AtS Quotes


Gunn: That shaman should have never been brought here. Now instead of just worrying about the big bad rock-eater, we got Darth Vampire living in the basement. 

Angelus: You know, I had a bit of an Irish brogue back in the day. If you like, I can use it on you when I rape you to death. 

Angelus: Yet managing to display better grooming habits than you. Look at yourself, Lilah. All these years wanting to meet me… you couldn’t run a comb through your hair, maybe slap on a little lipstick? Evil doesn’t have to mean sloppy. 

Angelus: Morons. The big rock doesn’t have minions. It is the minion. 

Angelus: How did you survive this long being so retarded? 

Lorne: Zip. Zilch. And what in the hell is succu-bitch doing here? 

Lilah: Don’t go Watchtower on me, Saint Cordelia. I don’t think I could stomach it. 
Cordelia: Man, I’d love to punch your face in. 
Lilah: Are you trying to turn me on? 

Angelus: Mmm… man, I’m telling you, if I swung that way… look at him. All rugged and handsome. And brains! Man, he’s damn near perfect. 
Wesley: Thank you. 

Gunn: Yeah, sometimes you just gotta keep whackin’. 

Lorne: Wesley, would you please warn this walking infection that I haven’t forgotten how she poked my head open like a Capri-Sun and while my love for humanity allows me to tolerate her presence, if need be I will smack her down! Be a doll, Thanks. 

Angelus: Have you all lost your minds? You’re going to use black magick to restore my soul. People, this never goes well. Am I the only one paying attention? 
Lilah: Ten-to-one, the entire hotel gets sucked into a hell dimension. 
Gunn: You two, with the shuttin’ up. 

Lilah: It’s my inner megalomaniac. I rebel at serving coffee. 

Angelus: What happened to pedestrians? Human pedestrians? Is there no fast food left in Los Angeles? 

Lilah: He’s gonna kill us. 
Cordelia: I know. Why do you think I let him out, you stupid bitch?

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