AtS Quotes

Shiny Happy People

Gunn: Clorox, she bleaches away the hate.

Fred: There's been a lot of dismembering going on in that basement. If you know what I mean.
Lorne: Well, it's been a busy month.

Connor: You always told me to clean up after myself. I was just putting it away.
Fred: Ok... are you still evilish cause...

Counter Guy: Looks like you just lost your best friend.
Fred: All of them...

Fred: Oh, well that's uh... CRAZY TALK!

Original Power: You people take your senses for granted.
Fred: (referring on how to get a stain out) Club Soda!!

Fred: You don't have a name!
Original Power: No
Fred: You should have a name!!

Fred: (holds up sweater) What do you think?
Wesley: I think it looks brand new.
Fred: (crying) It is!!!

Lorne: One does tend to let the housekeeping slide during an apocalypta-lite.

Lorne: My God.
Jasmine: People keep saying that.

Gunn: Okay, so what are we dealing with?
Fred: Eight legs, three head, horns.
Lorne: Hey!
Fred: No offense.

Lorne: Oh well, I'm as tickled as...someone so tickled they're all out of similes.

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.