AtS Quotes


A=Angel W=Wesley G=Gunn F=Fred L=Lorne Cn=Connor As=Angelus (B)EC=(Booming-Voiced) Evil Cordelia Fa=Faith Wi=Willow

As: "What...did you do?"

W: "You all right?"
Fa: "Kicked his ass." thud

F: "What happened?"
G: "Wes called; I went."

L: "Well what is all the... Agh! Angelus! He's in the hotel!"
G: "Get me the steel shackles."
L: "Oh, but maybe we're already aware of that."

Cn: "What happened to Faith?"
W: "She captured Angelus."

G: "Wake up, kid. I need you here."

Cn: "He fed from her? ...There's blood on his breath."

L: "Speaking of sense, have you been on permanent sabbatical from yours? Tell me you did not shoot that girl full of junk and then feed her to Angelus!"
W: "It was her choice. Faith knew the risks."

L: "Wesley I know what that drug does to people. Especially when they super-size the dose to make sure they really get the job done. And you damn well know it too."

EC: "A coma."
Cn: "Yeah, that's what it looked like when Wesley brought her in."
EC: "Yeah, like she hasn't pulled that one before!"

EC: "He's in the hotel? Is he locked up tight? In the cage"
Cn: "Don't worry, Cordy. I'll always protect you. And our family."
EC: "That's sweet. Is he guarded?"

EC: "What the hell is it with you and Faith? As if I didn't see the way you looked at her! She cracked her whip, and you liked it! You were practically in her leather-clad lap!"

Cn: "How'd you do that anyway? What about the, uh, anti-demon spell?"
EC: "I told you, Connor: We're different. Me... and your baby.

EC: "I thought you were going to be a better father than Angel was to you."
Cn: "I will be! I would do anything for us. For you."

EC: "Wow! Are my hormones out of whack or what? Hello! Crazy pregnant lady, aisle nine! Wooo!"

Cn: "Orpheus?"
F: "Some kind of opiate?"
L: "Mystical variety. Humans inject it, vampires feed off the humans. Folks tried to deal it at Caritas. Only folks I ever banned from my club."

L: "It isn't entirely physical. It's an enchanted drug."
Cn: "Magic. This is what it gets you."
L: "That, plus the biting, makes for some serious psychic psychedelica."

L: "The more you take, the deeper you sink."
W: "It leads you down to hell... and leaves you there."

As: [as 1902 Angel walks right through him] "No. Hey! What is that about?"
Fa: "You tell me: Your flashback."

As: "All right, Miss Blow-It-All, if this is my flashback why are you in it?"
Fa: "Don't know. Must be the magic side effects of my incredibly simple ruse.

As: "All right, so what is this, huh? Puff the Magic Dragon City? Fairyland?"
Fa: "If you think. Me? I'm thinking it's more 'Angelus: This Is Your Life', 'cause lack-of-hygine worlds? Sure ain't mine. Seriously, man. Did you miss the invention of the bath?"

As: "This isn't my life, it's his!"
Fa: "Angel's?"
As: "It annoyed the crap out of me the first time around. This sucks!"

As: "Why do you get to be Marley's ghost?"
Fa: "'Cause I'm dying, dumbass."
As: "Not soon enough."

Fa: "The way I figure it, I've got one last job: Babysit the psycho until they shove a soul up your..."
As: "Not gonna happen."

Fa: "Then I'm... whatever. Dust in the wind. Candle in the wind. There'll be a general wind theme."

Fa: "Dude! You just rescued a puppy!"

As: "I'm in hell. This is hell, and I'm in it."

Fa: "We're reliving Angel's good deeds. You are in hell! Wicked!"

Wi: "I think you need a witch."

Wi: "Hi! You must be Angel's handsome, yet androgynous, son."
Cn: "It's 'Connor'."
Wi: "And the sneer's genetic. Who knew?"

Wi: "It's the Marlborough Man. Or at least his extra-stubbly, mentally-unstable, insomniac first for the love of Hecate somebody stop me."
F: "It's o.k. I'm a yammerer from way back."

Wi: "Where's Cordy?"
Cn: "Unfortunately the guy who you're all trying to magically re-ensoul shot her with a crossbow. She's not up for visitors."

Wi: "How have you been?"
EC: "Higher Power. You?"
Wi: "Ultimate Evil. But I got better."

Wi: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
EC: "I doubt it."

As: "Bring on the pain!"

Fa: "'Mandy', huh? It must kill you he's got a jones for the power ballads."

As: "Wanting to tear their flesh apart. The hunger. It's like a blade in my gut!"
Fa: "Only it's not your gut, princess."

As: "'Doc! I think we're losing him!' God, I love this episode!"

Wi: "It had to be something specific. There's lots of jars in the world. Can't shatter 'em all. Well, I mean, you could, but good things come in jars: Peanut butter. Jelly. Those two-headed fetal pigs at the Natural History Museum. ...Oh, come on! Everybody loves fetal pigs!"
W: "Sorry. I think my sense of humor is trapped in a jar somewhere."
Wi: "It does seem like you've given in to the grumpy side of The Force."

