AtS Quotes

Inside Out

Skip: You really think that's gonna-
(Angel knocks him out)
Angel: Yeah, I do.

Connor: It moved!!
Cordelia: Of course it did, that's what baby's do when they're happy.

Angel: If I'm not back in a couple of hours....
Gunn: You're dead, we're screwed. End of the world.
Fred: Or you can stay here. Here is nice.

Skip: Cordelia was chosen to be a higher being because she's such a pure, radiant, saint... PUH-LEASE!

Angel: Tell me what happened to Cordelia.
Skip: Or you'll what? Bleed on me some more?

Cordelia: Annointed? Who's been filling your head with big confusing words?

Fred: We really are just peices being moved around on a big board.
Gunn: Then we'll knock it over and start a new game.

Darla: You're the one good thing I ever did.

Skip: Angel, Jeez! Don't you knock in your dimension?

Skip: I got some more buffalo wings and the game's on at 5:00.

Skip: It's gonna be really hard for you to accept, but Cordelia has accended to a higher plane.
Angel: Oh I know. She's back.
Skip: Back?
Angel: Or somebody who looks like her.
Skip: Wait, nobody comes back from paradise. Okay, a slayer once, but...

Skip: He'll kill the girl he loves to save the world. It's times like these... really gotta suck being you.

Fred: We don't know what Cordy's baking in her oven.
Gunn: Evil and pregnant? You can bet its not cookies.

Gunn: What the hell happened to you?
Fred: Cordy's evil.
Gunn: How? And when? And give me a sip of that.
(grabs Lorne's drink)

Angel: How do we stop it?
Skip: That's the easy part, slick. All you gotta do is find Cordelia and chop her head off.
Angel: Has to be another way.
Skip: Sure. Stab her in the heart, kidney, couple pokes in the lung...

Angel: Wes, Lilah and I weren't exactly friends.
Wesley: You were mortal enemies. Why should you care what happened to her?
Angel: Because you did.

Angel: Oh, my God. (falls on his knees)... You are beautiful...
Jasmine: Thank you...

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.