AtS Quotes


(A=Angel C=Cordelia W=Wesley G=Gunn F=Fred L=Lorne Cn=Connor Wu=Wu Pang B=Beast)

G: "As soon as vamps everywhere realize this town's open for business 24/7, there's going to be a huge rise in undead tourism."

Cn: "He _is_ Angelus."
C: "Believe me, you've never met Angelus."

W: "Rumor has it you have certain skills I require. I need a soul extracted."

F: "Whatever power this device had got swallowed up by the beast. It won't bring back the sun. Without the orb its as useless as..."
G: " Face it, man. We're losing ground. Pretty much the only victory we can claim is that we're not dead yet."

A: "Look, The Beast is not our only concern right now. Until we figure out how to end eternal darkness, it's a devil's playground out there."
Cn: "Just the way you like it. Huh?"

Cn: "It's you. You're the reason my life sucks."
A: "Get over it."

F: "Right this way, Pang. Any special tea you...?"
Wu: "How about Orange Zinger?"
F: "Oh, 'K."

A: "We're not bringing Angelus."
W: "You don't have a choice."
A: "Actually, I do! That was it. You want to hear it again? Not with the bringing!"

W: "Don't make this harder than it has to be, Angel. There's no Plan B and we're running out of time. People are in serious danger."
A: "Then unleashing Angelus is the last thing that we should do. If he's here, I'm not. I won't be able to protect anyone from the beast. Or from me."

W: "I'm not blind to the risks! I know what Angelus..."
A: "You have _no idea_ what Angelus is, Wesley. All you know is what you've read in books. You've never had the pleasure of his company. And you're not going to."

C: "They're all going to die: The flowers, the plants. The trees. Without sun. I'm just realizing."

C: "I just came to say that I'm on your side. Angelus is the jumbo, family-sized bad of bad ideas."

C: "They don't get it."
A: "But you do."
C: "Well, if I didn't when Angelus was loose and killing in Sunnydale, then reliving his past horrors in virtual, wide-screen,
sens-surround during my tenure in floaty-ville pretty much makes me an expert."

A: "Do you... do you think Connor's right, that I'm being used by the Beast without even knowing it?"
C: "No."
A: "Are you just saying that?"
C: "Yes."

A: "Then I'm already a danger to you. All of you."
C: "Well, not like Angelus would be. I mean he's... he's smart...."
A: "Excuse me?"

C: "You're smart, he's just..."
A : "Ingenious."
C : "But in that twisted sadistic, ruthless kind of way?"
A: "Like the Beast."
C: "Yes! Exactly. They think alike. Always a step or two ahead of us. I mean, what is it about evil that jacks up the I.Q. points? It's like whenever... What?"

L: "Hey, uh, listen, Angel-cakes, if it's all the same to you, think I'll sit this one out upstairs. You know how dark magic unleashing it's unspeakable evil gives me the heebies."

A: "Well, just keep in mind that whatever Angelus says, whatever he does. Remember: He's not your father. I am. No matter what happens... or happened. I... I love you."

A: "Look, one more thing. Since I'm going to be out of commission for a while, I want you to... you know... take care of everybody, you know what I'm saying? That means if anything should go wrong with Angelus... you're going to have to kill me."
Cn: "O.K."
A: "*If* anything goes wrong!"

A: "Cordy? I don't want you here."
C: "Yeah? Tough."

C: "Angel, you don't have to do this."
A: "Now she tells me."

Wu: "Time to say goodbye!"

G: "So this was all a set-up? This whole soul colonic thing?"

W: "Gunn, see if he's got something on him."
G: "He's got something on him all right."

G: "So that's why we couldn't find anything written about Beastie-Boy in the books. These jokers are walking around with it on their asses!"

W: "The Bosh M'ad forged something to destroy the Beast, The Tooth of Light."
F: "They made a tooth?"

C: "It's sword. The Sword of Bosh M'ad. I can see it... Pretty!"

A: "You hear that? There's a sword. A sword to kill the Beast. And you wanted to turn me into Angelus by having an evil shaman cut off my head! Not that that wasn't a swell plan too."
W: "Sorry."

W: "I was careless. I made a mistake that almost cost you your life. ...Would have made pulling you out of the ocean a big waste of my time."

