AtS Quotes


Lorne: I know who you represent. Evil. PURE evil... which is also apparently everyone I've ever wanted to meet.

Angel: We came together, we're gonna stay together. Right guys?
Gunn: Do I get her?

Fred: Who's Connor?

Gunn: Here I am thinking I'm being seduced... I'm being screwed.

Wesley: What are the odd the humans would be the most corruptable?

Gunn: I know it's an option cause I was standing there when the dead lady offered it to us.

Gunn: You wanna give us an evil law firm? We ain't lawyers!
Fred: Or evil!

Lilah: Can't imagine how the kid turned out postal.

Fred: You found Cordy? And she's..
Lilah: Still in a coma. But hey, that doesn't mean she can't look her best.

Lilah: This is the offer of a lifetime... just not, you know.. mine.

Lilah: They knew what they were getting themselves into.
Lorne: Her stomach!!

Connor: (toasting) To family.

Lilah: Dead. Not stupid.

Angel: I really do love you.
Connor: So what are you gonna do about it?
Angel: Prove it.

Gunn: You wanna run that by us one more time?
Lilah: What part was hard to understand?
Fred: The part where you offered us Wolfram and Hart.

Wesley: It's a lie!
Lilah: Lah. It's a Lilah.

Angel: Buffy can handle herself.
Lilah: Isn't it more fun when you handle her?

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.