AtS Quotes

Just Rewards

Angel: I am from Wolfram & Hart.
Spike: And I am his Date.

Hainsley: I eat the dead for breakfast son and you're just another plate of bacon and eggs.

Hainsley: You think you can get away with that? I'll sue you to hell!
Angel: Good luck, we're your lawyers!

Angel: Sure you wanna do this Spike?
Spike: What, think I could really stand hanging out with you and your lot now and forever? Wisecracking ghost sidekick? No bloody thanks!

Spike: That's how you're gonna fight the forces of evil now? Call the IRS?

Hainsley: I'll put you back in the driver's seat of your afterlife.

Spike: I must be in hell.
Lorne: Er no L.A., but a lot of people make that mistake.

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.