AtS Quotes


Angelus: But hey, I’m no different than the next guy. I put my victim’s skin on one leg at a time. 

Lorne: Hey, as soon as FTD’s delivering in the city again, expect a big thanks-a-bunch bouquet from me, girls. Ciao. 

Faith: You okay? 
Wesley: Five by five. 

Faith: Angel’s got a kid? 
Wesley: Connor. 
Faith: A teenage kid… born last year. 
Wesley: I told you. He grew up in a hell dimension. 
Faith: Right. And what? Cordelia spend her last summer as…? 
Wesley: A divine being. 
Faith: Uh-huh. Can I just ask… what the hell are you people doing? 
Wesley: Leading complicated lives, obviously. 

Wesley: Thought you could use a little release. Feel natural? 
Faith: Just like riding a biker. 

Angelus: Hi, Dawn. Yeah, it’s me. Is your sister home? (beat) She is? It’s the other one. 

Connor: So… Vampire Slayers. I was told about them. How come you’re always girls? 
Faith: I don’t know. Better at it, I guess. 

Angelus: Aw, crap! You mean killing the Beast really does bring back the sun? I thought that was Angel’s retarded fantasy. 

Cordelia: A weakness for Slayers. You’re definitely his son.

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