A: "How is it that a sword from the third century is located conveniently here in Los Angeles?"
C: "I don't think it is. I mean, I get the impression that somehow it's accessible from, like, a hundred points all over the world."
Cn: "How does that work?"
C: "I don't know. I just get the visions, not the Cliff Notes."

C: "What are those? Holiday decorations left over from some S&M bondage party?"

A: "Wood. Why did it have to be wood?"

C: "Who booby-traps a dead end? That's just not right!"

W: "Maybe that one."
C: " '_Maybe_'? I don't have enough shirt to bandage both of you!"

A: "Connor, go."
Cn: "Both of us."
A: "Now."

A: "Which way now?"
C: "Don't look at me, I'm not a Thomas Guide!"

C: "I'm sorry about that... back there... Connor. He's still confused about things. God, I've really made a mess of a messy situation, haven't I? Some really rotten decisions I'd love to take back. I don't know if you ever... could..."
A: "Could...? ... Could what? What could I ever...?"

A: "I missed the pointy end."

C: "What if we'd been deep-fried trying to save the world again and... and I... didn't have the chance to tell you..."
A: "Tell me what?"
C: "I'm sorry ...for what happened -- for what I _let_ happen with Connor. I was lost... and frightened... and I thought it was the end... and I wanted to be with you. But I couldn't."

C: "You need to know that I can look back and see every horrible thing you've ever done as Angelus and it doesn't matter anymore.
Because when I'm with you all I feel is the good you've done as Angel. I know I've hurt you. I know I don't deserve forgiveness..."
A: "Cordy, I don't care what you've done in your past either."

C: "I don't know if this is right, Angel..."
A: "Stop talking."
C: "O.K."

Cn: "You don't know anything, Dad. Except how to take things away from me."

Cn: "It's all your fault! I never should have been born!"
A: "Grow up! You think you're the only one who ever felt like that? Who wished his father were dead?
Cn: "Yeah, but mine already is."

A: "It's not all about you, Connor. What you want is not always what other people need."

Cn: "She was mine!"
C: "No she wasn't. I'm sorry, Connor, but you need to understand that."

C: "The Sword of The Bosh M'ad..."
W: "The slayer of the Beast."
G: "Ooh! Can I play with it?"

L: "Well, most of my connections have am-scrayed to dimensions a little lighter on the stomping-your-entrails-out. All I could Kolchak was rumor of bad mojo rising. Down in the warehouse district."

C: "What about the sun?"
G: "One good poke in the coconut should take care of that too."

F: "Nothing human can survive at that close a range. I'm not even sure you can."
A: "I'll let you know."

A: "You've made a difference, each of you. Not just to me, but to the world. We've been pushed to the edge so many times, done things were sure can never be forgiven. But we're always there for each other when it counts. We've never let the darkness win. And it's not because of The Powers That Be, or the super-strength, or the magical weapons. It's because we believe in each other. Not just as friends, or lovers, but as Champions. All of us. Together."

C: "You can't do this alone."
A: "I'm not."
C: "Drop the Hallmark crap. That might placate the shiney-happies over there, but I'm working with a little more investment!"

A: "Hey I've never been more sure of anything. I'll come back. Cordelia, I promise, for you. But first I've got to do this. I've got to find the Beast and..." [*crash*!] "Oh! There he is."

B: "I grow weary of your cowardice, Angelus. If you will not stand with me then suffer the agony of my wrath... Is that what think it is?"

B: "We could rule this world. Why do you oppose me?"
A: "Rain of fire? Blocking out the sun? You just kinda piss me off."

B: "The boy joins the father in death!"
Cn: "No, in kicking your stony ass."

B: "Such arrogance! So much like Angelus.
Cn: "His name is _Angel_."

A: "Consider your ass kicked!"

Cn: "Dad"
A: "You came back."
Cn: "Like I'd let you take all the credit for saving the world?"

Cn: "I could feel it in her touch. She loves you. It's always been you."

Cn: "Is this what it feels like? Being a Champion?"
A: "Pretty much."

C: "It must be hard. Seeing everyone so happy because of what you did. Bringing the light back, but not being able to go out into it."
A: "There's no place I'd rather be... than here with you."

A: "Buffy? No! Oh God, no!"

Wu: "The illusion becomes reality. It is done."

C: "Angelus."

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.