AtS Quotes


Angelus: After I rip out your windpipe till it stops making that annoying talky sound. 

Angelus: Hey, you’re preaching to the guy who ate the choir. 

Angelus: Defy who? A big, scary voice? Whoa! Hey, I’ve got one of those, too. You want to hear it? You can kiss my vampire ass! That do anything for ya? 

Lorne: Did I mention the only shots I’m good at involve tequila? 

Angelus: Oh, that’s great! You made me lose my shopkeeper. 

Wesley: Oh, you have a problem with a little torture now? I seem to recall a time when you rather enjoyed it. 

Lorne: Smacked in the noggin with a 2x4 wrapped in velvet. Yeah, that’s what it felt like. 
Fred: I am so so beyond sorry. 
Lorne: Oh, go on. It’s the first good nap I’ve had since the apocalypse started. So what’d I miss?

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