn't it? I saw the way he looked at your girl. A good thief is a master of body language."
G: "He starts talking with his body he's gonna have a serious problem."

C: "So. All this time alone together. Could be good for us. Maybe we should talk."
A: "Maybe we shouldn't."
C: "Valid point."

A: "It got him."
C: "Uh, you think?"

Gw: "So, was that one of Manny's powers? Extra blood and guts? Cuz I mean that's a lot of blood and guts in there. No way all that Stephen King came out of a normal guy."

A: "It was the Beast. He was looking for something Manny had."
G: "How do you know?"
A: "Emptied out his head to find it."

Gw: "Wait. Manny said he was an Orb-Keeper. Maybe he kept an orb.
C: "In his _head_?"
Gw: "Where do you keep yours?"

C: "Yes, but what's impossible is thinking that somehow, some way, the Beast found where we were hiding, spiked the drinks we made ourselves, snuck through this unreasonably large apartment on the tippy-toes of his cloven feet, right up to the vault, and killed Manny unseen and unheard."
G: "Maybe whoever did it didn't have cloven feet."

C: "You have to talk to him."
A: "Gunn? I just did."
C: "Connor, you dolt, and you knew who I meant, so why push my buttons?"
A: "Maybe because it's nice to make you crazy for a change."

Gw: "I'm just saying, it never would have happened on my watch."
C: "Gosh no, 'cuz you're Super-Tramp!"

Cn: "Dad!"
A: "It's O.K., Connor. I'm here now."

Cn: "What's it like when you pass out?"
C: "What?"
Cn: "Things get dimmer, right...?"
C: "I guess, wh...?"

Beast: "I told you once, you need not be my enemy. Join with me... Angelus."
C: "The answer is among you."

Gw: "I can't believe we lost the sun."

W: "There's only one way we're going to defeat this beast. We need Angelus."

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.