W: "I've changed. I've seen a darkness in myself. I'm not sure you'd even begin to understand--"
Wi: "I flayed a guy alive and tried to destroy the world."
W: "Oh. So..."
Wi: "Darkness. Been there."

W: "Well I never... flayed. I had a woman chained in a closet."
Wi: "Well, hey!"
W: "No, doesn't compare."
Wi: 'No. Dark! That's dark. You've been to a place!"

W: "No other major changes I'm not up on?"
Wi: "Just little things. ...So, uh, Fred. What's her story?"

As: "Choices, little girl. Ones that you make with your heart of hearts."

As: "I'm deep in, Faith. Soul or no soul."

Fa: "He was going to save him."
As: "Or did he choose to be a little slow on the draw? Ooops! Dinner by armed robbery."

Cn: "Wesley, you did the right thing. She was brave and died in battle."

Wi; "Now all I gotta do is contact the spirit world, harness the Delothrian Ebb, focus it through my little marble-o-doom here, and we'll restore the wp's entropic equilibrium."
G: "Jar go smash?"
Wi: "Smash-o-crash."
G: "All I need to know! I'll be downstairs in case The Prince of Darkness wakes up."

BEC: "You think to banish me?"
Wi: "There's somebody in my head!"

EC: "I bith my thongue!"

EC: "You wanna go, Glinda? We'll go!"

As: "'It'll all be worth it.' Is that what you try to tell yourself, Faithy? That the nasty little lie that kept those thighs nice and warm in your prison bunk?"V Fa: "You kiss your momma with that mouth?"
As: "No... but I ate her with it."

Fa: "When is this?"
As: "When isn't it? Twenty years after that damned doughnut shop and his fingers never smelled of anything but rat!"

Fa: "He's paying for what he did."
As: "He's hiding from what he is, which may be a big Psych101 revelation for you, cupcake, but I already know this crap. So why do I have to go through it again?"
A: "Maybe 'cause it's not about you, jackass."

EC: "If only this were a few weeks later."

As: "I don't believe this! You're the one behind this whole True Hollywood sob story?"

Fa: "Angel, it's good to see you. Hate the hair."
A: "Faith, why are you still here?"
Fa: "Just waiting to see this pervert get stuffed back into the deep crazy ground he came from."

A: "She's not who you're after."
As: "No kidding, Rat Boy! The Slayer will just be gravy after I finish you off."
A&As: "I've been waiting a long time for this."

Fa: "Angel, I'm dying."
A: "Yeah. It's a lot easier than redemption, huh?"

As: "Always so concerned with the human condition. No big mystery: They suffer, they die. That's what they're there for."

Cn: "It's not safe for you here. I'm gonna make her stop."
EC: "Connor, you can't! She's too powerful. But you can stop it. The reason for all of this. You have to kill Angelus."

F: "Connor shouldn't have run off like that."
W: "I'm sure he's just worried about Cordelia."
F: "Do you ever think their relationship's maybe a little bit... icky?"

EC: "You have to kill your father. You have to. Now."

EC: "Killing Angelus now is the only way to guarentee our family's safety. I know it in my heart now. You're not just protecting me, you're protecting the world. Sometimes one death can spare infinite pain."

As: "Anyone notice a battle with your alter-ego going on here?!?"

Fa: "I did my time."
A: "Our time is never up, Faith. We pay for everything.
Fa: "It hurts."
A: "I know. I know."

As: "What won't I miss? The moralizing? Soul's already in the aether, boy-o. I can smell it. How about I send it off to that big puppy rescue in the sky?"
Fa: "Arf, arf, psycho."

A: "Need you to fight."
Cn: "I'm pretty clear about what you need."
Fa: "Break me off a switch, son. There's about to be a whuppin'."

L: "She...she's alive. It's a miracle!"

A: "Connor, it's over. It's me. Really."

A: "How are you feeling?"
Fa: "Like I did mushrooms and got eaten by a bear."
A: "That about sums it up."

A: "We never stop fighting."
Fa: "Hey, I was gonna. But someone got all pep-talky on me."

A: "I'm sorry I didn't get to see you. Our little brain-tour notwithstanding."

A: "I have a lot to thank you for."
Fa: Well that vice is plenty versa. I even start, it's only gonna lead to hugging and--"
A: "No. We can't have that."

Cn: "All right, I get it. I messed up."
Fa: "Hey, cheer up, punk! That just makes you one of us."

G: "I just wish I could've seen you kickin' the crap out of junior here."
Fa: "It was pretty funny."

Fa: "See? Brits know how to say good-bye. Angel here wanted to hug."
A: "No, I didn't."

A: "Willow."
Fa: "He's gonna tell you how much he owes you."
Wi: "Oh, don't mention it! I got a slayer out of the deal, so we're even-steven."

Wi: "Oh, um, next time you guys resurrect Angelus? Call me first, OK?"

EC: "Sorry, Angel, but if this is the speech about how the worst is behind us... you may want to save it for later."

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.